keying your precious baby.”

Nice threat. Keying my truck would be a way to cut me deep, but there’ll be no need for that. Mia won’t be crying. I’d never make her cry; if I could fucking find her.

I’m roaming the house, listening for any clues of where she might be, but dead silence fills the space. “Mia? Baby, please let me talk to you.”

I hear a door open, and she emerges from the hallway, her eyes reddened and streaked with tears. “Don’t call me that. How dare you say those things to me out there?” Our legs bring us together but she pushes against my chest, not liking the closeness our bodies seem to crave. “I can’t believe this! I can’t believe it was you last night. This can’t be happening.” Tears run down her face, and I wipe them away before she can reach up and stop me.

“I can’t believe it either. But fuck, Mia, if this isn’t the luckiest day of my life.” I bring my hands up to her face and hold her there, feeling her shudder against me. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all morning. Last night was—”

“A mistake,” she interrupts curtly. Her hands pry mine from her face and she turns her body, staring out the window. “A huge mistake. If I’d have known it was you, it wouldn’t have happened. I’m sure you know that by now.”

“It wasn’t a mistake.” I move closer to her, bending to put my nose into her hair. Fuck. Nothing smelled this good. I’ll never get enough of it. “Something like that could never be a mistake. What you gave me. What we shared… Mia, I’ve never…” I pause, needing to choose my words carefully. “I felt it last night. Tell me you felt it too.” My hands run down her arms, and the fact that she is still in her tiny bikini is making my dick harder than it’s ever been. “Baby, please.”

Please back up into me.

Please move my hands to your breasts.

Please turn around and beg me to fuck you right here.

I’ve never felt so completely geared up and so ready to unravel at the same time. But that’s definitely how I am feeling right now. Like I could snap at the slightest crook of her finger.

She moves quickly out of my grasp toward the hallway she just emerged from. “I didn’t feel anything. And it was a mistake, Ben. A huge mistake.” Her eyes reach mine with regret once more, and I swear that there are tears in them again. “You can’t stop ruining my life, can you?”

I watch her disappear, unable to reply.

Ruining her life? Fuck me.

A door slams down the hall just as the sliding glass door opens. Tessa looks at me with raised eyebrows and I motion toward the direction Mia fled to.

“I have a feeling that I’m going to want to punch you, so you might want to leave before your face and your truck get mangled.”

Instead of responding, I walk past her and make my way back out to my truck.

My mind is scrambled and my heart feels like Mia has taken her keys to it. The girl of my dreams turned out to be Mia fucking Corelli. What the fuck? She’s not just passing through. She’s here.

My angel is here for the whole summer, and she wants nothing to do with me.


“Well, I did not see this coming. Not in a million years.”

Tessa slumps down on the bed I’ve been curled up on after I shared my naughty little secret with her.

She paced during that run down, her jaw hitting the floor the moment I said I lost my virginity to her brother.

“This. Is. Crazy. I mean, first of all, I had no idea you were still a virgin. Fuck you very much for not telling me. Although, I’m not sure I would’ve believed you, considering what you look like.”

I smile weakly at her compliment. “Yeah, well, I wish I still was. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to not ask his name last night. This shit could’ve been easily avoided.”

Because there’s no way I would’ve went through with it if I’d have known that mouth belonged to Ben fucking Kelly.

The boy that made me cry daily for five years.

The boy that made me feel insignificant.

The boy I hated.

“I don’t really see what the big deal is here. In fact, I think it’s pretty fucking awesome.” She moves up the bed and places her head on the pillow next to mine. “How was it anyway? Did you come?”

I roll my eyes at her bluntness. “You’re disgusting.”

“I’m nosy, and I can pretend it wasn’t my brother.” She twirls her hair around her finger, smiling at me. “Spill it, Mia. I’ve shared all my sexcapades with you over the years.”

“Without me asking. I’d love to be able to forget some of those horrific details.”

“Oh, please. Like you haven’t enjoyed living vicariously through my pussy. My very STD free pussy, by the way. You make it sound like I’m a hooker.”

I cover my face with my hands, hearing Tessa laugh softly next to me.

If I am going to share how her brother got me off, I don’t want her to see how much I enjoyed it. Because I didn’t. I’d never enjoy anything involving him. And the tightness in my core that is forming at the very memory of last night has nothing to do with that jerk.

I grunt heavily before confessing, “It was beautiful. He was sweet and playful, but he also knew exactly what he was doing. I definitely came. A lot.”

“How much is a lot?” I hold up my hand, hearing her soft gasp. “Holy shit balls. Ben can get it.”

Dropping my hands, I roll over and face her. “But I don’t want Ben to get it. I don’t want him to be the guy that took my virginity. I hate him, Tessa. You know how much I hate him.”

It wasn’t a secret.

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