Title: [Demiurge]
Details: A special-mythic title. Grants [Special Title] benefits. Grants [Accursed One] benefits/disadvantages. 70% chance of inflicted [Horrified] on whoever witnesses you use the Antediluvian Hieroglyphs. 30% chance of inflicting [Curse of Insanity] on whoever witnesses you use the Antediluvian Hieroglyphs.
This was one of the three [Special Titles] I possessed. I did not know what it meant, but I assumed there was going to be something related to it in the future. Then there was the Antediluvian Hieroglyphs, or, the common earth language which possessed a thirty-percent chance of driving people who saw it insane.
There was only one title I had left.
Title: [Sage Slayer]
Details: A special-mythic title. You slayed the Kadulja of the Final Sanctuary Woodlands. Grants [Special Title] benefits. Doubles MP Regen rate when MP or HP drops below 10%.
It seemed the perfect way to euphemize murder was to use the word slay in place of kill. I slayed your mother. He went to prison for slaying his wife. He’s a notorious Serial Slayer. Gone was the instinctive discomfort from the idea of murder and instead, it sounded like a weekend activity.
I fancied that word. Slay.
I’m going to slay the nightmares of Fort Zyvar.
Daily Task:
Gain a minimum of 200,000 EXPGain at least two new Weapons/Armor/Skills/Minions
Gain at least 10 Levels in four different skills.
Triple EXP Gain for 48 Hours. (Stackable) [(1) Currently Active]
Summon Two Random Item Chests Once a Day. (Quality Increases with daily summon.)
All Skills Can be Used Twice a Day with Zero Mana Cost. (Does Not Stack)
–100% Experience Gain for 24 Hours. (Stackable)
Randomly Forfeit Two of Your Skills/Weapons/Armor.
Two of your Highest Leveled Skills are Reset to Lv. 1
Time Limit: 18h41m22s
The Daily Task had changed. It had been upgraded. Doubled. The amount of experience I needed to gather was now double the original amount I gathered on the first day, along with the number of levels I needed to gain in skills, and the weapons and armor I needed to attain. The task had doubled, the rewards had doubled, and the punishments had doubled.
If I completed the task again today, then by tomorrow I would need to acquire 400,000 experience points, at least four new weapons and skills, and at least twenty levels in four different skills. In exchange, I would get quadruple EXP Gain, be able to summon four random item chests and use all of my skills four times a day without mana cost.
I could feel everything slowly coming together. My plan was a simple one, a plan that would work because of the abilities I had and the name I possessed, a combination of tactics, abilities, skills, knowledge of this world and the world I came from.
“Now, if my new Epithet Skill does what I think it does…”
Epithet Skill: [Gatekeeper] Lv. MAX
Details: A skill unique to the bearer of the name [Janus]. This skill enables the user to have absolute control over doors, gates, and any similar door-like entrances and exits. As the Gatekeeper, the User is immune to punishment from exclusion clauses, automatically granted guest privileges in locations where applicable and instinctively understands the history and workings of any door and gate the User encounters.
Passing through any door or gate will generate positive buffs depending on the nature of the entrance, and passing through a door or gate the User owns will fully restore the User’s health and magic.
It was as I thought. Janus was the Roman God of Doors and Gates. The real question I found myself asking, was whether or not I could create doors and gates from nothing.
“Create door.”
I suppose the answer to that was no.
“Open door.”
Nothing happened. Odd. I have complete control over doors and gates, but I can’t create a door?
“[Earth Control].”
Molding the earth into clay, and that clay into a large, rectangular shape, I stretched it, refined it, and allowed the clay to harden and desiccate. The solidified clay door I made was crude and unrefined, but it was unmistakable as a door by anyone who gazed upon it. Grabbing the clay knob, I felt a connection immediately, one that fed directly into my mind.
[Gatekeeper Activated]
Identified: Clay door, created by the Demiurge Stalker Skeleton Janus on the ninth day of the Month of the Sycophant, 2141AE in the Hlahan Forest of South-Eastern Alamir.
Door’s Structural Integrity: Low.
Door’s Special Ability: N/A
Memories Available: None.
Door Soul: N/A
No. of Times Door has been used: 0
Door Connections: None Assigned
You may edit, delete, replace, upgrade, assign, bless, or curse this door.
Knowledge unbidden rushed through my mind. The year was 2141, there were nine months to a year in the most commonly used calendar system, and the Month of the Sycophant was the last. The final month of the year.
I was born into this world in 2141AE two months ago, which would be… the month of the Visitor. The knowledge surprised me. More still, I was surprised at how much knowledge I got simply from touching a door that I created. What would happen if I touched a door that was hundreds of years old? A door that was thousands of years old?
“[Upgrade Door.]”
[Gatekeeper Activated]
Upgrade Commencing…
The clay door morphed from something crudely made into something that would not have been out of place in a Renaissance Era Castle. The rough edges smoothed themselves out. The door gained a polished, clean finish and gained equal proportions. The knob gained an elegant curl, the handle smoothening out, and a lock was now affixed in place whereas one did not exist previously.
[Gatekeeper Activated]
Upgrade Completed.
Identified: Ornate Clay Door
Details: Door created by the Demiurge Stalker Skeleton Janus on the ninth day of the Month of the Sycophant, 2141AE in the Hlahan Forest of South-Eastern Alamir.
Door’s Structural Integrity: High.
Door’s Special Ability: N/A
Door’s Applied Buffs: N/A
Memories Available: