Their next stop was to get her translation device implanted.Wheaton explained that normally the ship’s doctors would fit it, but they werein meetings, so a communications officer would do it. A chip being insertedinto her head was something Poppy had been nervous about but she had to admit,the device was pretty nifty. She had felt a small pinch at the back of her earand voilà, she could apparently understand their language. Reading it was stilla no-go but understanding the voice commands would help her figure out hersurroundings a little better. Wheaton’s chip allowed him to speak English butwith her now chipped as well, she would be able to speak with warriors in theirnative language. After Poppy was outfitted, Wheaton walked her around the shipfor a tour.
Exploring the ship was an eye-opening experience. SquadronOne seemed to be endless and Poppy was awestruck whenever they went by theglass that separated her from space. They toured the dining hall, therecreation room, the med center and the media area. Even though she walked theentire ship, or what felt like the entire ship, she still felt slightly lost.Every single hallway seemed the same and was marked with symbols, which shefigured were signs and room numbers, but that was about it.
Poppy was having an interesting morning, but so far it hadbeen disappointing in regards to her soon-to-be husband. She wasn’t sure whathis problem was but Wheaton was acting like a robot again. The horny guy she’dbecome familiar with the night before had disappeared. When he spoke to her, itwas as if he were conducting more of a formal tour than showing his girlfriendaround. The few times she’d reached for his hand he’d pulled away or moved atthe last minute. Hoping that he was simply uncomfortable with physical contactin front of the other warriors and not taking it personally was hard. Many menthey’d passed had given her a simple nod to say hello but there hadn’t been onesmile or handshake. She was hoping the coolness from him was a cultural thing.
Poppy was really trying to give him some leeway but theiralone time before they went to get errands done had been no better. He hadn’tspoken to her when they woke up…no “good morning”, no smile…nothing. Afterdressing, he’d walked to the kitchen area while she finished up. She wasfinishing putting her hair in a bun when she noticed a familiar smell: coffee!Poppy practically sprinted to where Wheaton was standing. Without ceremony, shesnatched the cup he held out in his hand.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Before sipping thecoffee, she saw that he’d already doctored it for her.
“How did you know I took my coffee with milk and sugar?”she’d asked after a moment of surprise.
“It was on your profile.” With that being said, he’d turnedto the door. “Please follow me. We will get your band now and I have time togive you a tour.” Not even waiting to see if she followed him, he’d walkedright out the door.
Hoping they could have some time together this afternoon,she was thinking of “get to know you” questions. Excited about being able togrill him about his favorite things and what it was like growing up on hisplanet, she made a mental list. During their walk back to their quarters, theywere stopped by another warrior in the hallway. Giving Wheaton privacy, shemoved over to the window in the bright hallway. Everything was so beautiful uphere. So clean.
While Poppy was gazing out toward the stars, Wheaton tookhis own time to study her as he talked with the other warrior. Being around herthis morning was causing him some trouble. He liked her company but had made adecision last night that he would not get further attached to her until she hadmade up her mind about staying. The last thing he wanted was to form either aphysical attachment or even a more personal one and then have her leave.Walking her around that morning, he had spent more time watching her than wherethey were going.
Wheaton had not really been in favor of her receiving atranslation device. Knowing that it would make her time on the ship easier tomanage, he relented to the directions of the Council but he was not going toencourage her to talk to the other warriors. He had only been with her for ashort time but he felt proprietary over her time and attention. If he was in ameeting, he would prefer that she stay in their quarters and wait for him.
Wheaton trusted very few warriors with his new bride.Dathrow had been his warrior brother for many years and had accompanied him onmultiple missions. Thorne was another warrior he trusted, a Council member whohad been in favor of the Bridal Pact but who had shown no interest in applyingfor his own. When it came to friends, there were only a select few who sharedthat title.
“Poppy?” Poppy jumped when she heard Wheaton’s raised voice,realizing he’d been trying to get her attention.
“My presence is needed in negotiations. Thorne will escortyou back to our quarters.”
With that small statement, Poppy was staring at Wheaton’sback as he walked away from her.
So here Poppy was. Sitting alone. Yet again.
Not knowing how late he would be back, she decided to makeherself some food. Using the food generator was easy peasy now she understoodhow it worked. With a full stomach and her e-reader, she found her iPod andscanned the music. She felt she was in either a Liz Phair or Patty Griffin mood.Griffin won out and Poppy was soon rereading one of her books with her favoritesongs on in the background. Before she knew it, she was drifting off to thesounds of Griffin’s soothing voice ushering her to sleep.
Waking the next morning