“There were a lot of kids here today, but I can’t imagine any of them doing something so spiteful.” She paused. “Nick, Rob said he ran into Kent Barnard at the park today. It sounded like he made some comments about me. You don’t think he would do something like this, do you?”
“I have no idea what that guy would do. He’s certifiable. Anyway, I’ll give you a lift home, and then I’ll arrange for a rollback to pick it up and bring it to the shop. I can work on it first thing tomorrow to see if I can patch the tires.”
“Thanks. I’d have Rob pick me up, but he has his support group meeting tonight.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s right. He talked to me a while back about picking you up and bringing you over to our place when he’s gone.”
“That isn’t necessary. I’m beat. Just take me home. We have a security system now, so it should be fine. Plus, I have Maverick to protect me.”
Nick looked hesitant and then agreed. “Okay, as long as you’re sure you’ll be comfortable there.”
“I just want to take a hot bath and relax. This is research paper time, so the next three weeks will be exhausting.”
“I remember that. I hated having to do those research papers.” He shuddered and made a face.
MJ laughed at her brother’s antics. “Well, they were my favorite thing. I loved researching different topics, especially for history and social studies. I always felt like a detective, uncovering the details that led up to some historical event and learning about famous people.”
“I’ll bet you’re in your element this time of year.” He grinned at her.
“I admit it. I love turning kids on to research. Teaching them how to find answers in the library.”
“Well, grab your jacket and let’s get you home.”
After the short drive, Nick waited in his truck for her to unlock the door, and turn off the alarm. Maverick greeted her, and sat patiently while she waved at Nick, and then she closed the door and locked it behind her, turning on the alarm once again. It really was easy.
“How was your day, Maverick?” He panted and gave her his doggy grin.
“Did you get some supper yet?” She headed into the kitchen, followed closely by the dog. His food bowl was nearly full, as was his water. “Looks like Rob took care of you, didn’t he?”
Remembering how she used to come home to an empty house, she had to admit Maverick was good company, even if he couldn’t talk.
She peered inside the refrigerator. Leftovers didn’t appeal to her. She’d make scrambled eggs with some veggies and toast. Comfort food first, and then a good soak in a bubble bath.
She followed her plan and ran water for her bath as she changed out of her work clothes and into her fluffy pink bathrobe. Maverick followed her into the bathroom and lay on the bath mat next to the tub.
She closed her eyes, submerged most of her body, and allowed the hot water to soak into her muscles. Ah, this was so good. After refilling the cooling water several times, she reached for her razor and shaved her legs.
She’d just finished when her cell phone went off in the next room, blaring an alarm that told her the security system recorded a breach. Maverick sat up immediately and left the room. She sloshed to her feet and grabbed a towel, feeling vulnerable. She quickly slipped into her robe and went to check the phone.
The backyard. Somebody had activated the motion detector near the fence. Her shaking fingers pushed the buttons to access the camera, and she saw a figure in a dark ski mask exit from the bush where she’d found the poisoned food. She couldn’t tell what he was doing, but she didn’t like him being so close.
She quickly dialed 9-1-1.
“9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”
“There’s an intruder in my backyard in dark clothes and a ski mask. My alarm has him on camera, but he’s heading for the house. Please, send the police!”
“I’ll get a car right out there. Please stay on the line with me until they get there, all right?”
MJ agreed and walked with the phone to see where Maverick had gone. He stood growling by the back door, his fur standing up. “My dog is growling by the back door. He must smell him.”
“The car is about three minutes away. Hang in there. Is there a place you can hide in case he breaks in?”
“I’ll lock myself in the bathroom. Should I take the dog with me? He’s a Marine service dog.”
“Yes, that would be a good idea.”
She quietly ordered Maverick away from the door, grabbed his collar, and led him into the bathroom where she locked the door behind them. Her heart beat wildly as she slid to the floor next to the tub. Would the man try to break in? What would they do?
“Are you still with me?” the operator asked.
“Yes,” MJ whispered. “We’re locked in the bathroom. My dog is watching the door and growling.” This was the longest three minutes in her life.
The alarm yelped loudly in stereo, from the alert on her phone and the alarm blaring in the house. “He’s inside. Oh, God. He must have broken in. Where are the police?”
“They should be there in a minute. They’re coming in quiet, so you won’t hear the siren.”
“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” MJ muttered. She tried to listen to see if she could figure out where he was, but all she could hear was the blaring of the alarm.
“The police are there. Can you hear them?”
“No, all I can hear is the alarm.” MJ’s eyes filled with tears. Would the police find him?
“I’ve told them he’s inside.