
I’m never washing that pillow case. Never.

The back roads leading away from my house are empty, which disappoints me. I was hoping her car would’ve broken down or, by some miracle, she would’ve gotten a flat tire and not known how to change it. Most girls don’t, my sister included. But knowing my luck, she can probably change a tire faster than me and went on her way back to Georgia or wherever she was headed. Just passing through were her words. To where? She’s obviously from Georgia, and I have to hope she’ll be making her way back through Ruxton when she’s ready to return there, or if she’s already headed that way that she’ll want to pass through here again. And if there is a God, I’d see her again. And I will get that fucking name if it kills me.

I pull up around back at my parents’ house and park my truck in the hardened mud.

Nobody parks back here besides me, but that’s only because my truck is the only vehicle that won’t get stuck. Tessa’s car has had to be towed out of the muddy terrain back here several times when she’s tried to prove that her Rav 4 rallies my truck in off-roading capabilities. She’s smartened up and wisely parks on the driveway now.

Walking through the grass, I spot two pairs of legs bent on lawn chairs next to the pool, both forming an upside down V.

My sister’s are a dead giveaway, considering she tans out here daily. The other pair contrasts against hers like the dark hair against my sheets last night.

Fuck. Not the time to get a hard on. Don’t think about her.

I stroll around the pool and over toward the two girls, stopping next to Tessa. Both girls have their faces covered with beach towels, but that’s not what I’m looking at. My eyes are glued to what can’t possibly be Mia Corelli’s body.

No fucking way. So much for not getting hard.

“Ben! Jesus Christ, you scared the shit outta me.” Tessa sits up and drops her towel onto her lap, and I notice Mia’s body tense up in her chair. She holds her hands in fists on the towel she’s lying on like she’s ready to knock my ass out at any second. “I thought you said an hour? I just got off the phone with you twenty minutes ago.”

“Yeah, well unfortunately, my plans escaped me.” I turn my attention to the tight little body wrapped so perfectly in that yellow bikini. “Mia, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Humph,” she replies.

I chuckle. Damn. Okay, if that’s how she wants to play this. “You look a lot different since the last time I saw you. Still wear those nerdy glasses?” Tessa’s foot connects with my thigh and I grunt. “Ow. What?”

“You’re an asshole,” Tessa snaps. “Mia, ignore him. He’s just mad that he hasn’t gotten laid in three months.”

I move in front of the chairs, giving myself a better view of Mia but making sure to keep my eyes on my sister’s at the moment.

“Fuck you. I just got laid last night for your information. And she was incredible.”

“Humph,” Mia mumbles again.

I step to the side of her chair, putting her gorgeous body right under my nose.

Her tits are insane, full and barely wrapped up in the tiny piece of fabric. I want to shake the man’s hand that created this bikini. It was meant for this body.

“Is my sex life amusing to you, Mia? Because if you’d really like to see what I can do, I’ll take you right here on this lawn chair. I’ll make you scream until your voice breaks.”

“No thanks. I, like you, got laid last night and am good for several months. Years even. My pussy is still humming after getting worked with that mouth of his.”

Her response is muffled by the towel but I definitely hear the word pussy. And my cock hears it too.

“Dayyyyum,” Tessa chuckles.

I place my hand on her knee, gripping it softly. She tenses. “I bet I can work it better than him.” My hand slides down her thigh, painfully slow, barely moving at all. Her skin is smooth and warm. She stops me with hers when I reach mid-thigh. “I’ll make you ride my face until you’re begging for my cock.”

“Jesus Chr…” She sits up mid-sentence, the towel dropping somewhere that I can’t seem to focus on. Because I can only focus on the face that can’t possibly be Mia Corelli. “You? Ben? Ben! Oh, God. Oh, my God.”

“Holy shit.” I’m shocked. Completely shocked. It’s her. Mia Corelli is her. What the fuck are the odds? “Mia, I…” She quickly gets to her feet, her hips swaying as she storms toward the house. “Mia, wait up!” I yell, starting after her until Tessa puts her tiny frame in front of me and blocks me.

“What the hell was that? Did you really just tell Mia that you’d make her ride your face? You’re lucky she didn’t deck you.”

My sister is small, so I can look over the top of her with no problem, and doing so, I see Mia slide the door shut behind her. “It’s complicated. Move so I can go after her.” Not that I couldn’t move her myself, but if that happened, she’d just climb onto my back like she liked to do when I shoved her out of the way, and I needed Mia alone.

Her hands curl up into fists at her hips. “How is it complicated? You made her uncomfortable, like you always do, because you’re an asshole.”

I’m getting impatient. I grip Tessa’s shoulders and firmly plant her in her lawn chair. “Give me a few minutes with her. I’m not going to hurt her, I promise. I just want to talk to her.” My voice is sincere and Tessa knows it.

Her shoulders relax and she scoots back on her chair, resuming her favorite tanning position. “Five minutes. And if she’s crying when I come in there, I’m

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