hour. Can you send out a conference number to the participants? I am much better in person and Philip usually helps with technology stuff, but he’s working on his trip and I don’t want to disturb him.”

“Sure, Sharon. Do you want the meeting to just be a telephone conference or a videoconference where we can see and hear one another? Telephone is easier, but there is no visual of the callers. Videoconference attendees can download the app on their phone, or they can log in on the computer. The vidcon also has an option to just dial in on the phone, no app or computer required, and I can include those special instructions. Either is fine with me.”

“Well, if they can just dial in on the videoconference, then I would prefer that option. That way, I can see those who use the app or computer. I sent you the list of people. Thank you, Gray.”

Only a few minutes are needed to send out the meeting code information to the participants. I include more detailed instructions of downloading the app, linking through a computer, or just calling in from a phone. There will be about a dozen of us on the call and I want to cover all bases of technology comfort.

Moving on, Vic and Jay sent me their final draft of the training presentation for our new TouchVoyant residents and said they’re still working on the updated schedule. Since we handle most police petitions, we want to get the training completed so they can be paired with their mentor and begin handling smaller petitions. If we delay it, their apprehension will mount and become a barrier before too long. Once they start working petitions, they’ll realize it’s not too bad plus there is support available.

I review the final draft and suggest screen shots be moved to the end for reference, keeping only a few key menu images in the presentation flow. The attendees know it’s there if they need to refer to something later, but otherwise the actual database projection and active learning is the focus. Other than the screen shot suggestion, everything looks great.

Ten minutes before the start of Sharon’s meeting, I dial in to get everything ready for the participants. Sure enough, a few callers need help setting up their computers or phones for the videoconference. Soon, everyone successfully logged in.

“First, thank you, Gray, for setting up the videoconference. I want to let everyone know what we are planning for Saturday morning. Thank you to the TouchVoyant trainers for accommodating us and moving your training schedule around.

“The plan is to gather at the community garden at 7 a.m. We’ll first tour the gardens and greenhouses showing them how the plots are arranged. Then we’ll have several demonstrations of picking various fruits, vegetables and plants. It will include how to tell when a vegetable is ready to be picked, how to carry everything in the basket, and how to debit your community contribution account. We’ll also talk about adding to your account, volunteering in the community garden, and starting your own windowsill garden. After we finish, we’ll move to canopied tents in place for us to circulate and mingle then we’ll have a brunch buffet. There will be also be a play area for the children. We will finish at 11:30am, so you can begin your training classes at noon.”

“That sounds fantastic, Sharon. Great idea on the tents,” her husband enthuses.

“Group effort, Philip. It will not just be us at the community garden. Several categories are gathering at various times on Saturday and Sunday which is why we have so many on the call. We will have PsySentients with us in the morning. While we are in the garden, the Variegated and PreCogs will be at the tents having breakfast and socializing. At ten, we’ll switch, and they will be in the garden while we have our brunch social. In the afternoon, the PsyWitches and the PsySapients will be switching out gardening and socializing. Sunday will be the PsyMovers in a few smaller groups.”

“Do the PsyMovers have enough food to last through Sunday?” I ask.

“Tomorrow the committee will make a small gift basket of fruits and vegetables to last them a couple of extra days. Also, Gray, good job of getting out the word for people to rely on their own gardens as much as possible for the next few months. It is fortuitous that we cleared more acres at Harvest, even before we knew of the new residents. However, during the clearing, we merely prepared the soil for planting and did not sow any winter seeds. The Spring Planting Festival this year will be very busy. And, as always, the ABQ community farmers and ranchers will have their weekly fresh market at the Exchange to supplement our area food supplies.

“I have volunteered to help out with all the gardening demonstrations. So, I will be busy all day. Therefore, Philip and Ben plus several PsySentients will be our Social Chairs for the brunch gathering. Then the TouchVoyants will be transported for training and the PsySentients will be free to do whatever for the rest of the day. Philip, do you have anything to add?”

“No, my dear. I will miss you during the social, but I shall persevere. Gray, anything we need to know about training?” Professor Biobaku is a very lively and gregarious person, so I know he’s well up to the task of entertaining on his own.

Keeping in mind that many participants are from the other categories, I keep my response short. “Training wise, not much. The TouchVoyants will be broken up into five groups for training, we already have the group assignments out to the new TouchVoyants. It will be all four MacGillivrays and me leading the training in case the attendees want us pointed out. We also have volunteers from my PAPPA group helping us. But otherwise we’re all set.”

With this, Sharon finishes the call and we sign off. I walk outside to check on Echo

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