dial the covering detective.


“Hello, Detective Bodaway. I’m Gray Graham, a Psycept calling about a near-close missing persons reading I just performed. There is some urgency involved in my findings, thus the phone call. It’s a case you are covering for Detective Watkins.”

“Case number?”

I read him the case number to pull up. I remain quiet as he familiarizes himself with the case, using the time to check the video recording to make sure my face is not seen on camera. I upload the video to the case database just as the detective speaks.

“Wonderful, the petitioning family doesn’t include any police information. Do you know if they even filed a police report?”

“No, I don’t know, but I assume they did. I also don’t know if maybe a neighbor or someone reported a break-in at Jen’s coffee shop or Jen as a missing person. And I just uploaded the video of my reading. As the Psycept on the case, I can reach out to the family if you would like me to.”

“Not yet. If we strike out contacting the precincts for Sarah Lee Henderson or Jen’s business location, then we may need to contact the family. I’ll also have my officers make some calls to see if a missing person matching Sarah Lee Henderson or Jen was filed. They can also call the police that serve the convenience store area to have them follow-up. I’ll let you know if I need anything further. Thanks for the call.”

Detective Bodaway is certainly no nonsense but seems competent. I include the case number in my personal list of consultations to follow-up on. I like to know the outcome on some cases.

I package the items for return and include a written report suitable for family members as well as the DVD recording of my reading. I then bundle up the cloth for laundering and use a spray bottle filled with an herbal cleanser Wendy concocts in bulk. It smells like lemon with a hint of Italian food. Wendy uses lemon and basil essential oils, vinegar, and a few other secret ingredients. Whatever, I use it to clear out any residual energy left from a reading. Wendy says burning incense, like sage, is best but I don’t want to deal with that, this isn’t a meditation corner.

I have two small mint plants in my Psycept area to aid in cleansing as well. Maddie told me that live plants can cleanse as well as burning incense. I don’t like flowers in my space, so Maddie gives me mint plants after asking them not to flower. When this first occurred, she also gave me a two-hour lesson on how to take care of them. I keep them by my window in the morning and just carry them to the consultation corner in the afternoons. On Thursdays and Fridays, I place them outside to get fresh air. I’ve been doing variations of this for years and haven’t killed a plant yet. Maddie swaps them out several times a year as she says she can only ask them not to flower and stay small for a limited time, plus she doesn’t want to overwhelm them with the negative energy from my consultations. Whatever she says, she’s the flora PsySapient.

Echo and I go outside for a fifteen-minute break. Echo has some energy to burn and I need a brief respite outside my Psycept area before I return for the second reading. All too soon it’s time to head back. All I need to prepare for this new reading is to drape a fresh cloth over my area before I turn my recording equipment on.

The second case is a police petition for assistance with a homicide. Great, the police sent me bloody pants, a blood-splattered knife, and an expensive watch that I would guess the victim was wearing at the time of death. This despite me specifically asking for a variety of objects to read, not just things that were there or worn at the time of death. The police often treat TouchVoyants like forensic scientists, which to be fair, the comparison works quite well for the others. Libby is well known for blood analysis and PsyChometrists read objects located at crime scenes, including clothing worn by the victim. Bone Sages can read skeletal remains though it’s not Tiko’s favorite thing to do. I’m the odd person out and require objects connected with a person, not just present at the time of death. Ugh, if I can’t get a good reading due to lack of sentiment, I’ll refer the consultation to either a PsyChometrist or a Blood Sage.

There’s no sentimentality from the victim attached to the pants nor knife. In fact, there aren’t any feelings toward the knife at all, so I can’t even read the knife from the killer’s perspective. That leaves just the watch. The watch was liked, but not enough to lead to a memory rope. Rope alone is sturdy enough to carry a death memory. All I can glean was that the victim was suspicious of some account activity of a few of his new clients. He was looking into the financial activity to see if someone from work was moving money around unbeknownst to his clients or if it was his clients directing the suspicious money maneuvers. He wanted to make sure his superiors at work weren’t involved before he spoke to them about his suspicions, so he hadn’t reported anything yet.

I log into the Psycept database and mark the case for referral, upload my video recording, then write my report. By marking the case for referral, the system will put the petition back in our queue and contact a PCSS person to arrange for package redirect. It will also send an alert to the assigned Psycept detective to inform them of the delay. I bundle the items together with my printout and DVD and seal the package to await pickup.

I wrap up my other work for the day, now I’m off to pick up Shotzie and head home.

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