when you ‘healed’ me?” Iasked, slowly, so slowly, slipping the panties down myhips.

“Exactly.” His eyes were heavy-lidded withlust as I revealed my pussy.

“Admit it, Corbin—you weren’t worried abouthealing me. You just wanted to taste me,” I accused him as Ifinished sliding off the panties and dropped them over the side ofthe bed.

“I was worried I might have hurtyou,” he protested as I straddled him and moved slowly up his body.“But I admit I wanted to lick your sweet little cunt too. Wanted tosee if you tasted as good as you smelled.”

“You like the way I smell?” I asked,remembering that I had just been thinking the same thing about him.“Really? I mean, because I don’t use any perfume.”

“Just the scent of your skin and hair isenough to make me hard,” he growled. “And the warm, feminine scentof your pussy…” He licked his lips and his eyes gleamed. “It drivesme insane, darling. You don’t know how hard it was to let you gothat night. After I tasted you, I wanted so much to fuck you.”

“Well, you get to do both this time,” Ipromised him as I got in position with my knees on either side ofhis head. “Is this the way you like it?”

“Come down for me,” he commanded. “I wish myhands were free so I could tease your breasts while I eat you.”

The thought made me shiver with desire butthere was no way I was uncuffing him. This was barely safe as itwas. Even with the silver chains and handcuffs draining hisstrength and the damn stake eating his soul, he was still a verypowerful vampire.

“I’m afraid it’s hands off tonight,” I saidlightly, running my fingers through his hair. “But just tell mewhat you want and I’ll give it to you, Corbin—I swear.”

“Right now all I want is to taste your sweetpussy,” he growled. “Come down to me, Addison, stop teasing me andcome. I want you to ride my tongue.”

I lowered myself as he asked, shivering as Ifelt his hot breath against my pussy. I was so hot and needy rightnow I could feel my swollen outer lips spreading on their own,opening for Corbin to give him access to my slick, sensitive innerfolds. Finally we made contact.

It was my turn to groan as he pressed hismouth to my core. I had expected him to lick me but instead he waskissing…kissing me as gently and as tenderly as though he waskissing my mouth. He kissed my outer lips softly, then nuzzled hisway inward to lay a soft, open mouthed kiss against my throbbingclit.

“Corbin…God,” I groaned. “What areyou doing?”

“Loving you, darling,” he murmured, lookingup from his task for a moment. “As much as I can in the time I haveleft.”

I wanted to tell him that he had more timethan he thought but I didn’t dare show my cards too soon. If hesuspected what I was planning…

“Love me harder,” I demanded, threading myfingers through his hair and leading him back to where I neededhim. “Make me come, Corbin. Please, I need to come.”

His eyes widened in surprise and then hesmiled. “With pleasure, Mistress,” he murmured and then Ifelt his tongue go to work on me.

I moaned as he lapped me—long, slow, hotlicks that went from the entrance of my pussy all the way up to thetop of my slit. Every once in a while he would stop and pay specialattention to my clit, tracing it with the tip of his tongue orsucking it between his lips until I thought I would die ofpleasure. My whole body was trembling with tension and my breathwas coming in harsh little pants. It felt like there was a wireinside my lower belly, a wire winding tighter and tighter with eachslow stroke of his tongue and threatening to snap at any time.

At last, just when I was right on the edge,he pulled back and looked at me. “Ride my tongue, darling,” hemurmured, his eyes drowning deep with lust. “Rub yourself againstme and come for me. I want to feel you coming in my mouth.”

“Yes,” I whispered, pressing closer to him.My thighs were trembling from being spread so wide for so long butI didn’t want to stop. The wire in my belly was so tight I knew itwas about to snap and I could feel my orgasm, shimmering just outof reach like a cloud of drenching rain on a hot, thirsty day.

I wanted it so badly. Too badly to stop. Ithrust my hips forward, getting even closer.

Corbin opened his mouth and pressed the flatof his tongue against my pussy. I could feel his fangs at the topof my slit but he didn’t so much as scratch me. It was all rightthough—that could come later. Right now I just wanted to feelpleasure before I endured the inevitable pain that was to come.

Gripping his hair with one hand and the hardcold brass of the headboard with the other, I began to pump myhips. I was doing as he had asked me to—riding his tongue, usinghis mouth to get myself off in the most primal way I could. I couldfeel his low, approving growl rumbling through me and I saw thathis big hands were clenched into fists above his head. Doubtless hewanted to be free so he could grasp my hips and control the actionbut that was too bad—I was in control this time and eventhough it was from necessity, not preference, I found I wasenjoying our little power reversal.

In fact, I was enjoying it so much I wasabout to come.

Tightening my grip on his hair, I cried outand pumped against him, rubbing my swollen clit recklessly againsthis tongue, shamelessly giving myself to the pleasure that wasrising inside me as the wire finally snapped and I came harder thanI ever had.

“Ah, God…Corbin…oh!” Someone wascrying and moaning, making helpless sounds of pleasure that filledthe small room. Somehow I realized it was me but I was helpless tostop. It was too much, too intense and I couldn’t help myself.

My nipples were tight and tender at the tipsof my breasts and my pussy was wet and swollen,

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