jeans and unbuttoning the small buttons. Her cold hands pressed into his chest, roaming freely between his chest and abdomen.

She was ready.

She had a wildcat urge in her that couldn’t be tamed. She was not as timid as she’d been the night before. Instead, she’d kissed him back with reckless urgency he was certain he could quell. He allowed her free reign to explore his torso while he watched in fascination. She timidly kissed his collarbone, making her way to the crest where his chest hair began. He smiled, almost wanting to laugh, as she pet his chest hair. She threaded her fingers through the fine hairs and finally placed her mouth upon his chest. She pulled away with a naughty grin on her face. “I’m exploring.”

“Explore away.” He couldn’t resist teasing her. “Explore more towards my southern half.”

Crimson flooded her cheeks, highlighting her cinnamon freckles as she met his gaze.

“You know I can’t resist teasing you, Gabriella.”

Feigning a pout, she told him. “I know, but I need your help. I’m not very good at this.”

“You’re doing great. See.” He pointed to his cock.

She blushed again at his forwardness. It was taking every ounce of will he possessed to allow her to take her time and acquaint herself with his body. He didn’t want to rush her. Well, he did want to rush her, but more than that, he wanted their first time to be great for her. And isn’t this what women wanted? Touchy feely kissing crap before you did the deed.

She rubbed her hand over his erection with hardly any pressure, just a sweep over. Okay, she was going to need help there. His long fingers grabbed her wrist just as it was meandering back up his torso and he guided her to his cock. Covering her fingers with his much larger hand, he applied pressure against the hard length.

Her intake of breath made him harder.

“Tell me what you want to do. I will show you,” he said.

He released her hand as she continued rubbing her hand against him. He closed his eyes, allowing the sensation to wash over his entire body. Who knew this small touch could feel so significant? Her fingers shook as she fumbled with his belt buckle, wrestling with the clasps.

“Here.” He swiftly unhooked the buckle, pulling the entire belt from his waistband and threw it on the floor.

“I’m so nervous.” Her voice shook as she once again tried unbuttoning his jeans.

He told himself it was as much for her sanity as his, as he finally took control of the situation. He tugged her forward. “Let’s move this to the bed.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

Gabbie’s stomach felt like five point one million butterflies decided to take flight at the same time, leaving her feeling like she was free-falling down a mountain. She followed Logan to the bed, admiring his sun-kissed backside and his nice rear view. He undid his jeans and let them fall to the floor. He turned and sat on the edge. “Come here.”

She followed his command, ready to sit next to him.

“Uh-uh. In my lap. Straddle me.”

His eyes were dark, and she decided not to argue with him—at least she still had her clothes on. He opened his arms as she rested her knees on either side of his hips. The fabric of his boxer-briefs left no doubt in her mind how turned on he was as she lowered her bottom into his lap.

“Mmm, just like that,” he whispered into her ear.

She began grinding against him because that seemed like the way her body wanted to go as her arousal was practically unbearable. “It’s so easy to ride the wave once you’ve experienced it. Before, I never even tried touching myself.” She admitted in between breaths.

“Really? God, Gabriella. I wished I’d known. I would have loved to teach you, play with you, experiment with you.”

He helped her out of her top and returned the favor of unbuttoning her jeans and helping her shimmy out of them. He caressed her breasts over the sheer red lingerie.

“This is sexy. You are so fucking beautiful.” He moaned as he pressed his lips into the fabric. She loved the way he noticed her.

He deftly unhooked the clasps and threw it to the edge of the bed.

“I want you to ride me.”

What? He wanted her to ride him? Maybe she should suggest turning the lights off…she would feel much more comfortable knowing he couldn’t possibly see her d-cups bouncing around all over. It was crazy enough that he was so lean compared to her curves.

He was already shaking his head. “The light stays on, Gabriella.”

Damn, he knows me too well. He leaned back onto the bed and guided her onto her knees in order to help her out of her matching panties.

“On second thought.” Before she could get the panties off, he bent forward and placed his face into the front of her panties, breathing her in. “God, you smell good.”


“Shh, enjoy this, okay? Quit worrying so much. Help me take them off.”

Together, they got rid of her panties and now she sat atop him bare while he rubbed his thumbs along her nipples, down her sides to her curvy hipbones. She rocked herself against his erection—her body aching for more.

“Take my shorts off.”

Geesh, he was bossy when he was in the bedroom. She pulled away from him, lowering her feet to the ground, she bent over and pulled his boxers off. She swallowed at the sight of him, spread out like a centerfold before her, not ashamed of his body one bit. Damn if he didn’t have that smug grin on his face. He knew he was killing her. Slowly with his body, especially with his gaze and most definitely with his touch.

How could she resist?

She lowered herself back on top of him. The center of her spread open just atop his erection. Her slickness made it easy for her to glide against him. He let his head fall back, savoring the contact.

“I promised, remember? I have

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