‘So, you don’t mind that I love you?’
‘No.’ His hands clenched on her back, as if he wanted to pull her back in for another kiss, but she stayed firm where she was, needing to say the words she should have said earlier.
‘And you will get some help to deal with your trauma.’
‘If you’ll come with me.’
‘Of course.’ If her heart hadn’t already been a melted puddle on the floor, it would have been right then. He trusted her that much. It was more than she’d ever imagined. ‘I have some things I need to talk about too.’
‘We’ll do it together.’
‘You’re not scared?’
‘Of course I am.’
‘Me too.’
They smiled at each other and then were kissing again. There was so much more to say, but they didn’t have to say it all now. They had time. She couldn’t believe she’d almost given up yesterday and had been going to tell Chandra she’d go home with him. What an idiot to think that was the conversation she needed to have with him.
Flynn pulled back, gaze steady on her face. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Are you worried about losing Carter?’ His fingers tightened on her back.
‘Yes.’ It was something she couldn’t admit to her papa, but she was terrified. ‘I can’t lose him, Flynn. I just can’t.’
‘I know. The thought of losing Aaron—’ He shook his head, his expression tightening. ‘I’d kill anyone who tried to take him away. I wish I could do something so you didn’t have to go through that.’
She touched his face. ‘You’ve already given me the cottage and helped me to restart my clinic. It’s enough.’
‘It’s never enough. I’d do anything. God, you must be so worried and here I am trying to drag you into helping fix my crap.’
She put her finger over his mouth, stilling his words. ‘It’s not crap. It’s important. To me as much as you.’
‘I appreciate you saying that, but—’
She put her entire hand over his mouth this time, laughing when he scowled at her. ‘You can’t take every burden on your shoulders, Flynn. Share some with me.’
‘I like the sound of that. As long as you share your burdens with me.’
‘It’s a deal.’
‘Then tell me what I can do to help with Carter.’
‘Nothing for now. We have to wait to see what the paternity test says, but if it is positive, I’ll need you then.’
‘I’m not going anywhere.’
‘Good.’ What she’d said was true. It was pointless worrying until paternity tests were done. It was best she put her energies into starting up her clinic and whatever needed to be done to start rebuilding everything they’d lost in the fire. And who knew what her papa’s buddy might find out about this Keith Blake that would bolster their case.
Things weren’t all bad. In fact, they could be quite good. If only they could figure out who was coming after her and why.
‘Hey, what’s wrong?’
‘Nothing.’ He gave her a look and she laughed softly. ‘Nothing that can’t wait until you’re up and around. For now, I just want to forget my worries and be here with you, enjoying this moment, okay?’
‘Sounds good to me.’
She leaned in and kissed him softly, before leaning back and looking at him. ‘I love these freckles,’ she said, tracing a pattern over the dark golden flecks on his nose and cheeks. ‘I could play join the dots with these freckles and the ones on your chest and back.’
‘You can play join the dots on me anytime you like.’
‘Can I?’
‘Yes, you can,’ he said, his smile lighting up his face as he ran his fingers up and down her back.
Mm, she liked that. She stroked the hair off his forehead. He really did need a haircut. She loved the feel of the curling silken strands on her fingers, but she also rather liked the idea of running her fingers through the spiky buzzcut he’d give himself. Maybe she’d help him do it. Yes. She’d have him take off his t-shirt and sit down in a chair and she’d stand between his legs, the heat of his body enveloping her, and she’d run her hands through his hair, her fingers pressing into his scalp as she kept him still and ran the clippers over his head, the buzz an echo of the desire rushing through her veins.
‘I like the sound of that,’ he said softly, fingers playing with the heavy ends of hair that had fallen loose over her shoulder, a sexy smile playing on his lips.
She wasn’t even surprised she’d said it out loud. ‘It’s a date.’
‘It’s a date.’
He pulled her down for a kiss, but was interrupted when her phone rang. She ignored it, letting it ring out. It rang again. ‘Sorry.’ She pulled away, aware of his gaze following her as she walked to where she’d plugged in her phone. It wasn’t a number she recognised. Was it him? The person who was threatening her? She wanted to put the phone down, back away, not hear that hatred aimed at her again. A hand snaked over her shoulder and plucked the phone from her numb fingers.
‘Hello?’ Flynn said.
She watched him, expectantly, half afraid, half angry. But his expression didn’t change and then he handed the phone to her. ‘It’s the insurance agent.’
‘Oh.’ Her knees almost buckled in relief, but she managed to take the phone and stay standing—helped by Flynn who wrapped his arms around her and held her against his warm strength. ‘This is Doctor Brennan.’
‘Doctor Brennan. I’m Kevin Sanderson, the insurance agent dealing with your claim.’
‘Oh, hello.’ It was about time they called her back.
‘I’ve done a review of the property and have spoken to the fire inspector and police and now need to get you to sign some documentation re your claim. Are you able to