Five immediate votes for yes, with Jamison and I yet to vote. Jamison pleasantly surprises me with his response. “I like the idea of creating a college credit business course geared for Psycepts. But, I’m not sure about the content. The US Supreme Court ruled that we can be compelled to use our abilities so long as we are compensated. I, and many of us here, left the US because we objected to having money thrown at us to override our reluctance to have no say in the use of our abilities. Now you wish to have a course that teaches us to capitalize on those abilities. This seems counterintuitive.”
“Great objection, Jamison. Sra. Ochoa, I too have concerns regarding the course, but they’re not as lofty as his. In our residency contracts, there is a specific section regarding prohibitions of use of Psycept abilities. Most of it concerns use in criminal behavior, but there is a subsection regarding payment of service. Psycepts remember this because it’s where the agreement to waive payment for our petition work is found.
“For instance, Wendy sells healing charms online from her site. She makes them in bulk, and they are for anyone to purchase. Things like ‘Headache be Gone’ or ‘Acne Away’. However, Wendy does not offer specific healings. Wendy, can you tell everyone why you don’t offer specific healings?”
“You mean like if someone asked me to heal their cancer? Well, first, healing is just encouraging someone’s body to do the best they are capable of, nudging it in the right direction, if you will. Second, to do any specific healing, or targeted positive influence of the body’s natural immune system, I must be near the person. Hair or nails lose their potency less than a day from their being severed from a person, so I would need to receive a package delivery within twelve hours of samples being obtained, which can often be unfeasible. It makes more sense for me to travel to the individual but travel outside the conservatorship can be dangerous, which is why the police provide escort.”
“So, if someone contacts you about intractable pain and your general pain charms weren’t working, how would you respond?”
“I’d ask them to submit a Psycept petition. That way if I create a custom balm or tonic, it would fall under my Psycept agreement. In addition, the petition would also cover the cost of travel or escort if needed.”
“Thank you, Wendy, it’s close enough. My concern, Sra. Ochoa, is that the course needs to expressly state that money, or equivalent compensation including gifts, will not be accepted for aiding an individual. People cannot pay us money to prioritize their petitions. People cannot pay money directly to us to bypass submitting a petition. We can sell general services available to all and made in a mass production fashion, but we cannot tailor the goods we sell to a specific person. This is per the residency contracts. For us to support this proposal, I recommend this language be added to the proposal package, the course material, and our presentation to ABQ Area Council to address this. So, my vote is no pending language update.”
“Gray may have a valid point of contention; I’ll need to review the contract language.” Gloria says. “Kyle and Wendy, as the representatives that will be presenting this to the ABQ Are Council next month, what do you think?”
“I think Wendy and I need to look at this further too, in fact, everyone should. Gloria, as a former paralegal in Florida, you’re the only one of us that has any legal experience, but the more we’re all involved, the better the chance we catch something. Plus, if we get future proposals that may conflict with our contracts, we all need to be familiar with them, just in case. For now, if Gray’s correct, we may also need to go through the course material in depth, rather than only the samples provided. Sra. Ochoa, can you please provide more materials for review and return in two weeks for our final decision?”
“Yes, to both. I too need to review what Councilor Graham stated. Also, Councilor Mitchell brought up a good point. I want to make it known that I am not trying to be greedy or say that money is more important than morals. I am a flora PsySapient and I sell mulch that most plants seem to like. I want to provide a class for ethical business practice for Psycepts and to make sure we are not undervaluing our business. Many people worked regular jobs back in the US or Canada and were not prepared to be self-employed Psycepts in the GT. I will retitle my course to reflect that desire. Thank you for considering my proposal.”
“For the record, the initial vote was five yes to two no, but the motion to hold the vote pending further investigation about possible resident contract conflict carried. We will readdress this proposal at our next meeting. Bailiff Dichali?” Gloria prompts.
“Proposals for this session have been completed. Please queue along the line of the floor behind the podium with any questions or comments from this session. As always, requests for the council must come through the formal proposal submission process. When at the podium, please first state your name, then provide the question or comment. Sir, you are first, please step up to the podium and speak clearly for the mic to pick up, thank you.”
Most of the questions pertain to tomorrow’s new resident welcome, specifically logistical questions and the councilor in charge of the topic responds. A couple of questions are regarding the upcoming event. I know