“I want to continue to wear ceremonial clothes befitting my position. Since I have worn these for many years, I now consider them my PsyCouncil garb. But it would be nice to have new ceremonial clothes for my personal use. So perhaps a one-time clothing repayment that I can use for new ceremonial clothes.”
“I would appreciate a small clothes stipend; it’ll pay for my dry cleaning. I’m not asking for much, maybe ten dollars a month? That is five dollars per session.”
“Great. Miss Sonia, I have authorization for your request. Expect it to be reflected in your next payroll deposit retroactive to the first council meeting of this year. So, you should see a lump sum of ten dollars and a separate listing for the continual payment of five dollars for your twice a month paycheck. Bailiff Dichali, I need approval for the one-time reimbursement. I’ll try to get something to you before the next meeting. I will email you both a letter, so you have this in writing. I’m also glad that I spoke with you together, so you have witnesses for the conversation, in case there’s any question. Thank you for your time and we appreciate all that you do.”
The Psycept Council Clerk and Bailiff are filled by appointment of the new council, but they are employees of the Albuquerque Area Council and are paid by community funds. I don’t know their exact salary, but as the positions are less than part-time, I can’t imagine they are high paid. Late last week, I had a phone call with essentially the city comptroller to discuss costs of our council. Dio and I viewed the Psycept Council charter and bylaws and couldn’t find anything about council budget, other than costs are carried by the ABQ Area Council pending approval. This includes travel expenses, equipment repairs or replacement, etc.
So, I made an appointment to ask questions. I was looking to see if the PsyCouncil has a budget to help pay Professor Biobaku for being the Psycept programming director and for council aides, like Dio. I also asked about Miss Sonia and Bailiff Dichali. I came out of the call with certain approved parameters for the administrators, thus Miss Sonia’s pre-approval but delay for Bailiff Dichali. I also have another in-person meeting scheduled in two weeks to discuss special projects and aides plus the Psycept Council budget or lack thereof in more detail. The comptroller seems ecstatic to have someone on the PsyCouncil interested in this. Before me, apparently, no one asked these questions. Jamison’s going with me to the next meeting since he has so much council experience plus, he was a CPA back in Detroit.
I walk over to Dio and let him know the agreed to terms for Miss Sonia, and he fills in the letter we drafted earlier. I work on the letter to Bailiff Dichali, acknowledging his request. After a quick glance to make sure everything is correct, I send the letters to them and copy in the comptroller. Next up, more detailed information to the comptroller to be enacted for Miss Sonia and approved for Bailiff Dichali. Dio and I will work on the response to Mr. Langdon later, so I wish Dio well on his date. The response issue reminds me of something, but I don’t see Wendy and Kyle in the room.
Hey, lady. I typed up an informal response to Ms. Vecchio. Do you want me to send it to you? Feel free to use it in whole or part. Also, Miss Sonia said it would be better if responses came from the Council Clerk but will need approval from the council. I can talk about it in more detail if you want.
Who’re you asking, of course I want your response. We’re doing our weekly dinner on Wed, right? If so, we can discuss more then.
Yep, with me doing Mon orientations and you on Tues, Wed is the earliest we can meet. With this week, we definitely need to decompress.
Cool, good luck tomorrow and Mon, and we’ll pick out a restaurant on Wed.
Wendy and I have standing Monday dinner plans at six o’clock. We’ll either meet at a restaurant or she’ll cook something at her place. I occasionally make a dish, but it’s consumed at her place. I prefer not to have people in my house, just because of the hassle they have to go through. When my brother and sister come to visit me, we have a whole ritual. They can only touch certain things in the main rooms which are then marked, then we must gear up in protective layers to clean my place before they leave. It’s not worth having Wendy go through all of that just for an hour or so dinner at my house.
I gather up all my doggie paraphernalia, but I’m still missing a puppy. I text Soon Yee.
Are you holding Echo hostage? He’s cute, I’ll admit.
He’s heading inside now with Kyle. Kyle just needed to come outside for a bit to take in some fresh air. He wants to talk to you for a couple of minutes, but Zhengli and I are going home. She’s getting hungry.
I can’t believe she lasted through the whole meeting. Only sheer will got me through. Is she going to keep coming, or will you make other arrangements?
Next meeting, Dani and Araceli are taking her for ‘girl time’. I think they’re going to see a kid-friendly movie or get manicures or something. They’ve agreed to make it a twice monthly thing to coincide with Council meetings. My little girl has done nothing to deserve the punishment of these meetings. I’m glad she had Echo to play with for