ran through me, quenchingthe pleasure I’d been feeling like a bucket of ice water. OhGod—he’d drawn blood! The urge to feed on my blood was now rightout there, front and center, along with his urge for sex.

What was I going to do?

Chapter Seven

Everything inside me seemed to have turnedto ice. God, I was in trouble now. I believed Corbin had goodenough control to touch me, maybe even to make love to me, withoutkilling me. But that was only if we left his bloodlust outof the equation. Now that his thirst for blood had been triggeredat the same time as his lust for sex, I was going to be very dead,very quickly.

“Corbin?” My voice wavered and I held myselfvery, very still, hoping not to set off his predator’sinstinct to bite and tear and maim. If only I could get out ofthis, I swore I would never put myself in this stupid, dangerousposition again. If only I could get away before he went crazy…

He withdrew his fingers slowly and turned meto face him.

“You’re beautiful when you come.” His eyeswere glowing red and his fangs were fully extended. A single dropof ruby red blood glistened on his lower lip. I had a moment ofabsolute terror when I looked into his blood red eyes and saw thepure, animal hunger in their depths. His pupils had shrunk down topinpoints and they were trained on me and only me—the prey. Hisfangs had grown to the point where they almost looked like twosmall but lethal knives waiting to rend and tear and the rest ofhim seemed to grow even bigger, if that was possible, until heloomed over me like a monster from a fairy tale.

I knew what would happen next. Corbin wouldrip down his jeans and mount me while he sank those razor sharpfangs to the hilt into my unprotected jugular. Then he wouldliterally fuck and suck me to death, crushing and mangling my bodyin the process. I had no illusions that I would live through iteither—especially not with a vamp of Corbin’s age and power. I hadas much a chance of surviving a sexual encounter with a hungryvampire as I did with a great white shark. And it was all my faultfor giving in to him in the first place.

I cursed myself for a fool as I slowly easedaway from him. How many times had I stood over a crime scene fromthe aftermath of vamp/human sex and thought how stupid the victimwas? Why would anyone put themselves in that position? I’dask myself as the techs scooped the messy remains into a body bag.And now I’d gone and done it to myself. I was going to die knowingI was a fool for ending my sexual dry spell with a vampire. Ithardly seemed fair, considering we hadn’t even done the actual deedbut there was nothing I could do about it now. I was toast.

Corbin was still staring at me with thathungry look in his eyes and as yet, neither one of us had said aword. The fact that he hadn’t jumped me gave me a tiny thread ofhope.

“Corbin?” I whispered, still scooting slowlyaway from him. I was well aware that he could pounce at any secondand the bulge in his jeans let me know he was definitely feelingboth urges at once.

His hands dropped to the button of hisjeans, feeding my worst fears. God, here it comes! As thelow purr of his zipper coming down filled the room, I wondered if Icould make it to the bookcase and put it between us before hesnapped completely. Although I might just as well put a piece ofcardboard between us for as much good as it would do me.

“Corbin, please…” I whispered as he peeleddown his jeans. He was large—very large and I had a momentto fear being skewered like a shiskabob before I realized that Ididn’t have to worry. He would probably snap my neck before he gotall the way inside me anyway. A report I had read estimated that inat least half of vamp/human sex deaths happened in the first thirtyseconds of the encounter. So if I was one of the lucky ones, Iwouldn’t have to feel much of anything before Corbin put out mylights for good.

I had backed around until I was up againstthe headboard by now, the cold brass branding my bare back likeice, but I was so frightened I could barely feel it. I thoughtabout my Glock but it was in the pile of clothes I’d discardedearlier across the room. There was no way I’d be able to get to itin time. Please, let it be quick! I thought as I stared atthe hungry light in his eyes.

Still he said nothing. I watched as hegripped himself, his big hand clasped loosely around the thickshaft rising from his jeans. Then he raised his other arm andswiped at his mouth, wiping the single ruby drop of my bloodaway.

I stared at him, uncomprehending. Why had hedone that? I’d never heard of a vamp refusing any kind of blood,especially not in this situation.

Corbin moved toward me, still holding hiscock loosely in one hand. It looked like a club and I was fairlysure he was about to use it on me. God! I squeezed myself into atight little ball as the dread in my stomach blossomed into sheerterror. He was about to go berserker on me—I just knew it. And Ididn’t want to die. I wasn’t ready. I would never be ready—not todie like this, torn apart by a hungry, horny vamp.

“Calm yourself, Addison,” he murmured andhis voice was a deep, guttural growl. “I told you before I won’thurt you. But I need a release.”

“Do you want me to…to suck you or touch youor…” I gestured at his thick cock. “I mean, what do you want me todo?”

“Nothing. I don’t dare touch you again. Notnow. It’s been…” He took in a deep breath and let it out in ahungry growl. “It has been a long time since I did this with ahuman—too long, perhaps. I need to concentrate on retainingcontrol. I

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