space, hoping to find a new home, but the writing was on the wall. Earth was dying, and if they didn’t do something, then everything and everyone on this planet would die with it.

H.I.V.E didn’t have the wrong idea. They had the incorrect execution of the concept. Tessa recognized that not everyone could go, but they could take as many as possible. And she would give people the choice of whom to send instead of a dignitary committee appointing themselves to the mission.

Tessa could still acquire the DNA bank H.I.V.E possessed and have their own arc.  An actual arc that represented everyone. She had the schematics for the project and the ability to build her own arc. They might even produce more than one. The space at O’Hare had accommodations for expansive projects.

The decision was to go big or go home. Either Tessa would bring people together and save as many as she could, or they would tear themselves apart trying. The decision was in the hands of humanity. She could use her power to lead and protect, but she could not force people to make the right choice.

Tessa exited the hovel and announced to the group loitering around outside that they would be re-boarded. Their final destination would be Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. She explained that from there, the group would establish a base and a chain of command. They would be a group, and she would protect them.

There were cheers from the Evo masses, and everyone re-boarded the ship. Finn nodded in approval to her. He didn’t need to say a thing. He already knew. Tessa wondering if he had come to the same conclusion. She hadn’t known Finn for very long, but she recognized that they thought a lot alike. She hoped to rely on his strength in the battles to come, and there would be battles she was sure of that fact.

This would be an uphill fight all the way. Tessa would have to maneuver against H.I.V.E, Evo gangs, and human haters. She could do it if her friends had her back, and people believed in what she was doing. For the first time in her life, Tessa had a purpose. Her life had direction. She could make a difference.


Sam plotted a course for Chicago while Tessa and Finn planned out the landing location.  From all of Finn’s searches, he found O’Hare airport abandoned. They identified gang territory to the north and south of the airport, but there were no exact details on the size or primary locations. Only vague descriptions were available about the gangs of Chicago. It seemed like the territory lines frequently changed, shifting with new allegiances or the collection of new territory.

Tessa touched base with Arica and Norine tasking them to manage the immediate needs of the refugees. Arica assessed the group for injuries and used available first aid kits to address the most severe ailments. Norine tried to calm the children and help Arica by taking care of less serious injuries. Most Evo skills developed around sixteen, but some manifest earlier.  H.I.V.E didn’t care what age these kids were; they only cared about imprisoning them.

Sam announced as they approached the city, “Approaching the airport, and Tess, I think you should come up here. We might have a problem.”

Tessa and Finn entered the cockpit to see a massive tornado coming at them from the southwest. Gangs asserted their dominance and control in protecting their territory. Tessa had to think fast. Guns would not offer much defense against a twister, and the only answer was to use her Evo power to detour the attack and prevent damage.

Tessa told Sam to announce over the intercom system for everyone to hold on and buckle up. She wasn’t sure her plan would work, but she had to do something. Tessa placed her hands on the wall of the craft and focused intensely on her power as she built an energized bubble around the ship. She planned to use the sphere as a buffer zone and allow the vessel to maintain its balance while protecting it from the tornadic winds. She wasn’t sure if her power would hold up against a force of nature like this one.  She assumed the tornado was Evo produced based on its calculated trajectory.  It seemed like they deliberately targeted the aircraft.

A barrier glowed purple around the ship, and Sam continued to aim for the airport runway. The tornado collided with her protective sphere, and the ship jolted and shuttered in response. Many cabin alarms sounded, and warning lights blinked. Sam struggled to keep the aircraft stable but held it on course. Finn touched the console to offer assistance in controlling the tech and mechanical parts of the craft. Tessa centered her power and funneled more energy into the barrier, and the ship re-stabilized.

The twister continued its attempt to bombard the vessel, but eventually, gave up efforts. Tessa was sure the H.I.V.E insignia on their stolen aircraft made area Evos nervous. She remained hopeful the display of power identified them as non-H.I.V.E. She speculated and hoped they viewed her sphere in a positive light and not a new Evo threat.

Sam carefully landed their craft on an O’Hare runway, but Tessa cautioned everyone to stay put. She wasn’t sure it was safe for them to leave the confines of the ship yet. Tessa asked Sam to open the bay door, and he reluctantly complied. Sam was one of Tessa’s closest friends, and he worried about her safety, but he also understood the magnitude and strength of her gifts. He was learning to deal with the fact that Tessa was more than capable of handling herself.

Tessa exited the cargo bay but maintained the energized sphere around the ship. She watched the tornado head toward the runway. The twister tried one more time to attack the ship and failed the same as before. Debris slammed into the surface of

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