teeth. “Nope, she’s really not nice to anyone. I’m not sure I should keep her around anymore. On the way here, she was threatening me and now this.”

Sloane gasped dramatically and left her mouth hanging open. “How dare you. You know Margo is nothing but a gift to this family.”

“Isn’t a gift supposed to be something you want?” Reese’s laughing instantly ceased as Sloane gripped his ear in her small hand. He let out whimpers of pain, curling towards his ear.

“See? You really should be nicer to me,” I warned. “Cause Mama Sloane and I are going to team up, and you lot will be in a world of trouble.”

“You’re damn right,” Sloane echoed, releasing Reese’s ear.

“Theo, Gabriel said he wanted to talk to you about something before you leave. He’s in his office,” Eli said bored, getting up and looking at some knick-knacks on Sloane’s shelf. Theo nodded and left the room.

“So, Margo.” Sloane smiled mischievously, much like her son.

“Mom,” Eli said warningly.

“What?” she asked innocently, batting her lashes.

“We all know that tone. Don’t interrogate her just because Theo left.”

“I was just going to ask her how she was liking the house,” she harrumphed. I smiled my thanks to Eli. My eyes drooped, and I pinched my hand to keep myself awake. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

“I’m just tired. It’s this medicine,” I explained, closing my eyes tightly and then blinking them open. She cooed and stood up.

“I’ll go get Theo to take you home, this is probably a lot of activity for you.” I told her I was fine, but she gave me a pointed look, and I allowed her to go fetch Theo. Theo strode back into the room and kneeled next to me in concern.

“Are you alright?”

I nodded, stroking his scratchy cheek with my hand.

“Just tired.”

He turned and told his mother that we were leaving. I said goodbye to her, thanking her for all the food and showing me pictures. She laughed exuberantly and hugged me close to her chest.

Theo helped me outside with the aid of my crutches, dodging all the other pack mates that tried to catch his eyes. He grunted as he helped me inside the car, rolling his eyes at the nosy pack members around us.

“Everyone just wants a piece of you,” he said smirking, sending me a flirtatious look I shrugged and closed my eyes peacefully, letting the warm sun hit my face. Theo sighed, making me open my eyes, and I found him looking at me lustfully.

I shivered and sat up straighter in my seat. Theo started the car, speeding down the gravel road towards his house. I eventually slumped down again, tired and achy from moving around so much. As we got closer to the house, the trees condensed, and the sun rays became scarce.

Suddenly, my body was thrown forward and then held back by my seatbelt. I opened my eyes widely, looking around, looking towards Theo, who was shaking.

“What’s wrong?” I heaved. My heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my throat.

“There are wolves outside the car.”

I shook my head, wondering what the issue was. His packmates had shifted around us before we left, checking to make sure we were safe and happy.

“They aren’t from our pack.”


“Will you please, please, let me handle this alone?” Theo asked, his voice wavered with uncertainty. I gave him a pointed look and unbuckled my seatbelt. He nodded many times, bracing himself for what was outside.

He threw his door open, and it ricocheted back and closed on its own. Theo inhaled deeply and relaxed his muscles. He chuckled slightly and shook his head as exhaled, looking around like he couldn’t imagine what was happening. He circled the car and helped me out before turning us towards the wolves. They were still, almost waiting for something.

“You need to be kept on your toes,” a woman’s voice called out from behind the trees. A girl stepped out, pulling a black shift down her torso.

“You scared me half to death, I hope you know that,” Theo lamented. He let go of my arm and strolled over to where the woman was. As he threw his arms around her, she laughed, her voice as raspy as the tree bark, but it suited her.

He looked her up and down as she pulled away. I fought back the feeling of jealousy rising in my stomach. I couldn’t move any closer without my crutches.

“Wow, you haven’t changed a bit,” Theo said in awe, shaking his head. The girl smirked and let go of Theo’s hand, circling his body, trailing a hand along his shoulders.

“Funny,” she drawled, licking her lips. “You have.”

Their reuniting was quickly broken up by my sarcastic laughter. Theo turned, confused, and then he realized he had left me behind. He jogged over, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, kissing my head. I glared and shrugged him off me.

“Sorry,” he apologized quietly, looking at me with boyish guilt. I huffed a little but leaned into him.

“And who is this?” The woman sauntered over, her long legs shaking the ground with every step.

“This is my mate, Margo. Margo, this is Bodhi Sennia, Alpha of the Nomad Pack.”

     Bodhi smiled, her lips curling up to her freckle covered nose.“So, this is the girl who has tamed our gentle beast?” she giggled. Her accent wasn’t local, some sort of distant tone that was unknown to me.

“Nice to meet you,” I tried to say honestly, reaching my hand out to meet hers. Bodhi took a step back and leaned down and bowed, holding her hand to her chest.

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Luna Regina.” I blinked and looked to Theo, who was smiling and waiting for me to respond. “You are human?” Bodhi asked.


She nodded dramatically, and the dark, kinky curls on her head shimmied with her. I unconsciously tucked my own curls behind my ear.

“I was too, once,” she flittered, rocking back and forth

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