beenhard and cold for over four hundred years. Let me assure you, thereis no such thing as too soft.” He placed a hand on my lower belly,right above the sensitive mound of my pussy. “The feel of yourskin, the flutter of your pulse when I touch you, the scent of yourarousal are all incredibly beautiful and erotic. See yourself forwhat you are and revel in your beauty.”

His words were frighteningly seductive. Isupposed I did look pretty good if I wasn’t comparing myselfto some stick figure of a model. My skin was creamy in thefirelight and my breasts, while small, were well proportioned andvery perky.

“I still don’t like my freckles,” I saiddesperately, trying to stop myself from falling completely underhis spell.

“Angel kisses.” Corbin dropped a soft,open-mouthed kiss on my bare shoulder where there was a cluster offreckles. “That is what we used to call them. They’re beautiful,just like the rest of you, Addison.” His fangs were fully out and Iwatched in the mirror as he kissed a slow, hot trail up my neck. Atthe same time I could feel a hard lump against my lower back and Istarted to panic a little.

“Don’t bite me,” I blurted. This was the wayit happened—a vamp and a human got a little too close and the drivefor blood kicked in at the same time the drive for sex did. That’swhen you got your feeding frenzy and the human was left lookinglike a pile of raw hamburger.

“You still fear me.” Corbin’s breath waswarm against the side of my neck. “Very well, I will not bite youtonight although I am longing to taste more of your sweetblood.”

I tried to make myself relax. “No biting, nospanking, no sex. I still don’t understand what my punishment issupposed to be.”

“To discover your own beauty.” He kissed theside of my neck again. “And to show me exactly how much pleasureyou take in it.”

I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”

Corbin shifted so he could kiss the otherside of my neck and met my eyes in the mirror. “Touch yourself,Addison. I want to see you take pleasure in your body.”

“What?” My cheeks were burning. “No. Noway. Why would you want me to do that?”

“For one thing, it is intensely erotic.” Hekissed my earlobe, making me shiver. “And for another, while I cangive multiple orgasms with my mind, as you say, I am a little outof practice at giving them to a human woman manually. I need to seethe way you touch yourself so that I can pleasure you.”

“What if I don’t…don’t want you to pleasureme?” I moaned as his hands came up to cup and caress my barebreasts again.

“If that is really true I will stop rightnow,” he murmured. “Can you prove to me that you’re serious and youdon’t desire my hands and mouth on your body?”

“How…how am I supposed to prove it?” Idemanded, trying to feel irritated instead of aroused.

“Spread yourself for me.” His hand brushedlightly over the mound of my pussy, letting me know exactly what hemeant. “If you aren’t wet and ready I will let you go right now andpromise not to touch you again for the rest of the night.”

I bit my lower lip. I really didn’t want todo this—it was so damn embarrassing. Also, I was fairly sure ofwhat he would see—I was wet and hot and ready from the way he’dhealed me earlier as much as from all the kissing and stroking thatwas going on now. Still, maybe if I did this, if I opened myself,he would be satisfied and not make me put on any further show forhim. The idea of touching myself in front of him—in front of anyman—made me feel hot and cold all over with embarrassment.

“All right,” I whispered. Reluctantly, Iopened my legs, which had been tightly shut. Then, with tremblinghands, I reached down and parted my pussy lips, spreading myself asCorbin had asked me, baring my innermost self to his penetratinggaze.

We were both watching in the mirror andCorbin growled softly as I performed the intimate action he’drequested. It was a sound of pure lust and it seemed to vibrateevery part of my body.

“Beautiful,” he murmured in my ear. “Lookhow wet you are, Addison. You don’t really want me to stop, doyou?”

“I…I don’t know,” I said softly and it wasthe honest truth. I knew with every fiber of my being that I shouldstop this now. It was illegal and dangerous to be having sex, orsemi-sex anyway, with a vampire—especially one as old and strong asCorbin. But so far he had done nothing to frighten or harm me and Icouldn’t deny the sensations that rushed through my body when hetouched me.

“You may continue to think about it whileyou touch yourself,” he said, bringing me back down to Earth with athump.

“What? But…but I am touching myself,” Iprotested.

“Addison…” He gave me a stern look. “Youknow what I mean.”

“But it’s so embarrassing.” I met hiseyes in the mirror. “Please don’t make me.” I hated to beg but Icouldn’t help myself. I had never done anything half this intimatefor a man before and the very idea made me feel like shriveling upand dying.

He sighed. “You would rather I touched youwithout knowing what you like?”

“I would rather you didn’t touch me at all,”I said by reflex.

Corbin’s eyes skewered mine in the mirror.“I believe we already answered the question of whether you found mytouch repulsive or not.”

“It’s not you—it’s what you are,” I pointedout. “It’s that you’re a vamp. This isn’t safe—it isn’t evenlegal.”

He shook his head. “I am aware of theimplications of our actions. But vampire or not, I am goingto make you come tonight. Whether or not you help me is yourchoice.”

“Fine.” I lifted my chin. “I choosenot.”

“Very well.” He took my hands and put themon my thighs. “But you must guide me. Tell me what feels good as Itouch you.”

“All right…I guess.” There didn’t seem to beany way I could stop him from touching me and to be brutallyhonest, I was no longer sure I wanted to. The part of me that knewhow dangerous what we were

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