Continuing to tease at her opening, refusing to delve deep inside of her despite the way she wriggled and moaned against the sheets that reeked of them both, a quiet sound of frustration rumbled through her chest. A plaintive growl, as diminutive as she was, yet it seemed to spark a fire within him. With a vicious snarl he thrust hard, burying himself to the hilt and filling her to the point of pain. Despite the discomfort it brought, she wanted more. Pleading with the rough slap of his hips as her thighs trembled, straining to open wider.
A shiver cavorted down her spine at the scrape of his teeth. Something urging her to bare her neck to him and not in meek submission. The heat welling through her chest promised something so much more if he would just stop his taunting nips. Pleasure unlike anything she’d ever know twined through her limbs, forcing the thought from her mind. Nothing but unadulterated sunshine would hold her in this moment. The rasp of his rough hands, the erratic tempo of his hips against her upturned backside, it was a cacophony of bliss. Tightening her body until it vibrated like a taut string, her moans spiraling up to the sky.
Hands closing over her hips, he pinned her to the bed. Held her still for his brutal treatment. The wet sounds of their coming together punctuated by the slap of skin. Under it all the glorious scent of him tainted with her sweetness driving her mad with a need she could scarce comprehend. She knew he could see her to it though, and as he angled his body further, her cry lit up the darkness with a shower of stars swimming in her eyes. The ornate headboard slammed into the dark bricks as he used his weight to crash into her over and again. Forcing her to open wide around the growing thickness at the base of the throbbing member pummeling her insides into raw delight.
It would hurt when it grew. Making her scream as it forced a place far too small to contain it, but in those glorious moments she wanted that, too. Already she felt her body fluttering around it, grasping at him. As if she could hold him inside of her and force the heady wash of warmth to fill her.
“Greedy little thing aren’t you,” he husked against her temple. “You’re going to have to work for it, princess.”
His grip shifted, hauling Aida to her knees. Shoulders kept flush to the mattress, it was in the first panicked moment that he withdrew that she fell back into him. Driving herself onto that formidable length hard as he crashed into her. Aida shoved at the bed, rearing up with a keen of something beyond mere pleasure and pain as he hammered against something so deep inside of her the delicious ache of it spiraled through her body in a fiery shower of sparks. The slap of his palm between her shoulders drove her back down, but it added to the maelstrom. Sending those glowing embers into steady flames that burst into a wildfire in her veins. After the initial shock left her, she did it again. Squealing with the intensity of the sensations as she braced her hands against the sturdy headboard that rapped out a staccato rhythm that fast increased. Matching the wild beating of her heart as they both became erratic.
“Please,” Aida sobbed as he covered her back.
“That’s right, princess. Beg for it. Ask me nicely to fill this tight cunt!”
She would have pleaded. Begged until her voice grew hoarse and the stars fell from the sky, but she didn’t have to. Between one breath and the next her world exploded. Glittering shards of light through the darkness, crackling with lightning of crimson. It shattered into fractals of colors and shapes as she screamed, the thickening promise forced through the tight contractions of her pleasure. Shoved home with a victorious roar as he jerked in uncontrolled spasms behind her. Pulling her tight as he filled Aida with the molten fire that sent her spinning off into the stars once more.
Moments or hours passed before Aida could hear the straining gasps of her breath, feel the thunder of her heartbeat in her ears once more. A low wail built in her chest, churning and clawing its way up to die in agonized defeat against her lips. The considerable weight of him crushed her, the glistening sheen of sweat cooled to tacky patches that itched. She made no move, not even a twitch as that thing pulsed inside of her. Sending heat through her belly though he remained limp atop her.
It hurt. An agonizing stretch to tender flesh and abused muscle, yet her body grasped it tight. As he pulsed inside of her, so she contracted around him in turn. Urging forth every thick surge to fill her to the point of bursting, though the swell refused to let loose a single drop.
“So sweet,” Er’it mumbled against her shoulder. His tongue tasted the salty sheen of her skin as he wet his lips, a low groan following the click of his throat. “Never have I bred one so long and hard.”
Aida might not know much, but she understood some. Otaso’s horses bred in the fields, the blustering hounds, even the birds on the wing. It seemed odd for her new master to want to do that to her. His low slave now, the idea of her being fat with his child should repulse him. At least she thought so. She’d heard Immari speak to the servants with such low regard, as if they were mud on her boot. A slave must be below contempt.
Too tired by half to give these new thoughts any real attention, Aida drifted in the hazy space between wakefulness and sleep. Startled into awareness each time Er’it groaned and shifted, pushing deeper inside of