sense. “What have you figured out?”

“I did some thinking about what’s important to me.” He ran down his list with her. “I have a lot of questions.”

She smiled. “I can help you there. Remember, I’m the research lady. I can get you plenty of statistics about local agriculture.”

“The bottom line is that I want to buy some land, but I need to figure out what I’m going to do before I get into that. I know about beef cattle in Colorado, and I was thinking about raising cattle here. I’ve been away from it for such a long time, though. I don’t know what cattle prices are, nor how much land you need to support a herd around here. When I think about everything I have to do to figure things out, I feel kind of overwhelmed. That’s probably what was going on tonight. I hope I wasn’t rude to your mom, or Nick and Tess.”

“I’m not sure anybody else noticed. I’m relieved. I was afraid something bothered you after counseling this morning.”

“No. I feel good about that. I’ve got a long way to go, but I think I’ll get there. I can’t expect PTSD to disappear after a session or two, even if I wish it would.”

“I know you have a lot going on. I’m here to help any way I can.” MJ undid her seat belt and underscored her statement by leaning over, pulling Rob toward her, and planting a big kiss on his lips.

He kissed her back. She loved how he responded.

“C’mon,” she prodded. “Maverick’s probably wondering why we’re sitting here. I’m sure he sensed our arrival and recognized the sound of your truck.”

Rob laughed. “I think you’re right. He alerts me when you get home, too.”

He jumped down and came around to the passenger’s side to help her out. Together, they walked up the back steps and unlocked the door to the kitchen, both smiling when Maverick greeted them at the door.

“C’mon, boy,” Rob said. “I’ll take you out.”

They hadn’t finished talking, but MJ resolved to keep encouraging Rob to share his vision with her. This needed to be a partnership for their relationship to make it long-term.

Later, as they lay in bed, she turned to him, putting a hand on his chest. “Rob, I need you to share your vision with me. What you do impacts me. I want this relationship to work out, but I need you to talk with me about your plans. I’m not trying to horn in on things, or control what you do. For this relationship to work out, though, it needs to be a partnership. I expect you to share stuff with me.”

“Sorry. I’m not used to sharing my thoughts and feelings with anybody else, except in life and death situations during battle. My career will no longer be life and death. If you think I’m holding out, please call me on it. You’re important to me, MJ, and I want to be with you. I want you, me, and our children to live on that land for a long time.”

Her eyes teared at the thought. He wanted a future with her, a future with children and a home together. She wanted that too. “I love you, Rob,” she whispered, as she snuggled into his arms and relaxed in his embrace, ready for sleep, and a dream about their future together.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Every day Rob spent with MJ only got better and better. They’d slid into a comfortable routine, but they didn’t take each other for granted. He usually took Maverick out in the morning, except on weekends, and they walked him together in the evening. MJ’s confidence continued to increase, and he loved watching her handle the Malinois.

He continued to look for property to raise livestock somewhere in Ridgeview County. He’d met with the University Extension Agent and learned what to look for in a property. He’d talked with Tyler about his ideas and felt good about having his support.

Next week was Thanksgiving, and he and MJ were hosting her mother, Nick, and Tess. They’d also invited Tyler, and his brother, Jason, an attorney. He smiled about how excited MJ was about playing hostess.

He and Maverick had just come home from their daily run, and the hot shower felt heavenly after the damp cold that had seeped into his bones. He’d just heated some of MJ’s leftover potato soup and filled his bowl when the phone rang. A glance at the screen showed that it was Tyler.

“Hey, man. How’re you doing?” he answered.

“Good. I wanted to see if you’re planning to go to the support group tomorrow night and if you want to ride together?”

“Sounds good. Are you driving?”

“I can. I also wanted to check and see if you’d be interested in a trail ride this afternoon. I want to try a new horse out on the trail. You can have your choice of which one you want to ride.”

“That sounds great. I’ve wanted to get on a horse again. If I follow my plan to buy a ranch, I want to make sure I’m physically able to ride again.”

“I hear you. I was nervous when I got back into the saddle after messing up my leg. Luckily, I could still maneuver on a horse, and the more I’ve ridden, the better it’s gotten.”

“I’ve been able to run, and do five miles a day with no problem, but the demands of riding and cutting cattle may be challenging. I appreciate the offer. What time do you want me to come by?”

“Around two sound okay?”

Rob promised his friend he’d be there and hung up to eat his soup. This would be a milestone, but he didn’t plan to overdo it. Riding without aggravating his knee was too important. He’d find another way to manage if he could no longer

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