“I’m on my way. What do I do with your clothes?” I ask him as I start making my way to work.

“What do you think you do with them? You bring them up!” he replies smartly.

“Bring them up? It took me two trips to get them all in the car. Are you even dressed?” I ask, merging on the highway. “What do you need for the meeting? I can bring up what you need, and then when I leave later, you can come down and get them from my car.”

“Ugh,” I hear him groan. “Okay, fine. Bring me up my black suit,” he says and hangs up. He doesn't have to say anything, because the car lets me know, “Phone call disconnected.”


Once I get to work, I slide open the back door and look for his black suit, except almost all the suits are some shade of black. Fuck. Grabbing what I hope is a matching jacket and pants, I walk into my office building.

Looking at my watch, I see that it’s already nine a.m. Once I get to the floor and the door opens, I see Steven at the reception desk talking to Carmen.

“Good morning, guys,” I say, smiling to them while I fold Asshat’s suit over my arm.

Steven smiles at me shyly. “Morning. You’re late this morning. Is everything okay?” he asks.

“Oh yeah.” I point to the dry cleaning. “Had to get his laundry.”

“Right. Are you staying in for lunch?” Steven asks. I shake my head no.

“I’m actually thinking of going to this restaurant around the corner. They have little tables outside. And it’s beautiful today,” I say

“That sounds delightful,” Steven says “What time are you going?”

“Probably around noonish.”

“Would you like some company?” He puts his hands in his pockets. It’s the same move that Austin uses, except with Steven it doesn’t fit.

“I would love some company. I’ll call you when I’m ready,” I say to him and then walk down the hall to my desk, dumping my purse on it before I walk to his office.

Seeing that the door is closed, I knock and wait for him to tell me to come in.

I open the door and see him behind his desk, eyes on the computer while he types away.

“Here is your dry cleaning. Where do you want it?” I ask him.

“Just put it over the back of the couch and check your email. There are a couple of things that need scheduling; also, we have the grand opening for the club in three weeks. You need to attend with me.”

“Which day?” I ask, trying to pull up my calendar in my head, hoping that I don’t have anything.

“You have all of that in your emails. Now, if you’re done asking me insignificant questions, you can go,” he dismisses me, not once looking at me. “And because you were late today, you are going to have to eat lunch here.”

“I wasn’t late. I was running an errand for you. Besides, I have plans at lunch.”

“Don’t care. Change them.” I’m about to tell him to suck a dick when Barbara knocks on the door and walks in.

“Good morning, you two. Austin, we are ready for you,” she says, and he gets up and walks out.

I’m stuck watching his back while he walks away. He never once makes eye contact with me.

I take in the jeans he’s wearing today. They hang low on his hips but are tight on his ass. And what an ass it is. The kind that makes you want to grab it and bite it.

Wait, what?! What the hell was that? I don’t like him. I really don’t like him! Not at all. Not even a little bit. In my head, he’s my sworn enemy. Now, if only someone would send that memo to the rest of my body!

Chapter 10


All night, I tossed and turned. The fact that I texted her and she didn’t answer me pissed me off. Again and again, I waited for her answer but got nothing. The thought of her with someone else irked me. I tossed, I turned, I got up, I looked outside.

I kept my phone near me all night, just in case she answered. Finally, around two a.m., I fell asleep, and when my alarm rang, I rushed, thinking the phone was ringing.

So here I am, still pissed off that she didn’t answer, mingling with the fact that I’m grumpy because I’m tired. And to top it all off, I have to go into a marketing meeting with Dani about the club that is opening in three weeks.

I also have to talk to John about the Christmas party that is coming up. I walk into the meeting with John and Steven, pissed off, because not only did Lauren just walk in, but she also looks hotter than she ever has. That dress wrapped around her catches every curve she has, and when she walks, you get a glimpse of her inner thigh.

So, now I'm sitting in this meeting with a hard-on. “Are we disturbing you, Austin?” I hear John ask.

I shake my head, leaning back in my chair, rocking. “Nope, I’m all ears.” He looks over at me, eyes narrowed speculatively as if he’s trying to figure me out.

“I think that’s all for now, Steven. You’re good to go,” John says while still looking at me.

“Perfect. If you guys need me, I’m headed out to lunch with Lauren, so I’ll be back after that,” he says, gathering his things and getting up from the table.

“No, you’re not,” I almost shout, and he stops picking his things up to look at me. “She needs to set up for my meeting with Dani.” I grab my phone, sending her a meeting, telling her that I need her to set up for my meeting with Dani.

“Oh, okay,” he says, turning and walking out of the room.

“Want to tell me how she’s going to set up for your meeting with Dani when Dani is the one bringing everything for

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