in big curlers so it will be wavy. I do my makeup darker than usual, with a smoky eye in dark brown and gold tones.

I walk out of the bathroom and stare at the outfit I picked out this morning. A tight peach high-waisted dress that goes to mid-thigh. In case that isn’t short enough, the is a V-notch in the center that shows off my inner thigh spectacularly, especially when I walk. I’ve paired it with a black strapless bustier. It’s tight, too, holding the girls in place and making them appear firmer than they really are. I put on a chunky black necklace. The whole outfit is put together with black strappy heels. My feet will be screaming in about an hour, but the shoes are sexy as fuck. Well, at least that is what Kaleigh says.

I grab my Michael Kors black wristlet and put the essentials in it. “Are you ready?” I yell down the hall.

Kaleigh walks out of her room, and I’m left speechless. Her outfit consists of a pair of white lace looser-fitting short shorts with a small, shiny black belt. Her top is a black tube top. I know for a fact that she isn’t wearing a bra, mainly because her breasts don’t need it. She finishes this look with a seriously sexy pair of black open-toe, lace-up stiletto boots. “Let’s go get us some dick!” She raises her hands in the air, and I can’t help but laugh.

Before I can answer her, I hear a honk outside. “CAB’S HERE!” she yells in her best Jersey shore accent.

I shake my head and say a prayer to whomever is listening at this point that I come home tonight, safe and sound, and with both shoes.

Two hours later, I’m finally sitting down after dancing my ass off. When we got to the club, Kaleigh, of course, knew the bouncer, so we walked right in and were given a booth. The booths sit in a section that is a bit higher than the dance floor. You can get to this area by using the set of six stairs leading up here around the dance floor.

Bottle service is a whole different ball game. The club that we’re at is called Light Night, which is weird, because it’s almost pitch black with soft light moving around the room.

I’m finally drinking my vodka and cranberry when the Drake song “One Dance” comes on.

I stand up, throwing my hair back, putting my hands in the air as I yell how much I love this song. I grab Kaleigh, and we run back out onto the packed dance floor.

I sway my hips to the beat of the song, singing out loud with Drake.

I feel a pair of hands land on my hips, and I slowly turn around to smile at the guy who put his hands on me. He’s cute. Tall with shaggy hair. He smiles at me and pulls me to him. I go with it and live in the moment. Singing the song and moving my hips, I’m having fun taking in the scene all around me.

As I scan the room, my eyes land on a familiar pair of green eyes that I haven’t seen in almost a week. I don’t have time to think, let alone escape, before I see him making a beeline right to me. My hands fall from my dance partner when I feel his heat against my back.

“Get lost,” he demands, using a tone of voice that unmistakably conveys the message not to test him on this.

I whirl around to face him, pissed off that he thinks he can come here, interrupt my dance, and try to ruin my night. I’m about to tell him to go fuck off when he grabs my hand and drags me across the dance floor and out the side door into the cool night.

I try to yank my hand out of his once we get outside, but I’m suddenly pushed up against the wall. I’m about to say something when I see the look he is giving me and snap my mouth shut.

“Don’t push me, Lauren, not now,” he warns me, and I look at him.

He is dressed in low-slung, tight blue jeans that mold to him. A baby blue button-down, tight-fit, tailored shirt has two buttons open at his neck. His sleeves are rolled halfway up to his elbows, and his silver Rolex is on his wrist.

“Don’t push you?” I question, pushing off the wall and squaring my shoulders. “Don’t push you? You have some nerve, Austin.” The alcohol is giving me a little bit more courage. “You called me uptight, and I was in there enjoying my night when you charged over there like…like…I don’t even know what the hell that was all about, except for the fact that I wasn’t the uptight one in that scenario. Hmm, who needs to loosen up now, Austin?” I taunt.

“You drive me nuts! I can’t sleep! I can’t think! I can’t even fucking get anything done at work without thinking about you!” He roughly runs his hand through his hair, his shirt tightening across his chest with the movement.

“So, I come out tonight. I’m going to kick back, have a few drinks and not think about you. But of all the places, you’re here, looking like this.” He gestures to my outfit, his eyes running up my body from my shoes to my face.

“What’s wrong with how I look? I look good!” I cross my arms under my breasts and cock my hip to the side.

“No, Lauren. No, you don’t look good. You look fucking amazing. As usual. I tried to ignore you. I turned my back. I wasn’t going to pay you any attention at all. But when I turn around, there you are on the dance floor, swinging your ass with that douche all over you,” he grates out angrily.

“So? I’m here to have fun, too, Austin. And I was! Until you marched over there like some crazy

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