tightened with another contraction. “Go back to Madison.”

“The baby?” Aaron’s innocent question drew her attention.

“Yes, sweetie. Soon you’re going to have a baby brother or baby sister.”

“I wanna baby brother,” Aaron announced.

She didn’t have the heart to tell him she suspected the baby was a girl. She tried to smile. “You’re going to be Mommy’s helper with the baby, aren’t you?”

“Yep.” Aaron nodded.

The pain intensified and she found herself grabbing Ryker’s hand again as she breathed through it. It was always easier to practice in those birthing classes than to actually do it. She remembered getting upset with Tim when she was in labor with Aaron, because he kept telling her she was breathing wrong. She’d finally yelled at him not to tell her how to breathe. Instead of apologizing, Tim had plopped into a chair and sulked.

Unlike Ryker, who tried to be supportive. He didn’t say anything, his gaze stricken with guilt and fear as if he had never planned to be around long enough to see her give birth.

Yeah, big surprise.

But he let her squeeze his hand without making a sound of protest, brushing a kiss across her knuckles when the pain eased.

“You’re doing great,” he said encouragingly.

“I’m not sure I have much of a choice.” Her attempt at humor was weak. “Baby has a mind of her own.”

“Just like her mommy,” Ryker agreed.

That made her smile. She was touched by his willingness to support her through this.

“We’re fifteen minutes from Madison.” Marc caught her gaze. “Sure you’re okay?”

“Positive.” Although she was worried about Aaron. “Ryker, will you watch Aaron for me?”

“Hey, why don’t I give Mike and Shayla a call,” Duncan offered. “If Brodie is feeling better, maybe they’ll watch Aaron. Brodie is just a little older than Aaron. I’m sure they’ll have fun playing together.”

“Can I play with Brodie?” Aaron asked.

“If he’s feeling better, sure.” She glanced at Ryker. “You may need to stay close to Aaron. He trusts you.”

Ryker hesitated, then nodded. “If Mike can’t help, I will. But I’d like to be there for you, Olivia.”

It was the sweetest thing he’d ever said to her and it made her eyes mist with tears. “Watching Aaron will help me.”

“Okay.” He lightly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. “Whatever you want.”

The stark contrast between Ryker and Tim was obvious. Was Ryker always like this? Or was this an exception under dramatically stressful and dangerous circumstances? She didn’t know for sure, but would be forever grateful for his steadfast support.

“Hey, Mike, it’s Dunc. How’s Brodie? Better? That’s great.” She listened as Duncan made arrangements for Mike, Shayla and Brodie to meet them in Madison and take care of Olivia’s son.

“Let me know when you’re close,” Duncan said. “I’ll give you the details when we know them.”

“All set?” Ryker asked when Duncan disconnected from the call.

“Yep. Brodie must have had a twenty-four-hour bug, because he’s fine now.” Duncan flashed a grin at Aaron. “He’s looking forward to meeting you.”

Olivia began to relax. Trust Ryker, Duncan and the Callahans to come to the rescue.

She breathed through another contraction, just as they arrived in the ER. Ryker helped her out of the back seat, and it was difficult to leave Aaron behind with Marc and Duncan, even though she knew the two men would keep him safe.

“You’re in labor?” The triage nurse wasted no time. “Let’s get you back to a room right away.”

Ryker came with her, and the nurse assumed he was the father of the baby. “Dad, have a seat here, while the doctor examines your wife.”

Olivia opened her mouth to correct them, but Ryker quickly shook his head. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll be right next to you the entire time.”

“Okay.” She understood he wanted her to play along, and why not? Honestly, she needed Ryker’s support now more than ever.

The doctor asked a series of questions then performed a quick exam. “No sign of the baby’s head yet, so that’s good. We have an OB on her way down. She’ll be here in a minute. We’re also getting you a bed up in Labor and Delivery.”

“So, she’s really going to have the baby today?” Ryker’s tone rose in surprise.

“It’s possible, but Dr. Regner will know more. Oh, there she is now.”

Dr. Regner flashed a reassuring smile as she entered the room, then proceeded to ask her the same questions she’d just answered for the ER doctor. The only difference was that Dr. Regner’s exam was more thorough. “Okay, you’re about three centimeters dilated. Once we get you settled in Labor and Delivery, we’ll put a monitor on the baby so we can see how he or she is doing.”

“But aren’t you going to do something to stop the contractions?” Olivia had assumed they’d want her bun to stay in the oven a little longer.

“You’re early but I’d estimate the baby is roughly five pounds. We’ll do an ultrasound to be sure.”

The next hour passed in a flurry of activity. When she arrived in the labor and delivery room, the nurse started an IV to provide fluids. Once that happened, her contractions slowed way down.

“I might not be in labor after all.” She glanced at Ryker who’d remained at her side through the IV and the ultrasound. “The contractions seem to have stopped.”

“That happens sometimes once you’re rehydrated,” the nurse said. “But if it’s true labor, they’ll return.”

Olivia secretly hoped they wouldn’t return, at least not for another couple of weeks.

When the nurse finally left them alone, Ryker leaned over and took her hand. “I want you to know Marc has an FBI agent by the name of Tony Seavers from the Madison office stationed outside your door for protection.”

“Really? I’m sure that’s not necessary.”

“Yes, it is. And I’ve heard from Mike that Brodie and Aaron are getting along great. Since you were admitted, Mike and Shayla took Aaron home with them.”

“That’s good to know.” She could rest easier, knowing her son was in good hands. “Although all of this fuss may be for nothing,

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