against a solid wall of thick muscle and impenetrable force with a wet slap of skin. Swells flooded over the edge, splashing all over the floor with the patter of a downpour. Her one thought, wild and crazed, was how the bath continued to be full despite how much sloshed and sprayed.

Sightless gaze pinned to the wall that seemed leagues away, Aida remained rooted to the spot. Limbs too heavy and rigid, they threatened to break off as he shoved the trunk like breadth of a thigh between hers. Forcing her to recline against him, pushing and pulling until she mimicked a languid repose over his body. Inner thighs vibrating with tension where he kept her spread over both of his legs, Aida could scarce breathe as he locked an arm over her hips to keep her there while he dug around the bottom of the tub for the waxy block she’d lost track of ages ago.

“Again,” the man husked against the shell of her ear, smacking the slippery block into Aida’s rigid hand. Closing his fingers over hers in a painful grip, he brought their joined hands to her chest. Rubbing the brick in slow arcs until frothy bubbles appeared. Smearing them in ever widening circles, he grunted something in that other language and dragged the soap over one breast. Hot breath scattering over her shoulder as he watched his work, he repeated the same to the other.

Firm from the very moment he’d pressed her against it, she felt that part of him grow somehow harder. A slow throbbing against her lower back, the bewildering need to squirm making her uncertain if she wanted to get away or closer. Despite the fear tumbling through her belly, the tight bands of it constricting her chest, she felt flush. A tension that had nothing to do with her uncertainty gliding in sinuous threads through her veins. The skulking predator that inhabited her with careful precision until Aida found a sigh trembling over her lips, head falling back to the beast’s shoulder as he skimmed the soap over the aching point of her breast.

She shuddered when he repeated the action on the opposite side, the edge of his nails scraping over the taut nub that drew tighter with the rough touch. A helpless sound trembled over her tongue as sensations she could scarce describe flooded through her. The heat alone so intense she felt boiled alive from the inside out, pulsing thick and strange. Shivering as if the dead of winter scraped her spine despite the luscious fire licking through the cradle of her hips. A strange heaviness pervading it all, from her arms to her breasts, even that place between her thighs feeling so full and thick that she strained against the unrelenting force of his legs to squeeze it tight.

Rumbled words smeared against her neck sent a ragged thrill down her spine. Her back bowed, hard and sharp. Painful as she shoved her backside against the throbbing hardness of him, grinding against it. The next breath let loose on a thin scream as he tore them from the water. Whirled around, he slammed her against the edge of the bath, hard shelf driving against the soft flesh of her thighs. Painful pressure somehow glorious as his weight came against her.

Aida’s hands scrambled over the sturdy frame when his hands slid down her waist. Over the roundness of her backside, spreading them wide before he slid into the space he made. Closing the soft skin around his thickness, creating a channel of slick flesh. One she could not squirm free of as he set his legs tight against the outside of hers. Lower half wedged against the unforgiving wood, he pinned her in place for the slap of his hips as he bucked against her. Threatening to topple forward from the next vicious movement, his arms snaked around her. One hand gripping the opposite shoulder to keep her spine in a painful arch, the other at her throat to strangle her by degrees.

Aida scrunched her eyes closed, wishing that the smooth glide of flesh against her didn’t cause that pool of heat in her belly to thrash. That his shuddering breaths on her nape didn’t make her body sing. Smothered in male musk and the overwhelming heat of him, she whined in denial of the things he incited. Worse still as the pressure against her mound fled over pain into something all too stark and real. Pleasure mounting in heady waves, crashing through her with every hard shove. Tension riddled her body, a plucked string drawn too tight and threatening to snap.

As his thrusting became fitful, too fast and rough for her to balance against, he jerked her back against his chest. Fingers tightening over the column of her throat to silence her ragged panting, a splayed palm low on her belly pulled her into every rapid surge of his hips. He became thicker, the base of it feeling massive as it ground against her. Expanding until Aida thought it would bruise.

Hot and thick, something spattered over her back. His rumbles and growls scalding her neck as he bit and licked at the skin, continuing to buck against her. Movements slower, rougher yet more precise as more and more wetness coated her. Sounds choked off, Aida felt that tension rise, unbearable as it shuddered through her. Straining towards something.

Back cold and dripping as his heat left her, Aida clung to the tub frame and dared to look over her shoulder at the man who straightened despite his heaving chest and the deep flush staining his face and neck. Swiping a hand over his hair, he gave Aida a tightening of his lips before crouching to grab the soap from beneath the water once more. Tossing it onto the bath’s edge, he climbed out with an effortless grace.

“I’m sure you can finish from here,” he said and now those terrifying eyes were chill, a wasteland of nothingness as one corner of his

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