Psycept abilities and not necessarily the eugenics tone that the proposal may have inadvertently wandered into. Part of the proposal is requesting funds for generating genetic matches because the data is readily at hand and can be done via computer analysis. I contend there is difficulty in mingling socially in the larger Psycept community because of the limits placed on our traveling outside of the conservatorships. If you propose to create an app or website to promote Psycept socialization in the wider GT, then I can support this and note that it wouldn’t need ABQ-AC approval. If your proposal was to request a loosening of travel restrictions or to create an annual gathering of Psycepts to promote socialization, I would support this as well. However, the proposal as it stands now, I can’t support.”

“I agree with Gray,” Wendy seconds. Kyle also declines, then the rest of the council casts their no votes.

“Mr. Langdon. If you would like a written response with the decision and outlining my counterproposals, I’ll be happy to provide this.”

“Yes, Councilor Graham, I would. You’re right, I am a scientist and went for the most expedient solution with the least number of variables. I see our genetic pool being restricted by our scattered locations and know that in a couple of generations, this will be of grave concern. Psycept inheritance is recessive and I fear our limited options may be our downfall. Statistically, there is a potential larger possible population within the conservatorship citizens, but most have not chosen to identify themselves as Psycepts nor is there much encouragement for them to intermingle with our small communities. Your suggestions of greater socialization within the GT is not my area of expertise, but I hope to find support for my basic idea of genetic diversity.”

“We have your contact information from your proposal submission. A response will be provided within two weeks. Thank you for your time, Mr. Langdon.” I catch Dio’s eye and he nods. We’ll work on this Friday.

“Next proposal is ‘Psycept Curriculum in Schools’ from applicant Ms. Vecchio,” Bailiff Dichali announces.

The request is to add a course about Psycepts to the curriculum. By that, it focuses on Psycept history and culture and would be required for both vasmaj and Psycept students. Vasmaj, a mashup of vast majority, is the term we use for people other than Psycepts. I didn’t come up with it, but it works. We don’t want to call them ‘normals’, or something similar, it would imply that we’re not normal. Or if we refer them as non-Psycept, it implies that we’re the standard and they’re ‘other’. We trying to downplay our Psycept designation as just a quirk of genetics, like eye or hair color, rather than a defining characteristic. While the world has taken up using vasmaj, Psycepts are still lumped together under a shared genetic umbrella and treated as our own subculture. But we also act this way so who’s at fault.

For the proposal, Ms. Vecchio submitted sample study plans and talking points with the supplemental material, which Dio and I looked at last week. Students already have so much information thrown at them, a whole new class devoted just to Psycepts seems a bit much. Since the submitted proposal was so thorough, I had time to type my objections and will be happy to send them to Ms. Vecchio upon request. I also have some alternate ideas if she would like to develop those. My father’s background as an anthropologist and historian is the saving grace for my decision in this case. Hopefully, another councilor will make their objection known first as I don’t want to be the prime naysayer twice in a row.

“Ms. Vecchio,” oh, good, Jamison is speaking first, “I agree with your proposal.” Spoke too soon. Emily also agrees with the proposal, as does Gloria.

“I must voice a no vote from me.” Go, Wendy, though I wish she would expand upon her denial. Kyle and Vito also vote no. The council looks to me as tiebreaker, great.

“Ms. Vecchio, I vote no as well. Will the council allow me to list my objections for discussion? Thank you. First, vasmaj students in grade school or high school do not currently have specific courses detailing Jewish history, nor the culture of Slavic peoples, nor the history of African tribes and so forth. To promote Psycepts to a level where an entire class is devoted to us is not warranted, I believe. I also don’t believe we even rate an entire unit, which is about two weeks of class time. Second, schools are not the only place that learning can take place.

“I have an alternate suggestion. I agree, knowledge should be shared, including information on Psycepts. So, I propose that you work on creating a historical account of psychics through the ages, including the recent discovery and categorization of Psycepts. Basically, create an exhibit that can be shown at our Civic Center or even the ABQ Area Museum. You may wish to speak with Professor Biobaku as he is preparing some of the basics for the upcoming event. Once the exhibit’s in place, you can then invite schools to the exhibit as a field trip and spread the knowledge that way. If the exhibit is successful enough, we can see about arranging for it to tour the other conservatorships, even those that have no Psycept presence. Finally, if our community has enough interest, then we can explore founding a museum devoted to Psycept history and culture.”

“Gray’s objections are well-thought out and I agree with her suggestions. I would like to change my vote to no.”

“Thank you, Emily,” Gloria says. “Looking around at the table, there are no additional changes. The proposal is declined, five votes no to two votes yes. Ms. Vecchio, would you like the denial with the alternate suggestions in writing? Wendy, as the first no vote, can you please take care of this?”

“Final proposal is ‘Money, Money, Money’ and the applicant is Señora Ochoa.”

Sra. Ochoa wanted approval to offer

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