a performance.”

He nodded and came toward her. “You don’twish to tire yourself.” He sighed.

Acker settled back in the chair and watched.He was not about to leave Juliette alone with that man. Carlowanted Juliette and Acker wasn’t going to let him have her.

They moved into the steps leading up to thelift that had supposedly pained Carlo before. He lifted hereffortlessly and set her down with grace. They executed themovement three more times before Juliette called a halt. “There isno pain?”

“No. I must have just moved it incorrectlylast night.”

Her smile brightened. “That is good to know.I would hate for you to be injured. I don’t trust Antonio as I doyou.” She turned toward Acker. “Antonio partners me when Carlo isunable. He has dropped me in the past and I don’t feel as securewith him.”

Acker simply nodded and Carlo looked atJuliette with a predatory gleam and smile. It did not set well withAcker.

Even though Acker had not been present in theaudience tonight, he still sent a bouquet. This time they were allwhite roses. Juliette leaned over the freshly opened buds, inhaleddeeply and sighed. It was not time for roses to bloom yet, but LordAcker had located some anyway. It was odd not having him watchingthis evening. Acker had been to so many performances it seemed asif he were part of the production.

Heat infused her face when she recalled whathad occurred between them today. She knew she should have stoppedhim when he started kissing her but didn’t have the will. He mustthink her wanton and she should never allow him to believe she wasof loose morals. Just because her mother and great grandmother wereParisian courtesans at one time did not mean she would become anyman’s lover. It didn’t matter that she was common, a dancer andmany in her situations became mistresses, she would give herself toone man and one man only, and that would be on her wedding night.Juliette just needed to make sure Acker understood and that she didnot lose her head the next time he started kissing her.

Yet, he had not propositioned her. Not theway she had heard other’s approached by gentlemen wishing toprotect an actress. Perhaps he wasn’t like the others. Did he wishfor more and the moment they shared simply bloomed into somethingneither Acker nor she had intended? Were his intentions morehonorable?

Juliette prayed they were because she hadnever met anyone like Lord Acker before. Being with him as she hadbeen these past two days seemed natural. As if he was another partof her. Did he feel the same?

She shook the thoughts from her mind. He wasa gentlemen from England, she reminded herself. She was a ballerinain Milan. There could be nothing else for them, and she must keepthat in mind. Yet, she would share every spare moment with him thatshe could, until he returned home and then return to her simplelife having known what it was like to be kissed and held by agentleman.

The door opened on her dressing room andJuliette turned to see who had entered. Both sisters stood therestudying her.

“More flowers?” Genviève asked with an archedeyebrow.

Juliette couldn’t help herself and smiled.The only emotion she could explain was giddiness, but she could nottell her sisters. Though she would dearly love to, they would notunderstand.

Hélène crossed her arms in front of her. “Hewas not here tonight.”

“No.” Juliette almost told them that he hadother obligations but then she would need to explain to her sistershow she came about this information. It wasn’t as if she had a noteto show them.

“I believe this is the first time he has senta bouquet and not been at the theatre,” Hélène surmised.

“Is it?” Juliette questioned absently, as ifit hadn’t occurred to her, and bent to smell the roses onceagain.

“Have you seen him since the evening wedined?” Genviève demanded.

Juliette bit her bottom lip and presented herback. “Could someone undo my costume?” Normally she could do thison her own and had done so many times. But she needed to think. Howmuch did she tell her sisters? They would know if she lied. Shecould tell them about yesterday, but certainly not today. “When Ileft the school yesterday I met him on the street quite byaccident.”

“Go on,” Hélène insisted as she untied theback of her costume.

“We strolled in the park and talked.”

“That is all?” Hélène asked with concern.

“What else could we do in a park?” Julietteslipped out of the dress and grabbed the one she would wearhome.

“You came home late after class today,”Genviève reminded her. “You barely had time to eat a light mealwith mother and us before you needed to leave for the theatre.”

She stepped into the walking dress and onceagain presented her back to Hélène. “Carlo came by to rehearse.” Itwas the truth at least.

“You never rehearse before performance.”Genviève insisted.

Juliette turned and looked at both sisters.“Carlo suffered a pain in his wrist last evening and couldn’texecute a lift. He wanted to make sure it would not happenagain.”

Both of her sisters straightened. “You didnot tell us last night,” Genviève said.

Juliette shrugged. “It was of no consequence.A few movements were altered but we carried on.”

There was a scratch at the door and the threewomen turned. Genviève crossed the room to open it and Juliette’sheart lifted at the sight of Acker framed in the opening.

“Thank you for the roses, Lord Acker. Theyare lovely.”

He was so handsome in his formal wear, thedark coat in contrast with his light brown hair and the snowy whitecravat made his face seem all the more tanned. Weren’t Englishmensupposed to be pale? Especially Lords?

“I’ve yet to find a bud that could match yourbeauty.” He stepped inside the room and Juliette had to glance awayfrom embarrassment.

“Most gentlemen visit only after they haveseen the performance,” Hélène said. “You were not in the audiencethis evening.”

“No, I was not,” Acker responded. “Though Iwished I had been. The gathering was quite boring and I left assoon as polite.” His eyes focused back on Juliette and then toHélène. “You must be Juliette’s brother.” He bowed. “Allowme to introduce myself. I am Viscount Acker.”

Genviève arched a brow and looked atJuliette, as

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