“Come on baby...” I heard him say. “Come for me.” I did, over and over, twice, then again. I was dazed by the time the sensations had ebbed, but he was still hard, and still pounding away inside of me. I put my hands to the base of his spine, urging him on, and to watch him fall was an utter joy that had him calling out my name before he collapsed against my breast sated.
I left Matthew’s apartment later that day, easing back into my life with a quiet shock. We hadn’t said goodbye after making love; I’d drifted into a slumber, dimly aware that the he was showering in the adjoining bathroom. I’d felt his hand trail down my bare back, before the sheets met my shoulder and I’d got a kiss at my temple. He’d left for work...and Jake had driven me home.
And being home was sobering. Selina and Jeff were cuddled together up on the sofa when I’d arrived, and seeing my best friend, I’d simply just broken down and sobbed in her arms. I’d admired Jeff in that moment; he’d mumbled something about getting some groceries, grabbed his jacket and left.
“Hey girl.” The next day, I find Selina at my doorway, two mugs of tea in her hand. “You nearly ready?”
I apply my lipstick, ease my feet into my sensible flats, and smooth down the uniform for tonight’s catering job. “Yes. Thanks for sorting my hair.” I pat the braid affectionately.
She smiles, depositing one mug atop my dresser. “Did I hear you speaking to your mom earlier?”
“She still won’t speak to you?”
“She speaks to me, but when I ask her about what my dad says, she just fakes that her husband is calling her.”
“Ouch.” Selina murmurs as she takes a seat on my bed. “So...”
“So...I’m thinking what he said was true.”
“Has your dad been in touch?”
“I know what you’re going to say, that I need to figure this out, speak to them...but they are the ones that kept this from me and...”
“Why are you not more upset?”
“I’ve been asking myself that same thing.”
“Could it be- no it’s too horrible to say.”
I shake my head almost laughing. “Whatever it is, it can’t be any uglier than what’s been going through my head.”
She takes a quick breath. “Maybe you’re a little bit relieved he’s not your dad? And that’s why you were happy to go along with Matthew’s mad plan?”
“I didn’t know about my dad not being my dad until I was knee deep in the plan...”
I try and suppress the shudder. “A part of me liked the fact that Matthew Stone wanted to get one up on my dad as he’d screwed me over so many times before that.”
“Oh Talia. I’m just so sorry.” I hear my phone chime; I pat the bed, locating it under a shirt I’d decided not to wear tonight. “Your mom?” Selina said hopefully.
I shake my head. “No, it’s a recruiter.”
“Really? You’re going to look for work? I mean steadier work?”
“Not look. Find.” I throw my charger into my bag. “She’s going to help me. I think it’s time I put my degree to good use.”
“I thought you didn’t want anything in HR?”
“I don’t...but I need to make some money.”
“Talia, what’s going on?”
“I want to get a place of my own-”
“No, hear me out. You and Jeff are going to get married soon and this is your place.”
“The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind Talia!”
“I know that.” I smile. “But I need my own space, to start a proper life. I’ve enjoyed waitressing but I’ve only been able to live here with you because you cut me so much slack with the rent and stuff.”
“My parents bought this place outright in the seventies...so it...”
“Seemed only fair?” I smile at my wonderful friend. “I will love you forever for that.” Selina looks tearful. “Hey, I’m not moving out tomorrow, I still need to find a job, get enough for a deposit etc etc.”
She smiles. “Good.” She climbs to her feet. “I can breathe a sigh of relief.”
“Yes you can.” I find my jacket.
“Have you spoken to Matthew?”
“No.” I strike my light off then close my door, both of us aiming for the living room. “Whatever we had,” My heart aches at the thought. “It’s over.”
The elegant dinner for thirty is a lovely, quiet affair at a beautiful mansion on the outskirts of the city. It has a killer view of the water and it shouldn’t...but it makes me miss Matthew. Keen to put some distance between myself and that memory, I grab another drinks tray and circulate in the crowd. The simple act of making sure that the drinks were filled, that the canapés were getting eaten really helped to keep my mind still and quiet. I must have been putting on a good act or my make up was holding, as no one asked me anything, other than to give me direction about what to do next.
“Talia.” Andrea finds me just as they are about to start serving the starters. “We’ve got a few late comers so can you make sure that chef keeps some plates warm?”
“Of course.”
“And we’re running low on Champagne, any chance you can bring a couple of cases up from the cellar?”
“I’ll bring four up, saves time later.”
“That’s my girl.” Andrea smiles, her walkie-talkie bleeping, signalling her attention.
I’ve just put one case near the make shift bar in the foyer and I start to un-box it, the bartender helping me so that we can pop them into the ice bucket. I hear the door bell ring, then again, so I take it