getting the wrong idea of what was going on between her and Scott.

“My mom’s been with this guy, Michael Brooks, for a few years. I just have an uneasy feeling. I don’t know what she has to say, and I’d like you there when I hear it,” he said, his gaze softening as he looked at her. “Her boyfriend’s a decent guy, but it’ll be weird to hear if she’s going to remarry. She’s been through enough.”

“You think marrying him would be bad for her?” Meg asked, wondering if this was more of Scott’s negative views on family and marriage or if he had a legitimate issue with his mother’s boyfriend.

He rolled his shoulders, obviously uncomfortable with the question. “Probably not. It’s still just weird having another guy with my mother,” he said. “I hate what my father did to her but . . .”

Taking her by surprise, he slid his fingers into hers, clasping them tightly together. “Like I said, it’s awkward, and I’d really like you with me.”

Her heart swelled, her throat feeling full at his admission. It was the admission of the young boy inside him, not the man he was now, and she was touched he’d let her in. He’d done so much for her. How could she be selfish and fight him on this?

Even if meeting his mother and the rest of his family felt too intimate and a lot awkward for her, she could put her own feelings aside and be there for him for a change.

“Okay,” she said softly. “I’ll come with you.”

“Thank you.” The look he gave her was enough to send her running far and fast, but she was in this.

Until he no longer was.

Meg’s heart was in her throat as Scott pulled up to his mother’s house in Weston and parked the truck. It was an imposing yet gorgeous structure, with tropical shrubbery, a circular driveway, and acreage, which was unusual in Florida. A variety of luxury cars filled the drive, letting her know that many of his siblings had already arrived.

“Relax.” He placed his hand over her own, which were entwined together, as she’d been twisting them nervously in her lap.

“I really don’t belong here.”

“Hey,” he said, his voice strong and sure. Calming even. “I want you here. That means you belong.”

She knew that in her head, but her heart was beating way too fast inside her chest.

“You’re doing this for me, and I appreciate it.” He slid his hand behind her neck, pulled her close, and sealed his mouth over hers, effectively shutting her up. He kissed her hard and long, until the pounding inside her body had nothing to do with nerves and everything to do with the heat and desire he generated. He nibbled on her lower lip before releasing her with a strangled groan, pausing to catch his breath by resting his forehead against hers.

“Better?” he asked.

She couldn’t stop the smile curving her lips. “Much.”

He shook his head and laughed. “Stick with me. I know what you need.”

She pulled down the visor to check her makeup. Not much she could do about her puffy lips, but the rest of her was okay.

“You’re beautiful, Meg.”

He spoke so softly and reverently that she believed he meant it. “Thank you.” Blowing out a puff of air, she picked up the pie she’d insisted they stop and buy. “I’m ready.”

A chic-looking woman met them at the door, her dark hair with soft highlights falling around her face. From their similar features, Meg knew immediately she was Scott’s mother.

“Scott, honey, it’s so good to see you.” She pulled him into a warm hug.

“Hey, Mom.”

“And you must be Meg! I’m so glad you could join us.” Her warmth was genuine. The sparkle in her eyes could be mistaken for nothing except happiness.

“Thank you. I hope I’m not intruding.”

“Nonsense. I was thrilled when Scott told me he was bringing a guest.” Emma accepted the bakery box from Meg. “Thank you so much. You didn’t need to bring anything, but extra sweets are always welcome.” She ushered them into the house, and Scott shot Meg an I told you it would all be okay look.

Yes, fine. The man had been right again.

He placed a strong hand on her back and led her toward the sound coming from inside the house. The gesture was meant to be reassuring, but every time he touched her, he lit Meg’s body on fire. The chemistry between them was that potent and hot.

She smoothed her hand over the dress she’d chosen, glad she’d been able to fit into her favorite one, though barely. No need to break out the maternity wear for tonight.

They stepped into a large state-of-the-art kitchen that was open and led to a great room, where the rest of the family had gathered.

“Meg!” Olivia’s familiar voice sounded above the others. Meg walked toward her friend, while Scott stopped to talk to Ian and Riley, who Meg greeted with a wave. She’d catch up with her later.

Olivia greeted Meg with a big hug. “So glad you’re here too!”

Meg hugged her back but didn’t reply.

She glanced up and saw Dylan, waiting for his hello, a smile on his face. “Hey, Meggie.”

“Dylan! It’s been a long time.” They embraced as old friends do.

It had been a while since she’d spoken to Dylan. These days, when she needed an ear, she was more likely to call one of her girlfriends or Olivia than her old friend. And that seemed to work fine for them both.

“Oh! Avery’s here. I’ll be back in a few,” Olivia said, rushing off to talk to her sister.

“You look good,” Dylan said, holding on to her hand. “And Olivia keeps me up on how you’re doing.”

“It’s been . . . interesting, to say the least.”

“You’re handling everything, just like I knew you would.”

“Well, I have help . . .” She trailed off, afraid Dylan would think she was falling back into old patterns, relying on a man when she should be handling things herself. “It’s not the same this time,” she rushed

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