the side of my leg.

“You want me to be a wolf so badly that I think sometimes you forget I’m still human.”

“What does that mean?” He leaned back.

“Bodhi is everything I can’t be,” I said aloud for the first time. “She’s loud and energetic, she’s smart, she’s strong, she’s a leader, and she’s a wolf, Theo.”

“That’s not true,” Theo tried to fight back. It was a feeble attempt, even he didn’t believe it.

“It is,” I said sadly, though truthfully. “She is everything you want in a mate, and she comes wrapped in this beautiful package like she’s this wild, gorgeous version of me, and I can’t help it but feel insecure.”

“I never meant to make you feel this way,” he said, slumping to the ground in front of my feet. “I’m your mate, I should be making you feel beautiful and strong and loved, and instead I make you feel like this.” His head was low, and he was searching for something within his own mind; maybe the moment he started treating me differently. I don’t think he found it.

“I just want to be okay here,” I told him, fiddling with my fingers in my lap.

“You are safe here,” he said fiercely, looking up at me.

“Physically, yes.” I stared back.

We stayed like that for a long time. Theo’s fingers brushed against my thigh. It wasn’t romantic, I think he just needed to be near me in some way.

“Do you think Caddy hates me?” I asked softly.

“No,” he breathed with determination. “No, I don’t think he hates you.”

I nodded, brushing my fingers across his.

“Do you hate me?”

Theo’s fingers stopped moving on my thigh, and his eyes settled to a soft close. He opened them, and he looked at me with a quiet reverence. His hand brushed my cheek.

“For you to even ask that question.” He shook his head, his voice low and soft. “I feel like I’ve failed you.”

I shook my head, tears pricking my eyes. That wasn’t my intention. The question was innocently burning my tongue like cinnamon.

“I’ll be nicer to her,” I promised, biting my lip. “I’ll try harder. It isn’t her fault.”

Theo rose to his knees and pulled the back of my head to meet his lips. As he kissed my forehead, I felt a surge in our bond for the first time in days. My hand found the valley of his chest, and I rested it there, feeling the heat from his skin sink into me.

“It isn’t yours, either.”

Gather Me

 Caddy and Bodhi stayed outside for a while, introducing themselves and getting to know one another. The sun was setting by the time they wandered back in the house. Theo was cooking dinner as I sat on a stool near the counter.

I made eye contact with Caddy first, waiting for him to show any kind of emotion before I unveiled mine. His face was blank, emotionless, cold, as he led Bodhi inside with his hand on the small of her back. Bodhi was looking down, a slight blush coating her neck and cheeks.

Theo stepped away from the stove to look at the pair entering. He smirked at Bodhi, who shot him a look that could make anyone want to crawl six feet underground.

“Look at you two lovebirds,” Theo sang, stirring the pot on the stove wistfully. He cocked his head back to glance at me, nervously sitting at the counter. “Don’t you think so, Margo?”

Caddy and Bodhi looked at me expectantly.

“Yes,” I said, clearing my throat after speaking. “Yes, you’re very sweet together.”

“Really?” Caddy teased, raising his eyebrows. “You don’t think we’re terrible together and that we should leave right now before we ruin anything else?”

“No,” I moaned in humiliation. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said; I was just emotional and not thinking.” I stared at Caddy, trying to show him how sorry I was. “I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t start crying,” Caddy mumbled, nearly rolling his eyes as he walked toward me. He threw his arms around my shoulders and hugged me, softly whispering, “It’s alright.”

Over his shoulder, I could see Bodhi clenching her fists slowly, glaring at his back. Theo smirked and hit her on the arm. “Already feeling the bond, huh?” Theo smiled. Bodhi turned towards him and smacked his shoulder, hard. He winced.

Caddy reached for Bodhi as he released me, pulling her towards a set of two chairs next to me. She reluctantly followed, although she glared at me the entire way.

“Caddy, get your mate something to eat.” Theo threw his head towards the stove and leaned on the counter to eat with me. Caddy quickly stood up and prepared two plates of food, eager to show his mate he could provide for her. She smiled at the gesture, her thin mouth curving around her fork as she ate.

Theo and I ate quietly, not wanting to interrupt the newly mated couple any more than we had already. Theo grabbed my dish when I was done with it and threw it in the sink. He came to my side of the counter and picked me up, climbing the stairs and setting me gently on the side of our bed. He knelt by my feet, peeling the thick socks I had on off my feet.

“What are you doing?” I giggled as his nose skimmed my calf. He placed a firm kiss on my knee, looking me in the eyes as he did so.

“I haven’t been giving my mate the attention she deserves,” he pouted, feigning seriousness. I nodded along with him. “I think I need to make it up to her.”

“I think you should,” I agreed aloofly, looking off in the distance. A low growl brought me back to our bed and made me smile.

We didn’t leave our bed for the rest of the night, giving Caddy and Bodhi plenty of time to get to know each other. I rolled over in the middle of the night and heard loud laughs from downstairs. My movement

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