these up this morning,” the lady says while she picks up the clean clothes that are still in the plastic covers.

“Yes, I think something spilt on them and he wants them cleaned again,” I say, smiling “Twice.”

“Twice?” she asks, confused.

“Yes, just in case. He wants them run through the cleaning process twice,” I repeat to her, and she puts my special request on the card. I turn and rush out of there. I climb back into my car, toss my purse onto the passenger seat, and head for home.

While I brake at a stop sign, the empty bottle of itching powder rolls to the front floor board at the same time as my phone rings. I see that it’s Kaleigh calling.

“Are you okay?” she whispers.

“No. I’m not okay. I caused my boss to end up in the ER with an allergic reaction and swollen balls because I was trying to get back at him.” I feel the sob creeping up my throat.

“Did you get rid of all of the evidence?” she asks me.

“I still have the empty bottle here in the car.” I look down at it, and it’s almost as if it’s taunting me.

“Throw it out of the car right now,” she instructs me. “Open the window and toss it as far as you can.”

I pick up the bottle and hold it in my hand. “Should I wipe it down?” I look around for a rag.

“Lauren, do you honestly think he is calling CSI to come and find the bottle? Just throw the fucking thing out the window and come home.”

Just as I’m about to throw the bottle out of the window, I hear a honk, starling me. “Fuck,” I say while the bottle falls into my lap.

“I’m on my way,” I say while I drive on, and when I’m all alone on the street, I toss that bottle as far as I can while driving.

Once I park my car in the driveway, I text Austin.

I hope you’re okay?

I wait a couple of seconds, but nothing comes in. So, I walk into the house, where I’m greeted with hugs and kisses.

When I finally tumble into bed, my phone beeps with a text from Austin.

I’m not coming in tomorrow, so you can take the day off.

Oh, are you okay? I heard you had an allergic reaction.

You could say that.

Well, I’ll be here all weekend if you need anything. I’m hosting my parents and a couple of their friends for their anniversary brunch on Sunday morning, but if you need anything, please let me know.

Sure thing.

This is really weird. He’s usually sarcastic and an asshole, but now he’s all soft and not at all snarky.

The next couple of days are pretty much the same as usual. On Saturday night, after putting the kids to bed, I start preparing the dishes and everything for tomorrow’s brunch.

Mom is having a caterer come in, since I’m hosting their anniversary brunch. We plan to set up outside and have a beautiful outdoor celebration with twenty of their closest friends.

My phone rings, letting me know that it’s my mom calling.

“Hey, Mom.”

“How did you know it was me?” she asks, all confused.

“Mom, the phone has caller ID.” My mom isn’t a tech friendly person. Last time she tried to FaceTime the kids, her screen was facing the other way and all we saw was her finger on the camera.

“Are you ready for tomorrow, dear? You didn’t really have to do this, but we are so excited about it.” Her voice is pitching higher with her excitement.

“It’s my pleasure, Mom. You know I would do anything for you two.” And I would. Mom and Dad have been married for thirty-nine years.

They met while Dad was visiting a friend from college. All it took was one look, and he was hooked. The minute he finished his residency, he came and proposed to Mom, promising to love, honor, and cherish her, and he actually kept those promises.

Mom stayed home with us girls, while Dad grew his practice. He’s retired now, and the practice is in Josh’s hands.

“You know, Josh is coming, and he’s single again,” Mom reminds, interrupting my thoughts.

“Mom, please don’t. We went on one date, and that was only because I was guilted into it.”

My mother heaves out a huge sigh. “Oh please, he’s perfect for you! Single and a doctor.”

“Mom, he’s shorter than me, by almost a foot, and he’s balding,” I tell her.

“It’s what’s inside, Lauren, not what’s outside.”

“Mom, he’s thirty!” I yell out.

“So he aged early, there is nothing wrong with that. He’s a total catch,” she says. “Oh honey, I have to go. The Robinsons just got here. See you Sunday!” She adds, “Oh, and tell Kaleigh that a bra is mandatory!” I laugh and hang up the phone just as Kaleigh walks in.

“That was Mom.” I point to the phone. “She said that a bra is mandatory this time.”

She waves her hand like she isn’t paying attention. “Oh please, it was one time. How was I supposed to know that you could see my nipples through that pink sundress?” she says while grabbing her almond mild and drinking straight from the carton.

Right when I’m about to scold her to use a glass, the phone rings again. This time I see it’s Austin.

“Hello?” I say tentatively, since he’s never called me.

“I have an eight-a.m. meeting Monday morning with Dani to finalize things, since I had to leave yesterday.”

“Okay, I can get in a bit early and get things set up again,” I confirm, looking at Kaleigh, who is looking at me, making the blowjob motion with her tongue poking her cheek.

“I need my dry cleaning. Is it still in your car?” he questions me, and my head snaps up as I wave my arms to get my sister to stop distracting me.

“Um, yeah, I still have it. How about I bring it to you on Monday morning, is that okay?” I’m freaking out and pacing the kitchen floor, while my sister pretends to

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