her until she arched and whined. His growls making her shiver, coarse words sending a flush of liquid fire through her veins until Aida thought she might burn the whole castle down.

When the thing he called a knot diminished, shrinking enough that a rush of fluids flowed from her in a thick river, she felt shame. That she liked it so, that she felt empty and lost without it. More so for the plaintive whine she made when he eased his weight aside and collapsed next to her.

“Sleep, princess. I rise early tomorrow, and you have duties to attend.”

Feeling far colder than the cool night allowed for, Aida curled onto her side and tugged the heavy duvet up to her chin. Tried to ignore the rich scent of him flooding her senses as she closed her eyes and let the overwhelming exhaustion take her.

It was still dark, and she felt as if little time had passed when she awoke again. He was already inside of her. Moving with a measured pace that one might even call gentle. Until he realized she was awake. Then it was just as before, violent and brutal. Glorious in its savageness. He took her again as soon as his knot released him, the swollen girth still plump and full as he began anew. Twice more he woke her, growling against her throat, moaning at her ear. Calling her horrible names even as he praised her and commanded she give him more.

By the time Er’it let her be, the sun was warming the horizon once more. He insisted on remaining inside of her, too. Forcing her to mold her back to his front, feet tucked snug between his calves to keep her from pulling free of the knot still binding them together as he let her drift off. Too exhausted by then, she didn’t remember his promise to rise early. It left her unprepared to be jostled awake as the sun filled her window, his sleep rough voice at her ear commanding her to rise and see to his needs.

Caught off guard when he mounted her yet again, forcing her pleasure with his hand between her thighs. Twisting at the raw bit of flesh that refused to stop sending sheer bliss rocketing through her veins as she cried out in wordless delight at the sensation. Their combined sounds echoed through the quiet room until Aida collapsed to the bed with a breathless shriek of pain as he pushed the knot deep.

He gave her little time to recuperate, climbing from the bed as soon as the swollen knot would allow him to tug free. Fingers working between them, he manipulated the plumped flesh, squeezing it to pull it from her tightness. Grunting as Aida wailed into the covers when he forced taut flesh to stretch even wider for his retreat. Not even a paltry mercy given as his hand closed over her arm and he dragged her from bed to bath.

Aida choked back her tears after he dunked her in the warm water. Half of her prayed the Abyss would open and take her while the other just wished for sleep. Hoping he’d mistake the salty sting of her misery for the barren moisture of water as he climbed in after her. Frozen as a hunted deer as he stared at her, she sprang into action when his lip twitched. Snatching up the soap and putting it to the skin of his shoulder, she concentrated on her task as hard as she could. Staring at the frothy bubbles while he watched through hooded eyes as her trembling hands bathed him.

More than cautious, her process was slow as she scrubbed every inch of him clean. Even the terrifying length of him received her utmost attention where it stood proud away from his body, her hand unable to close around its thickness. The delicate skin of the rounded flesh beneath received the same attention, and when he groaned and grabbed the back of her head, Aida’s fear spiraled out of control.

“Please,” she choked out around the sob lodged in her throat, bowing her head low to lessen the sting of her hoped for denial. Throat raw and scratchy, she would retch if he put the soapy member into her mouth again.

Er’it muttered under his breath, pushing her away with something close to a snarl. Cowering before him as he stood over her, she scarce dared to breathe until he sat, sending water sloshing over the rim and knocking Aida about in an angry sea of warmth and cedar.

“Come.” Snapping his fingers, he pointed at the space between his spread legs.

Aida bit her lip hard, shuffling forward on her knees until she sat surrounded by hardness and heat. She hurt all over, exhausted beyond all measure. There was no reality where she could withstand his treatment of her again. Fear slinking through her veins at what her further denial might bring, of the punishments he would dole out if she refused his attention, her lower lip began to tremble. A muffled shriek squeezed past her clenched teeth when she fell away in surprise at his touch, a ragged sob following tight on its heels. Arms up to protect her head, she waited for a blow. One that never came as her rasping breaths filled the sudden quiet.

The next thing Aida knew, he pulled her back into his warmth. Slammed against the brick wall of his torso before he stood, lifting her with no effort until she stood on her own. Movements becoming brisk and efficient, he smeared the soapy block over Aida’s skin. Cleaning away every last vestige of the tacky remains from his repeated pleasure. Until he came to the sparse curls at the juncture of her thighs. There he paused, hand wavering before he tossed the soap aside and pushed Aida to sit so he could dump too much of the cream to soften her hair into the bunched tresses. Even with the rough pads of his fingers

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