them away. Before she could remove her panties, he slid them down her shaking legs. She could barely process where they were or what was happening, some small part of her knowing this wasn’t a bedroom. But he picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around him, and he strode to the couch in the next room and stood her on her feet.

“Turn around,” he said in a gruff but oh-so-sexy voice.

She spun immediately, allowing him to bend her over the arm of the sofa. Her full breasts pressed against the cushioned material as he grasped her hips and maneuvered her legs where he wanted them.

Excitement pulsed through her veins as the head of his erection nudged her already-slick opening, gliding partway into her with ease. He teased her with his cock, little pumps in and out, never quite embedding himself all the way in. Her sex clenched and squeezed around him, trying to capture and pull him all the way home so she could feel him, thick and pulsing, deep inside. But he maintained the arousing thrusts, and her desire built with crazy speed.

He rested one hand on her lower back and suddenly slowed his hips, tracing her vertebrae slowly with his calloused but gentle hand. “So pretty,” he said, almost to himself, but the words, spoken in awe, wrapped around her heart.

She dipped her head forward and moaned, wondering how she was supposed to resist falling for this man. If he was all gruff, demanding, alpha, she could keep her walls high, but the tender, unexpected gestures caused her to trip further over that forbidden line, and a lump formed in her throat.

“You ready, baby?” He gripped her hips with both hands, his tight hold causing a painful rush of arousal in her sex.

“Beyond,” she managed to choke out, her empty body craving his. Her heart needing him even more.

No. She pushed that awful, scary thought aside.

And when he thrust deep inside her, deeper than she’d ever felt him before, she stopped thinking at all. He groaned, low and deep, and she felt it everywhere in the best possible ways.

“Are you okay?” he asked, surprising her. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you.” He smoothed his hand over her backside, and she turned to meet his gaze.

“You wouldn’t hurt me intentionally, Scott. And you aren’t hurting me now.” Later was probably another story, but she couldn’t do anything to stop it. “But if you don’t move . . . now, I’m going to hurt you.” And with that, she thrust her hips back against him.

With a low chuckle, he proceeded to do as she asked, taking her hard while still holding back, she could tell. It didn’t matter when he knew just how to make love to her, to find that right spot and send her soaring. He followed after her, and the hot feel of him coming inside her, her name on his lips, echoing in her ears, was something she’d never forget.

A little while later, Meg had showered and was making lunch in the kitchen. Scott had retreated to his office, a masculine room with wooden shelves and a large-screen computer set up at his desk. Meg wasn’t stupid; she was well aware something between them had shifted from easy to hard, sex being the one thing they seemed to get right. He was obviously fighting feelings that he didn’t want to deal with, either because he was just against marriage and a family in his future or the fact of her pregnancy had finally set in.

She chopped up lettuce and vegetables for a salad, tossed in some grilled chicken, and added dressing.

She was about to call Scott in for lunch when her phone rang.

She glanced down, happy to see Olivia’s name on the screen, and answered immediately. “Hi!” she said.

“Hi yourself. How was your appointment today?” Olivia asked.

“Everything’s status quo. The doctor asked if I wanted to know the sex of the baby,” she said as she washed her hands and put the big bowl of salad on the table.

“Do you want to know what you’re having?” Olivia asked. “Because I want to be surprised.”

Meg sighed. “I’m so torn. On the one hand, knowing will make the buying easier. On the other, I want to experience the newness and surprise.”

Olivia laughed. “I hear you. I have so many things on order, I’m afraid to figure out how to get it all home.”

Meg tried to ignore the pang of envy at how easy it seemed for Olivia. The man who loved her, the money to do what she needed for her child. The grass always looked greener, but that wasn’t necessarily the case. Although for Olivia and Dylan, Meg truly hoped it was. They deserved every bit of happiness.

So do you, a little voice in her head told her, but she pushed it aside. What you deserved and what life threw at you were often vastly different. “I’m just about to eat lunch. Can I call you back?” Meg asked.

“Sure. But I’ll see you tonight?” Olivia asked.

“What’s tonight?”

An awkward silence followed, and then Olivia said, “My mom asked all the kids to come for dinner. I just thought . . . Never mind. Call me later.” Olivia rushed off the phone, and Meg didn’t blame her.

She turned and caught sight of Scott standing in the doorway, watching her. “You scared me!”

“Sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt your call.”

“No problem. I was just going to get you anyway. Lunch is ready.”

“Thank you. Looks good. And I appreciate it.”

“It’s fine.”

He stepped into the kitchen. “Listen, my mother called a few minutes ago. She wants us all at the house for dinner tonight at six. She has an announcement of some sort.”

“That’s fine. I can keep busy here.” She stepped over to one of the cabinets and pulled out glasses.

“Actually, I was hoping you’d come with me.”

She met his serious gaze. “It sounds like it’s a family thing.” Not only didn’t she belong there, but she didn’t want anyone

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