imagine her life without him.

It had nearly killed her.

He laved her nipples. Her back arched. All thought stopped.


“Hmm, you beg so pretty in that sweet little voice.” His tongue circled the other bud before he dragged it deep into her mouth, eliciting a moan that rushed from her lips and dipped straight between her legs.


He didn’t answer, simply kept plundering her nipples, alternating them into his mouth, against his tongue, as he yanked at the zipper near the small of her back, holding up the rest of her dress. After it fell with a quiet hiss, the flouncy fabric began to slide down her thighs. Pierce gave it another brute-force shove. It puddled around her ankles, leaving her in nothing but her kitten heels and her plain cotton underwear.

“Step out.” He held out his hand, his gaze utterly fixed on her belly.

When she did as he demanded, he tossed the dress to the other side of the bedroom—never taking his eyes off her. Then he grabbed a fistful of his T-shirt behind his neck and shucked it off. He was so shredded now that every muscle stood out, hard and delineated.

Brea couldn’t keep her hands off him.

As she brushed her fingertips over his steely pecs, he caught her wrists. “Don’t. If you touch me, my restraint won’t last.”

She blinked up at him, falling into those black eyes she wanted to lose herself in forever. “I don’t need your restraint. I just need you.”

He groaned and shoved her back onto the bed, his body big and hair-roughened and smelling like man covering hers. “And I need you, pretty girl. So fucking much. My life meant shit before you.” He dropped his hand to her belly and knelt between her legs. “And this one. Boy or girl?”

Brea lay back on the mussed bed, her eyes misty and full of love, her lips softly pouting, her breasts ripe. He’d never seen her look so beautiful, and his cock was screaming at him for relief. But One-Mile palmed her belly and waited for her answer, breath held.

A primal urge way beyond sex filled his veins. Because he could finally see that she was pregnant? Unlike the last time he’d laid eyes on her, there was no denying it now. He couldn’t stop touching her bump, couldn’t resist the need to press his lips against their child. The baby was months from birth, and he already loved their little one. Would gladly lay down his life to keep him or her safe.

That blew his mind. He’d never wanted to ever become a father. After a shitty role model like his, what sort of lousy-ass excuse for a dad would he be? He’d always refused to put a kid through the hell he’d endured to find out. But somehow, learning that Brea was pregnant had changed everything. And during his long two months in Mexico hunting that violent motherfucker Montilla, thoughts of Brea and their baby—of their future—had fueled him when nights were long and cold, when food was scarce, when he felt so fucking lonely he’d wanted to scream.

Looking at her now, he was more than ready to conquer his fears and slay his demons.

“You going to keep me in suspense?”

Tears filled her eyes as she laid her palm over his, linking their fingers. “We’re having a boy.”

Those four words crashed into his chest like a battering ram, stealing his breath. “Yeah?”

“A son.” She sniffled. “During the ultrasound, he looked so amazing. I got to see his face. He had his thumb in his mouth. His little eyes were closed, then he wrinkled his nose and…he was beyond precious.”

Jesus, One-Mile wished he’d been there. Montilla had taken so much from him, including the chance to see his son for himself, and he hated the asshole’s guts for it. But that SOB would never take anything from him again.

“Oh, pretty girl. He sounds amazing.”

“And he’s strong like you. Just this morning I felt him kick for the first time, like he knew you were coming for him. I was lying in bed, half asleep, then…I felt him. It’s not like anything I can describe.” The tears in her amber eyes pooled and threatened to fall. “I rubbed him and he did it again. It filled my heart.”

Their son. The notion was a fucking marvel, but hearing her talk about the baby and feeling him growing inside her… Even her description bulldozed his heart.

One-Mile couldn’t speak. He hadn’t cried since he was five, but he felt his throat begin to close up and his eyes sting.

“Having you here filled it even more.” Her words cracked.

“Oh, pretty girl.” He held her closer and tried his best to keep himself together. “I can’t wait to hold him.”

“Me, too.”

“You don’t know how much I missed you…”

“I do. Love me?” Brea pleaded, her eyes so earnest.

“There’s no way you can stop me,” he quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

A watery smile crossed her face. “There never has been.”

“That won’t change. Take those off.” He pointed to her underwear. They were the only thing keeping him from Brea, and he wanted them gone. “Show me your pussy.”

With a catch of her breath, she nodded, then pushed them down her hips. He hooked his fingers inside the elastic to help, dragging them down her thighs, exposing her puffy cunt as he kissed his way over her belly. Then he peeled the white cotton away, impatiently tossing her fancy footwear with it.

“You don’t like the shoes? I thought men had a fetish for sexy heels.”

He scoffed. “I’m not evolved enough for that. I’m always going to prefer you barefoot and pregnant. In fact, I like it so much I want to keep you this way for a while.”

A pink flush stole up her cheeks as she laughed. “It’s a good thing I like children.”

“You’re going to be a great mom.”

Something pensive crossed her face. “I hope. I didn’t have one, so I’m not really sure how to be one.”

“I already know you’re

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