she was honest with herself, she knew she hid behind this façade, telling herself they were both too busy, but she liked the outwardly appearance that she had someone, as well as the fact that there hadn’t yet been any pressure to have sex. Any relationship like that was fine with Gabriella.

But it wasn’t technically a relationship anymore. It wasn’t so much of an anything anymore…if she counted how many times she’d called and texted him in the past few weeks without hearing so much as a peep out of him. She could only assume that one, he died and couldn’t respond to her calls or two, he was done with her and didn’t want to return her calls. With option two being the most likely.

She didn’t want to dwell on the negatives in her life while she was here with Logan and about ready to embark on the most important vacation of her life. She dressed, brushed her teeth, made sure she had an extra battery for her camera and headed downstairs.

Chapter Sixteen

Damn it, he thought. He had been perfectly fine sharing a room with her, but a bed? Fucking come on. He could only play the part of a gentleman for so long. Being in the same bed with her was going to be torture although he couldn’t very well tell her that, could he? Hey Gabbie, I don’t think this is a good idea because I fucking want you – in this bed, right here, right now – so bad I can hardly keep my hands to myself when you’re around. I want to taste you, I want to take an agonizingly slow time unhooking, unbuckling and untying every fucking piece of lingerie I know is covering your body.

No, that wouldn’t work.

He’d met Lucy the day before they left for Japan and ended their fling. She had been hurt because she had confessed, she was hoping he would change his mind sooner or later and want more from her. Oh well. It was time, especially when all he could think about was Gabriella and how her pussy would feel tightening around his dick as he brought her to orgasm.

He informed the hostess at the entrance of the restaurant that he was expecting someone and immediately found Hiroshi standing from his table across the restaurant waving for his attention.

“Hiroshi, how are you?”

Hiroshi was a few years younger than Logan’s father. Unlike Jack, though, Hiroshi had short, jet-black hair. He wasn’t as tall as his father, but he was slim and fit, always making jokes about how his wife kicked him out of the house every morning before dawn just so he could run and stay fit.

Born in Kyoto, Japan, his family started a business in the late eighteen hundreds making Japanese playing cards called Hanafuda. But this venture only got the family so far before they realized they would need something bigger and better to succeed and get the company out of the debt it had fallen in. In the early seventies, they had created the first-ever commercially available home video game system, which could still be found in stores today.

His family still owned a dynamic chunk of the video game company but because of the massive amounts of production and new consoles that were being built on a daily basis, the family could no longer own it completely. Hiroshi himself invested in many commercial buildings all over the world with the majority being in Manhattan and Tokyo. He still held a prominent spot on the board for the video game company and when he wasn’t busy doing that, he bought and sold commercial properties.

Spending a lot of time in the states, his accent was not difficult to understand.

“Logan, how was the flight?”

“It was good, Hiroshi. How are you? How is your family?”

“They are all very well. Thank you. Please sit.” He gestured toward the unoccupied chair.

Logan took his seat and the waitress immediately offered him a warm glass of lemonade. “Lemonade?” he questioned Hiroshi.

“Yes. Very good, yes?”

Logan took a sip, “Yes, very good. Gabriella will love this.”

“Where is your friend? I thought I might get the chance to meet her.”

“She is freshening up. You know how women can be.”

“Yes, I do. Listen, as you already know, I want to show you around my country because I want you to work for me. Your father said you were undecided about taking on his law firm. My hope is that by getting to know me and my business, along with my family, you will change your mind.”

Logan tried not to let out the big sigh that was building inside of him. He knew that was what Hiroshi was after, but he didn’t like feeling pressured. And this felt like pressure. He could make the decision on his own—In fact, he had. He was going to work for Jack, and he would eventually take over REEVES.

Under his own terms, though. His plan wasn’t exactly solid yet…but he had a plan. Now he needed to decide if he should go along with Hiroshi or tell him the straight-up truth. He opted for somewhere in the middle.

“Hiroshi, I will most likely move to New York. But it will have to be under my terms. I do not feel it is right to have everything handed to me at such a successful corporation and I have done nothing to deserve it. However, I am glad I came to Japan. I look forward to meeting your family. Gabriella is looking forward to riding the Bullet Train to Kyoto.”

“Ah, yes. The Shinkansen will get you to Kyoto in approximately two hours, yes?”

“Yes. It will be quite the experience.”

The men discussed business for a little while longer, mostly discussing how Jack and Hiroshi had become great friends. Logan finished off his hot lemonade and out of the corner of his eye, saw Gabriella walking toward them. He set his drink down and pushed back his chair, standing, he motioned to Gabriella. “Here she is now.”


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