going on?” Victor asked Kim.

“Will’s a… friend of ours. Don’t worry, you can trust him.”

“We didn’t come here to play patty-cake with your boyfriend.”

“Yeah well the plans changed.” Kim started to overtake Victor and ran alongside Will as they passed the gate in the complex.

“What the hell, you let them in?” cried Tim.

“Get over it. You two,” he pointed to Amanda and another man standing with them, “close those gates when everyone’s in, then go up those two towers on the far side. Tim, get everyone who can fire a gun over here now. Do it!”

Will looked over his old group quickly pour into the complex. Ronnie and Anna eyed him as they came in, holding each other, but they were all okay. Shaun immediately climbed up the closest tower to the gate and grabbed an M16 from the man up there and started firing at the zombies.

Will made a mental note to ask where they hell they found military gear out here after this was over.

He looked past the fence and saw the last man out there, one of the ones he grabbed, trip and fall on all fours.

“Shit,” said Amanda.

“Come on, you can make it. Hurry!” cried out Ronnie.

The man who tripped didn’t think to get up, like any good horror movie character, and started crawling back to the base, screaming all the way. The zombies couldn’t have been more than two or three feet away from him.

If Will were there, he’d have heard the zombies moaning, and grunting at the man. They picked up their already faster than usual pace and lunged at him, one of them grabbing his leg.

The man kicked the zombie off with his free leg, using such force that he kicked its arm off. But it took too much time, two more zombies had already got to him, tripping and falling on him as the wall of undead behind them pushed them forward.

“Close the gate,” said Will.

“But he’s still alive!”

Will ignored Ronnie, as usual, and closed the gate on his own. Just as he fastened the lock, the horde slammed against the fence.

“You son of a bitch,” said Ronnie.

“No, he was right,” said Tim behind him. “He was already dead anyway.”

By now the whole camp made their way to the front gate, and were randomly firing into the zombie mass before them. In their excitement, many forgot to aim for the head and started shooting arms and chests.

Kim held her breath and lay down on her stomach. Firing at the targets before her one by one, she snapped between targets in rapid succession. The old army training was coming back to her, and at least you could pretend zombies were lifeless, cardboard cutouts.

The horde was pushing against the fence, continuing to walk straight ahead as if it weren’t there. The ones in the back continued to push those in the front. Whenever a zombie got shot, it had nowhere to fall, and its lifeless corpse staid upright against the fence.

But the group, whose nerves were more shot than the zombies, continued to spray and pray.

“Aim for the head damn it. Take a breath and aim.”

“There’s no time for that!” someone yelled.

“There is! If you just keep randomly shooting you won’t kill them and then they will break through. Just have faith,” Will tried to reassure them.

“Who needs faith when you got vodka?”

Will looked up and saw Shaun in the guard tower holding a bottle of clear liquid, with a ripped piece of cloth sticking out. He pulled out a lighter and threw it at the mass of zombies in the blink of an eye.

Yet the Molotov slammed into the horde in slow motion, it seemed to Will. He could see the bottle slowly spin in the air, smash into the side of one of the zombies, and break into a million pieces. The fire started small but quickly grew massive in size as it swallowed a good chunk of the horde in flames.

“Light ‘em up, watch ‘em burn,” yelled Shaun from the tower.

Will ran through the hail of bullets to Tim, who, in a head scratching move to Will, was shooting behind a mass of sandbags.

“What the hell was that?” he asked.

“That son of a bitch Fred was drinking on watch again, that’s what. Couldn’t hav--“

“Do you have any more?”

“Any more vodka?”

“No, any more Fred’s.”

Tim looked hurt, as if his intelligence had been insulted. Was that a joke or is he just an asshole, he thought to himself.

“Yes, I believe we have more somewhere.” Tim said, as the fire continued to rage behind him. The smell of burning and rotting flesh filled the air, making it nearly impossible to breath. Will saw someone near the gate throw his weapon down and start vomiting.


“Mess hall, it’s that big building over there,” Tim pointed, “all we’ve been able to find is tea and alcohol. No water whatsoever.”

Will didn’t catch that last part, as he took off to the building, grabbing Amanda by the shoulder, but she knew what he was thinking. She also knew that they didn’t have much time, or if this would even work.

Kim saw the two run off to the large building in the back. He certainly likes using fire to solve his problems, doesn’t he, she thought to herself.

“They just keep coming. There’s gotta be at least a hundred out there.”

“Where the hell are they all coming from?” Ronnie asked.

Kim got up and walked over to Tim. She continued to fire from behind the sandbag wall as she spoke to him.

“Just where are we anyway?”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“I mean we got lost in the woods for a long time. What is this place? How close are we to the city?”

“This is

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