ponytail I always woreit in. “Where’s some cheesy music and a stripper pole when you needthem?”

Corbin shook his head. “There is no need foryou to try and make a show out of it to arouse me. I am quitecertain I will find the sight of your naked body erotic enoughwithout any other efforts on your part.”

Sure, if he had a thing for freckles, smallbreasts and big thighs. At least I didn’t have to worry about himlosing control once he saw me in the altogether. In fact, seeing menaked might just cure him of his ridiculous obsession with me—as Ihave mentioned before, I don’t hate my body but I’m not exactlymodel material either.

I took a deep breath and started unbuttoningmy jacket. Great—so my punishment was going to be humiliation. Butif Corbin thought he could rattle my cage by getting me naked, hewas mistaken. I could get through this, I told myself fiercely.Besides, taking off my clothes was a hell of a lot better thanhaving sex with him.

I kept telling myself that until I got downto my bra and panties. They were pink and lacy and innocentlooking, which made me feel like an inexperienced little girl infront of Corbin, who was watching my every move intently. At leastthey matched. I was absurdly glad that he hadn’t caught me wearingmy granny panties although I told myself I shouldn’t care what hethought.

I was reaching behind my back to unsnap mybra when Corbin held up his hand. “Stop.”

“What?” I looked down at myself. Had healready decided he’d seen enough? That was a little insulting.

“What is that? On the inside of your elbow?”He pointed and I looked down with a growing sense of dread. It wasTaylor’s bite from the night before and it was still raw.

Corbin was up and out of his chair in ablur. Suddenly he was standing in front of me and the light in hiseyes was truly frightening.

“I…I…” I tried to back away from him but healready had my arm grasped firmly in his big hand.

“Did I not tell you that you weren’t to giveTaylor any more of your blood?”

“Take it easy! That’s from last night whenshe came to see me at my place,” I protested.

Corbin seemed to relax a little. “All right.But earlier you told me there was nothing more for me to heal,Addison. Why did you lie to me?”

“Technically I told you there were no morescars, which is true,” I pointed out.

He shook his head. “You kept this from me onpurpose. Why?”

I could tell from the look in his eyes thathe wasn’t letting me go until I answered. “Because the way I feltwhen you…when you healed my wrists freaked me out, okay?” I said,feeling the hot blood rush to my cheeks as I remembered the way mybody had reacted to his touch. “I couldn’t imagine letting you dothat, letting you put your mouth on me, farther up my arm.”

Corbin’s eyes darkened. “I fear that verysoon you will have to get used to my mouth all over your body, mydarling. In the meantime, you have incurred another punishment forlying to me.”

“What? But I’m not even done with this oneyet!”

“Indeed you are not.” He let go of my arm.“Continue, please.”

Trembling with anger and indignation, I wentback to fumbling with my bra strap. But somehow the damn thing wasstuck or else maybe my hands were just shaking too much. At anyrate, I couldn’t get it undone.

Corbin saw my problem. “Here. Let me.” Hereached behind me to unhook the strap and then drew the bra slowlydown my arms. Without asking, he knelt at my feet and slowly teasedmy panties down my legs until I could step out of them. Afterwardhe simply sat there, staring up at me.

I wanted to be brave and proud and fierceand not care what he thought of me but too many years of body imageissues got in the way. I put an arm over my breasts and my otherhand between my thighs, cupping the neatly trimmed strip ofred-gold curls that grew there. “Okay, I’m naked. Are you happynow?” I asked, feeling like my cheeks must be as red as my hairwith mortification.

“Not yet. Move your hands, Addison. Let melook at you.”

“I don’t want to,” I said stubbornly. Thispunishment was turning out to be harder than I’d imagined. “I…I’mshy.”

“I can see that.” His voice was curiouslygentle. “Nevertheless, I wish to see you.” He continued to look atme, waiting silently. After a while I realized there was no pointin hoping he’d get bored or decide to move on to something else—heliterally had all the time in the world. He could sit there staringat me like that forever until I gave in.

Better to get it over with—like rippingoff a bandage. Gritting my teeth, I dropped my hands to mysides and closed my eyes tightly. Corbin might want to look at menaked but that didn’t mean I had to watch him doing it. There was along, long silence in which I could feel myself getting more andmore embarrassed.

“Anytime you’re done looking,” I finallyground out. “I mean, unless my second punishment is standing nakedin the middle of the room all night.”

“As lovely as you are, I do not think thatwill be necessary.” Corbin’s deep voice sounded closer. My eyesflew open to see him standing in front of me now, so close hischest was almost touching my bare breasts. “And your secondpunishment will not begin until I have healed you.”

“You mean now…like this?” I wanted to boltfrom the room though I knew there was no getting through that damnbank vault door. But just the idea of him touching me, of his warm,wet mouth on my skin when I was naked, was enough to make me panic.He was going to be able to see his effect on me. See when mynipples got hard, when my pussy got wet. It was going to beabsolutely humiliating.

“Don’t be so upset, Addison. That wound hasto hurt—you’ll feel better when I am done.” Corbin took my hand anddrew me over to the chair. He sat down and took me in his lap.Beneath his

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