Marc met his gaze in the rearview mirror. “From what I hear, there isn’t any proof of their culpability. Both Blake and Moore are claiming that their men were acting alone without their knowledge.”
“Yeah, right,” Duncan muttered.
Marc shrugged. “Once we get the proof we need, they’ll both be arrested and charged in federal court. But until then, there isn’t much more we can do.”
“The money stashed in overseas bank accounts might be the proof we need,” Ryker pointed out. “Although we’d have to find a way to trace it back to Colin and Tim. Seth’s testimony may help us, there.”
“I hope so,” Marc agreed.
For several miles no one said anything.
Ryker glanced over at Olivia to see she was resting her head against the edge of Aaron’s car seat, her eyes closed. Her fingers still clung to his, so he didn’t think she was sleeping.
“Hey, are you okay?” He kept his voice low.
She opened her eyes. “Fine. Except the Braxton-Hicks contractions are back.”
He felt the blood drain from his face. “How long have you had them?”
“Since we rushed through the kitchen.” She closed her eyes again.
It was the stress of being on the run for their lives. She hadn’t said it, but he knew that’s what she’d meant. He felt terrible that she was having to go through all of this in her condition.
“Problem?” Marc asked.
He tried not to look as panicked as he felt. “Braxton-Hicks contractions.”
“Again?” Duncan swiveled around to face him, alarm in his gaze. “I don’t like this. We need to get her in to see a doctor.”
“Couldn’t agree more.” When Olivia’s fingers tightened around his, he looked at her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, but I really would like to see a doctor.” Her voice was low and steady.
Terror gripped him. “You think this is it? Real labor pains?”
The corner of her mouth tipped up in a half-hearted smile. “No, but I haven’t been to see an OB in just over a month, and I’m supposed to go in monthly until I’m four weeks out, then weekly. I’ve missed one appointment so far, and in another two weeks, it will be two missed appointments.”
“That settles it.” Ryker wasn’t about to take any chances. “Let’s find her an OB doctor.”
“Where are we?” Olivia frowned as she looked through the window. “I don’t recognize this place.”
“We’re in McFarland, less than fifteen miles outside of Madison,” Marc said. “Do you know any OB doctors in Madison?”
“I know Dr. Bowman. He delivered Aaron. I was planning to go to him for this baby, but never had the chance.”
“Will he see you without an appointment?” Ryker cradled her hand between both of his. “Or should we go to the emergency room?”
She wrinkled her nose. “This isn’t an emergency. Can you look up his number? Maybe he or one of his associates has an opening.”
He reluctantly let her go, then used his phone to pull up the name of the obstetrician. He found the number easily enough and called it, but quickly handed the phone to Olivia as he had no clue what to say.
Olivia politely asked for the next available appointment after explaining that she hadn’t been able to see her OB in Illinois as originally planned. After several moments, she said thank you and handed him his phone.
“Tomorrow morning is the earliest they can see me.”
“Not today?”
She shrugged. “I’m sure I’ll be fine till the morning. They told me to call if anything changes.”
A wave of helplessness washed over him. He didn’t like it, but what could he do? Other than drive her to the closest hospital and insist she be seen. “That’s stupid advice,” he mumbled.
“I’ll be fine.” She rested her head against Aaron’s car seat and smoothed her hands over her stomach. “As long as I can relax and remain calm.”
He met Marc’s concerned gaze in the rearview mirror. Having two kids of his own, Marc was better versed in what a pregnant woman might need.
“We’ll find another motel,” Marc offered. “We’ll stop for a break before I touch base again with the field office here in Madison.”
“Yeah, okay.” Ryker couldn’t seem to tear his gaze from Olivia. Her expression was serene, as if she was deep inside herself, thinking happy thoughts.
If anything happened to her, Aaron or the baby, he’d never forgive himself.
Slow and easy. Breathe in while counting to ten. Breathe out counting to ten.
Olivia repeated the internal monologue over and over, refusing to allow any negative thoughts into her mind. The contractions were already beginning to ease off. She knew God was watching over them and that her baby would be fine.
The SUV stopped and she pried her eyes open, blinking in confusion. After a moment she recognized they were on the outskirts of the city, the state capitol building visible in the distance.
“Just sit tight. We’re almost at the hotel,” Ryker said.
“Good. I could use a bathroom.” Every contraction had only punctuated her need to go. “A suite would be nice if they have one available.”
“Not a problem.”
The hotels around them seemed nicer than the previous ones they’d stayed in, not that she’d ever complain. All she wanted, needed, was to be safe.
It didn’t seem so much to ask.
Think positive, she told herself, drawing in a long, deep breath. They were safe. She had three men watching over them, one of them a federal agent no less. Between God and Ryker, she couldn’t be in better hands.
“How about that one?” Marc gestured to a hotel a few miles ahead.
“Fine with me,” Ryker agreed.
“Anything that nice will require a driver’s license and credit card on file,” Duncan pointed out.
“I know.”
A twinge of concern had her meeting Ryker’s gaze. “Do you think that’s wise?”
“Don’t worry—we’ll keep you safe.” Ryker’s smile was reassuring and she didn’t doubt his sincerity. He’d done nothing but keep her