To reach over and touch her, but he didn’t dare.

They didn’t address their kiss, but a few times throughout the day, they’d flirted back and forth with each other. He’d even been so bold as to grab her arm and hold her hand once or twice. She hadn’t pulled away, but he didn’t necessarily think that was a green light either.

She was truly a complex woman. What he couldn’t figure out was why she was so afraid of sex. Had someone hurt her? Done something much too imaginable for his brain to accept? The thought had his heart pounding inside his chest. What other explanation could there be? Surely, she would have told him if something that terrible had happened.

“Are you awake?” Her sweet voice flowed over him like honey.

“Yeah. Are you?”

She giggled. “Yeah. What are you thinking about?”

He turned away from the wall and lay on his back. “Are you sure you want to know that answer?”

“Yeah. I want to know.”

“I was thinking about what it would be like to have my way with you.”

“Me, too.” Her voice was low.

He stretched, folding his arms underneath his head. “I don’t know what to do about this, Gabriella. I’m leaving Colorado.”

“I know.”

“We are really good friends.”

“I know.”

“There is nothing I want more right now than to touch you.”


“Does that mean you don’t want me to touch you?”

“Touch me how?”

Logan removed his hands from behind his head and turned to face her on the bed. “Look at me,” he demanded.

Gabriella turned toward him. In the dark, he could barely make out her face with only a small fraction of it illuminated by the alarm clock. But she was just as beautiful as ever.

“How would you like me to touch you?”

“I’m nervous, I don’t know. You could come closer though.”

She was tearing him apart. There was a mile-long list of so many things he wanted to do to her and not enough time in the world. The irony was he’d been with her step-by-step the majority of their lives and the moment he wanted her more than anything, he was going to be heading to Manhattan.

He reached for her in the darkness. “Come here, Cinderella. When’s the last time you’ve been in a man’s arms?”

She moved into him, turning so her back was up against his front. He wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her in as close to him as possible. His face was level with her hair. He drew in a breath. Strawberry and her vanilla lotion permeated his brain and he was rock hard.

Fuck. What had he been thinking? This wasn’t going to work. He tried pulling back some and she grabbed his arms.

“Don’t pull away. I’m sorry for making you do this. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a man’s arms. Especially a man I trust implicitly.”

“You aren’t making me do anything. I want to do this. I want to do more as you can no doubt feel,” he chuckled. “I’ve been wanting to touch you all fucking day.” He kissed her hair. He kissed her ear. “You smell so good. You feel better than I imagined you would feel.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “I’ve decided something. Do you want to hear about it?”

He nuzzled her neck. He couldn’t help himself; he rubbed his cock against her ass making it damn well obvious what she did to him. His entire body was no longer thinking, it was just doing. “Mmm-hmm,” he murmured.

“Have sex with me, Logan.”

What? Have sex with me Logan? Was she serious? Right now? His cock got unbelievably harder.

Her soft voice came out in a rush. “Not right this second. But, well, I was thinking if you’re going to move away and I don’t trust any other man the way I trust you, and we do have this…this attraction between us, that it’s probably not a bad idea to…just, um, do it.”

Logan couldn’t help but chuckle.

“This isn’t funny!” she tried pulling away.

“Stay where you are,” he commanded. “I’m not laughing because it’s funny. I’m laughing because this situation we are in, is going to take some getting used to. That’s all.”

Chapter Nineteen

It was an interesting situation to be in, that was for sure. After they had somewhat cleared the air last night in bed, things today had been refreshingly different between them. It felt good to know they were both in the strange position of being such great friends, that they were both unsure of how to act toward each other with their newfound attraction. Last night, they had hardly slept. But had gotten most of their fears out in the open.

Yes, today had been a good day.

They’d laughed, flirted and held hands like it wasn’t so taboo for them to do. It had actually felt pretty natural walking around the Tsukiji Market hand-in-hand with him. He had kissed her twice today. Something she had really enjoyed. How was it ever possible she had been this close to someone who could kiss her so well? Someone who could create that sweet spot feeling in her tummy and she was just experiencing it only now? Life was crazy at best.

The first time he’d kissed her was a chaste, normal kiss that had her forgetting they had just only begun doing it. But his second kiss, oh boy, had her toes curling in her tennis shoes. Once they finished looking around the market and had just gotten used to the smell of dead fish, they’d walked to the Ginza District. Gabriella could never afford such luxurious items that made up the stores in this area, but it was amazing to see all of the brand name stores packed into such a small area. It was almost like Times Square with all of the big televisions and lighted signs.

She watched the world move past her eyes as the Bullet Train took them to Kyoto.

“I’m happy we will be coming back to Tokyo. Its lovely here.”

“It’s nice. But I think you are going to like Kyoto better.”


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