
Tasting bitter ash on his tongue, the same velvety darkness of her eyes swelling inside of him, he turned to bark an order for this Omega, this Aida, to begin making her reparations to him. To get on her knees and grovel before him as he took these frustrations out on the body that sang for him to use it in any way he wished.

Er’it drew up short when he found her doing just that. Blinked several times to be sure of what he was seeing. Not a simple curtsey as Tor’en advised him these people did in obeisance, she was on her knees with the simple folds of a pale green gown spread out in a sweeping bell around her. Head bowed, the wet strands of her hair black against the fear blanched pallor of her skin, she cowered before him with hands clasped at her waist. The very picture of servitude.

On a volatile wind, dusty and blistering, hatred and arousal coiled through him. Disgust close on its heels, murky and black as it sucked at what remained of his heart, he wasn’t sure if it was for her or himself. He couldn’t deny he liked her there. Liked it very much indeed as he came closer to look down at her with head canted. Inspecting the fragile veneer of her quiet, insidious darkness welling, wondering how far he could push her before she snapped, becoming true terror. If he’d enjoy her screams just as much as the hushed sounds she’d made in the bath.

Tucking her chin in the cup of his fingers, Er’it lifted her face to his. The pout of her lips red from where she’d worried it half raw, she kept her gaze hidden from him. Coy despite the way she’d writhed against him in the water. At his quiet rumble, the long length of her lashes snapped wide, meeting his gaze with a delicate shiver Er’it felt down to his very soul.

“You know who I am,” Er’it asked, craning her neck back. Baring that vulnerable line of her throat. How dare she be this thing that made him want her so? Controlling him with his cock as no woman had ever done.

Not daring to respond, she gave a twitch of denial. The starry blackness of her eyes turning misty, clouding the brightness of her gaze as she glanced away. As if to steel her will against what might come next for not having the knowledge at hand. Er’it had no doubt the one before him chose that path often. Too docile by half, this was a female accustomed to being used. All the more reason for Er’it to do as he wished.

“I am King Ver’it’athi Ina'nal'is,” he said, pulling himself from his thoughts. Hid his smile at the way her brows snapped together at his full name by shoving her chin away and turning to the windows he’d had opened. Airing out the last traces of the Black Mage from the rooms, leaving it fresh and full of the Omega. “You belong to me now. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

A breath of a whisper, he would have missed it had he not been straining for another taste of her voice. There was far more that he wished to taste, but the hour grew late. Darkness descended in these valleys earlier than they did on the endless sands. Muffling his sigh of irritation that he wouldn’t be able to torment his prize a little longer, he turned on a heel and stalked towards the outer door. His snap at her ear as he passed made her flinch, but she rose and hurried after him as if she knew what he expected of her. Er’it found himself wondering how much of this she’d performed for Otaso, trailing behind him with eyes downcast, kneeling upon the floor. Taking his cock against her back…

The thunder of his growl became a tempest, echoing through the murky staircase to pummel against his ears. Mocking him for his jealousy and anger both. Snatching the Omega’s arm, refusing to give her a name in his mind, he hauled her alongside of him. Careless of her tripping skirts and her hushed whimpers as he all but dragged her to the remains of the great hall where his people awaited him. Ready to celebrate their victory and impending departure both. Something he hadn’t yet told the Omega. He would have quit this place long ago if not for her. Yet another layer of filthy mire coating his thoughts of her.

Er’it ignored Endi’s wide eyes and gaping mouth, the craggy lines marring Ath’asho’s familiar face as he pulled the Omega behind him up onto the dais. Shoving her into the seat next to his so hard she started to tumble off the other side before she caught the edge of the table. Crashing into his seat, he watched from the corner of his eye as she dragged herself up with wide eyes flitting around the hall. All the color gone from her soft face, she curled around herself, a tight ball that tried to hide in plain sight as every eye turned towards her. Scrunching her eyes shut, she huddled deeper into the seat, something about the act enraging him all the more.

Disturbed that he wanted to bend her over the table and fuck her for all to see his claim upon her as much as he wanted to hold her and calm these ridiculous fears, he slammed his fist on the table to begin the feast. The sooner it was done with, the sooner he could figure out just what it was he planned to do with her.

“Majesty are you sure this was wise,” Ath’asho murmured at Er’it’s shoulder before taking his seat.

Er’it lifted his lip in response, a snarl he gave voice when the Omega startled, flinching hard from the serving girl who froze in the act of pouring wine. Trembling russet gaze sweeping from Er’it to the Omega, she finished as fast as she

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