Emma herself.

 “If something is clearly a joke, it’s fine. Or if a protected work is used only in part, such as an excerpt in a review, removed from its original context, that’s also fine. It’s when something is basically taken wholesale, with minimal changes or re-contextualization, that there is trouble.”

“So it’s the difference between writing “Jerry Kotter” and claiming it’s your own work or making something that’s an outright parody of Harry Potter?” she asked.

“Exactly,” I laughed.

We buried ourselves in work, the sexual tension easing somewhat as the night went on. Emma really was a help, despite her somewhat tenuous grasp of the subject, at least initially. She did learn really fast. The work mostly involved a preliminary document review, which entailed reading through hard copies of the shooting scripts from both studios, highlighting identical lines.

After about eight hours of deep labor, Emma started to stretch, arching her back in such a way as to make her already big tits even more pronounced. I kept my head down, literally and figuratively, focusing on the work, despite the swelling occurring in my pants.

“Tired?” I asked.

“Sorry, sir,” Emma said, quickly righting herself.

“It’s fine. It’s been a long day. Maybe it’s time we both turned in.”

“Okay,” she said, sweetly docile.

I wondered again what it would be like to have her be my sub. She seemed naturally obedient and more than willing to do what she was told. I had a pretty eclectic taste in women, having sampled very widely, but there were few things that got to me like a sweet, obedient, good girl. Her cute accent didn’t hurt, either.

Waiting until she was safely in her room, I got ready for bed myself, stripping down to silk boxer shorts before slipping under the heavy, cream-white duvet. Try as I might, I wasn’t able to get Emma out of my mind. I needed to keep things professional with her, not only because to not do so would cause trouble at work, but because she was also the best assistant I’d ever had, or, at least, the first I’d ever had helping me directly with my work.

I’d always considered myself a solo operation, not really considering an assistant or how they could help. My colleagues would talk about their assistants, who they couldn’t get by without; I had never really appreciated what they meant until that night. Forcing my mind to go blank, I tried to get some sleep so we could get back to work in the morning. At least, that was the plan.

I thought I was dreaming at first, being right on the border between sleep and waking. The knocks came again, bringing me to full consciousness. Emerging from bed, I made my way through the dark to the light switch, shedding light on the situation before I opened the adjoining door. Emma was naked, except for the robe that came with the room.

“I-I’m sorry, sir,” she said, looking at the floor.

“What’s the problem?”

“I-I can’t sleep.”

“Would you like some help getting to sleep?”

“Yes, sir. Whatever you think is best. I want to make sure I’m rested, so I can help with the work. I will do anything you say.”

She was offering. I hadn’t been sure at first, but Emma was offering to let me have control. My instincts were right. She was a submissive and wanted to give me control. There would still be issues with taking our relationship to that level, though with the fact that she had said she explicitly wanted it, my mind was a lot more at ease.

I was still a bit unsettled by how much I wanted her, though. I hadn’t ever wanted a woman as much as I wanted her. She did something to me I couldn’t quite define, but nonetheless still felt.

“You have to be naked for the method to work,” I said.

“Yes, sir,” she said, her shaking hands undoing the belt, making the robe hang loose and open before she dropped it.

I could hardly believe what I was seeing. She was even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

“Good girl. I’m glad you are so obedient,” I said.

I saw a little thrill shudder through her and knew we were on the same page. Getting two ties from my drawer, I scooped Emma up into my arms and carried her to the bed. Laying her down gently, I used a tie to secure her hands to the headboard. She remained completely still, letting me do whatever I might.

Using the other tie to blindfold her, I started to touch her, caressing both hands up and down her gorgeous body. I could feel her relaxing under my hands, letting out a soft sigh as her mind and body connected, giving in to me with every fiber of her being.

Stroking her down again, from face to feet, I took her by the ankles, opening her legs wide. I had to take a moment, stunned by the striking, luscious beauty of her tight pink pussy. Pulling myself together, I kissed my way up her legs, keeping a tight hold of them to keep her from moving, not that she seemed likely to. She really was a perfect little sub.

Working my way up to her pussy, I gave her a long, soft lick, caressing the flat of my tongue along her delicate pussy lips, making her moan long and deep. Trusting her not to move, I used one of my hands to cover her mouth, keeping her quiet. She fell silent, her vocalizations reduced to surprised, muted simpers and gasps as I buried my face into her pussy and licked her to a massive orgasm. I let calm down, gently stroking her pussy.

“Please,” she begged, “please fuck me. Be my first.”

I could believe it, though I was a bit surprised at first. She seemed so into power exchange, I

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