“Hello? Hellooooooo?” Poppy called out as she followed thenoise. “Wheaton? What are you doing here?”
“These are my quarters. I sleep here,” he said in a verymatter-of-fact voice while pulling on his boots. Somebody seemed crabby thismorning. Had he wanted to spend more time with her before they…pleasuredthemselves, and been disappointed she’d fallen asleep on the couch?
“What time did you come in this morning?” Leaning againstthe bedroom door, she watched him.
“Morning? I arrived last night after you had fallen asleep,”he said, completely oblivious to her annoyance.
“Why didn’t you wake me up? You just let me sleep on thattiny couch?” Now she was really peeved. She walked toward him to stand toe totoe. “What happened to carrying me to bed like the first night?”
“You are now aware of where the bed is placed. I assumed youfell asleep there on purpose.” He walked past her into the kitchen area.
Wheaton did not have time to argue with her this morning.Between the meetings yesterday, where he seemed to answer endless questionsabout his new bride, and his lack of pleasure last night, he was not in a goodmood. At the Council meetings it seemed that half of the Council was trying tofigure out how to get him out of his match and the other was applauding hisluck in being assigned a bride so quickly. There had been a few members who didnot understand how a diplomat could be assigned someone who on paper was notcompatible with a government official. Wheaton had to admit the doubts thatother warriors expressed had made him question the match even more than before.
“Seriously?” sputtered Poppy. Wheaton seemed completelyoblivious to the anger she was feeling and that was starting to piss her off.
“I am always serious,” he deadpanned, appearing unsure whyshe questioned him.
“Yeah, I’m getting that. The polite thing to do would havebeen to let me know you got home…and the carrying to bed would have been nicealso.” Did she sound as if she were pouting? Poppy hated people who pouted.
Wheaton turned to face her after making himself a drink.Staring at it for a few seconds, he placed his cup back on the counter. “I donot understand the interaction you want. Did you want to procreate last night?I have a small amount of time if you would like to do so now.”
If Poppy had been angry before, she was even angrier now.She was silent as she stared at him for a moment. He actually had the balls toappear hopeful at possibly getting some sex. Poppy was done. Done.
“Wheaton, we need to talk. And I need you to listen.”Walking over to the couch, Poppy waited for him to follow.
“I really have to go, Poppy. There are many items that needmy attention this morning.” He turned toward the door to leave.
“Wait, you have time for sex but not talking?” Stunned atwhat she was hearing, all she could do was just stand there staring at him.
“Yes. Sex is more important than talking so I would havemade time.” And with that he simply turned and walked out the door.
Wheaton thought it was better to leave before he didsomething to make her even more upset with him. Considering he did not knowwhat had set her off in the first place, that seemed like a solid plan.
As the door closed behind him, he tried to think of whatcould have angered his new bride but was quickly distracted when he ran intoanother warrior in the hall. Going over meeting notes for the day, his mind wasoccupied more with items that would need to be discussed and less with hisprickly bride. Hopefully tonight would be better and she would calm down enoughto explain why she was so upset. Even better would be if she completely forgotabout it and they moved to physical relations. As he walked with the warrioraway from the door, he thought he heard a loud huff come from their apartmentbut must have been mistaken. She couldn’t be that angry, could she?
In the apartment, Poppy stood glaring at the door. Whatthe hell had just happened? Wheaton had to have known how angry she was,right? She did understand that he had limited experience with humans but theemotion of anger was broader than just her species. He had essentially brushedher off and acted as if she were only there as a physical vessel when he neededher.
Poppy let out a frustrated scream. Not only had thatdouchebag left her alone again, but he hadn’t even realized how not cool thatwas. She’d better try to calm down before he came back, whenever that may be,and try to figure out a way to communicate to him she wasn’t going to betreated as an afterthought. This was supposed to be their bonding time, dammit!How was she supposed to bond with someone who only showed up when she wassleeping?
Staring at the door, she had one word running through herhead.
For the next three days, Wheaton and Poppy saw each other inpassing. Barely any words were spoken and the physical contact and any“exploration” they’d had the first night didn’t happen again. Poppy did wake upsnuggled into him but going to bed alone sucked. She had a feeling she wouldactually fall fast and hard for him if given the opportunity. From what she wasable to see of Wheaton, she could tell he was honest, sincere, and loyal to hiswarrior brothers. A day didn’t go by that he wasn’t busy with everything heneeded to do and Poppy admired his work ethic. It made some of the boyfriendsshe’d had in the past seem like the losers they were.
Listening to the Rain album on her player, she sat onthe couch and decided to have a pity party. The album was a compilation ofmusic Poppy always listened to when it rained outside and she felt blue. Poppyhad to admit, when she wallowed, she