meet within the next half hour?’

‘You’re up here?’

‘Of course. I had to view the site.’


‘I have to head back to Melbourne today but it would be good to meet up before I leave.’

‘Of course.’ This was good news, a step in the right direction. ‘Where do you want to meet?’

‘How about I meet you at the site of your house?’

‘That sounds good. In about twenty minutes?’

‘Okay. Fine. I’ll see you in twenty.’

She turned in Flynn’s arms. ‘I have to go out for a little while, to meet the insurance agent.’

‘I don’t like the idea of you going out by yourself.’

She stroked down his shoulders, down his arms to take his hands in hers. ‘I’ll be fine. We’re meeting at my house and there’s a street full of shops and houses. And I’ll be with the insurance agent.’

‘I should go with you.’

She glanced down at his knee—he was standing with it raised, balancing on one foot. ‘You really shouldn’t be up on that yet.’

‘I feel fine. I need to come with you. Someone’s after you and you shouldn’t be alone.’

‘I’ll get Reid or Mac to come with me then if that makes you feel better.’

‘It does. Although it would make me feel better if I came with you.’

‘Not a hope in hell,’ she said, lips quirking at the disgruntled look on his face. ‘Dehydration and heat stroke are serious and you’re not fully recovered yet and I am worried about your knee. Please don’t make me do the heavy and pull the doctor card.’

He caressed her lips with his then rubbed noses. ‘Fine. Reid’s probably out on the ride with your dad, so make sure you get Mac.’

‘I will.’

He settled himself in the bed and then looked up at her. ‘What?’

She took a deep breath and brushed her hands down her front. ‘I should be only an hour with the agent, but then I think maybe I should go and speak to Chandra.’ He and Vivaan had gone back to the B&B last night after having dinner with Barb, Mac, Ben, Diarmuid and the kids. Something had changed between them. He hadn’t looked at her with so much panic in his eyes. She wasn’t sure if she could make him see a divorce was best for both of them—she wouldn’t force him to come out, not in that way—but she had to let him know the stakes had just changed for her. Hopefully, he’d listen. Hopefully, he’d see that it wasn’t him against the world. That he was surrounded by those who loved and cared for him, who would be there even if his family turned their backs. ‘I need to tell him things have changed for me. Truly changed.’

Flynn’s gaze darkened. ‘Is that necessary now? You’ve already got enough stressing you out.’

She smiled up, warmed by his worry. ‘It’s time to start the conversation.’

He threw the bed covers back. ‘Then I’m definitely coming with you.’

‘Flynn.’ She made a sound of aggravation and walked over to push him back in bed—he went too easily. He was still weak. ‘I appreciate how you feel you need to protect me, but I’ve been looking after myself for years. Besides which, this is a conversation I have to have with Chandra myself. You and he haven’t really got along. He told me of your “chat” when you went to find Maccy.’

He looked at her for a moment and she thought he was going to protest, then mouth twisting ruefully, said, ‘Okay. But promise me you’ll get Mac to drive you. And know that I’m here if you need to talk.’

The smile that rushed over her face was too big, but she couldn’t stop it. ‘I will.’

‘Come here.’ He reached his hands out for her and even though she knew she shouldn’t, she went to him. He pulled her down gently and the kiss he gave her was a gift, a trust, a promise. ‘Come back to me ASAP.’

‘I will.’ She forced herself to get up, to back away one step at a time. He looked too good. She wanted too badly to touch him, kiss him, lie next to him and take comfort from him again. Everything that was bad just went away when she was in his arms. She swallowed hard and picked up her phone. ‘Do not get up while I’m gone. In fact, I want you to try to get some more sleep.’

‘What do I get if I’m good?’

‘If you’re very good, me.’

His mouth quirked into a wolfish grin as his gaze raked over her. ‘Then I better be good.’

‘You better.’ She gave in to the need and kissed him, short and hard and full of the anticipation of more. ‘I’ll be back,’ she said in her very worst Arnie impersonation.

He laughed. ‘You better. There’s still a lot to say.’

Yes, there was, and she was so glad he was open to saying it. ‘See you soon.’ She ran out the door before she could stop to take another kiss and another and another and miss her appointment with the insurance agent altogether. But first, before she left, she just needed to go and hug her son who she could hear was in the kitchen making breakfast with the others. It was such a cheery sound. A homey sound. One she wanted to hear every morning for the rest of her life.

Chapter 28

Aaron and Carter brought him breakfast in bed. The boys chatted about yesterday and looking after the horses and how much they liked Chandra and Vivaan and how funny Diarmuid was. But Aaron kept glancing at Flynn, a pensive look on his face. Swallowing a mouthful of bacon, Flynn reached over and ruffled Aaron’s hair. ‘I’m fine, A-man.’

Aaron smiled. ‘I know.’

‘Then why the worry?’

Aaron sighed and looked sideways at Carter. Carter nodded. Aaron sighed again then turned back, face pensive, serious. ‘Carter and I just wanted to say that we like the fact you and Doctor Prita are together.’

‘What?’ He couldn’t have been more shocked if an alien

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