get away from me. “Darling, no! What are you doing?”

“Paying a debt,” I said, and pressed mybleeding wrist against his lips again. “Drink, Corbin.Drink.”


The silver cuffs were the first to go.

I heard them bend, then snap with a metallicwhine of metal put under too much stress. The leg irons were next.Corbin popped them loose with frightening ease—as though he werekicking off a pair of too tight shoes.

Well, so much for my vamp-proofrestraints.

I was frozen in place above him, his cockstill buried firmly in my pussy and my bleeding wrist still pressedto his mouth. His eyes were wide and wild and crimson red—as red asmy blood—and I didn’t see anything human in them anymore.

My first instinct was to get off him andrun—but run where? The huge, heavy vault door was closed—there wasno way out of the small room. And then Corbin took away even thatsmall option by clamping his big hands roughly around my upperarms.

“Corbin!” I gasped but he was already inmotion. He pulled out of me in one swift motion and flipped meover, changing our positions so that he was on top.

I lay there, helpless under him, covered byhis big body. Heavy legs pinned my bottom half to the bed and hisstill hard cock branded my belly with his heat. His muscular armsformed a cage around my upper half and his eyes stared down intomine, wild and feral and hungry. I had never seen his fangs so longand sharp before and they were red with blood—my blood. OhGod.

I’m going to die here tonight, Ithought numbly, and knew it was true. This small room would becomemy tomb. Tomorrow Detective O’Meara would be cleaning up my remainsand wondering—like I had so many times before—how anyone could beso stupid.

And then, Corbin stopped staring at me andbegan to move. I expected him to rip into me immediately but hedidn’t. Instead, he pressed his face to my hair and inhaled deeply.Why is he smelling me? I thought, and then I remembered whathe had said about my scent and how hard it made him.

Sure enough, I could feel his cock stillthrobbing against my belly. If anything, it seemed larger than ithad been before. Was that even possible?

It seemed that it was. Soon, Corbin startedrubbing against me, thrusting against my belly as though seeking myentrance.

“Corbin?” I whispered, turning my head totry and look at him.

My gesture was met with a warning growl andI froze at once. I knew from grim experience what had happened.Feeding him my blood while we made love had flipped a switch insidehim. The lethal combination of sex and blood had temporarilyclouded his conscious mind and allowed the ruthless predator thatlived inside every vamp free rein.

As Corbin continued to nuzzle me, Iremembered what he had told me during our last sexual encounter.“Hold still!” he had ordered and it was the only time I hadever heard him sound close to panic. Probably because he knew thekilling urges were coming to the surface and he didn’t want me totrigger them—as I had just now.

But the memory gave me an idea.

There was no way I could fight Corbin andnowhere to run, even if I had been fast enough to get away fromhim, which I absolutely wasn’t. But what if I offered the predatoreverything he wanted without any resistance at all?

What if I just…submitted?

Just then, Corbin began moving lower—I felthis hot breath against my throat and his long, sharp fangs scrapingthe side of my neck.

I tensed, my heart suddenly beating like itwas trying to pound its way right out of my chest. My overwhelminginstinct was to roll away from him or at least to hunch my shoulderup close to my ear and try to protect my vulnerable throat. Istarted to do just that but Corbin’s warning growl above me made mestop.

Submit, I told myself. Justsubmit.

It was the hardest thing I had ever done andit went against every bit of common sense I possessed, but I didit. Instead of trying to keep him away from my neck, I turned myhead to the side, baring it for him, offering my throat in agesture of submission as old as time itself.

Corbin struck.

I cried out as his fangs pierced my fleshand he latched onto my neck. Dear God, this was it—I was going todie!

Except…I didn’t. Though he sucked savagely,Corbin didn’t maul me or rip out my throat. And then, though Iwould have sworn it was impossible, I started to feel the familiardelicious tingle of pleasure I always got when he drank fromme.

Oh God—not now! Was I crazy, getting turnedon when I was right on the edge of death? Here I was, pinned to thebed beneath a bestial vampire completely out of his mind withblood- and fuck-lust and I was getting hot again.

Go with it, whispered a little voicein my head. It seemed like crazy advice, but what else could I do?I closed my eyes, shutting out the present and remembered insteadthe gentle way Corbin had kissed my pussy through my panties thenight he had taken blood from my thigh. The way he had fingered meas he drank from my neck. All the hot, dirty words he murmured,telling me what he wanted to do to me, telling me exactly how hewould take me. He always made me come so effortlessly, alwayspleasured me so thoroughly—how could I help loving him? How could Ihelp getting hot for him even when I was in danger?

From the rubbing Corbin was doing against mybelly, I wasn’t the only one getting turned on. He was trying tofind my entrance in earnest now, thrusting against me in anincreasingly frustrated way as he growled softly against mythroat.

Again, my first impulse was to close mythighs tightly—he could literally fuck me to death in this state.Allowing him access was crazy.

But you have to, whispered the littlevoice that I was beginning to think of as my survival instinct.You have to let him in. Submit, Addison. It’s the only way tosurvive. Submit.

Submit. Right.

Taking a deep breath, I spread my thighs forhim, opening wide for the thick battering ram of his cock,surrendering to my fate.


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