take him into custody.” Tony’s gaze lingered on Olivia for a moment, obviously still feeling guilty for his role in her attack, before stepping away to use his phone.

Olivia’s smile was wan. “Don’t blame Tony. Seth didn’t lie. He is my dead husband’s cousin.”

“I know.” Ryker lowered his chin to his chest, trying to get a grip. Normally he abhorred violence, but at this moment he wanted to punch Seth in the jaw for daring to place his hands on Olivia. For putting both an innocent woman and her unborn child in danger. He lifted his head. “I don’t blame Tony. This is my fault, Olivia. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Your fault? Funny, it seems to me Seth was the one who attacked me.”

It was nice of her to try letting him off the hook, but he knew the truth. He turned toward Seth. “The Feds have the banking information, so hurting Olivia wasn’t necessary.”

Seth looked away, unable to hold his gaze.

There was a slight knock at the door, before it opened revealing a woman in scrubs. “I’m your nurse, Olivia. What can I do for you?”

Ryker reluctantly moved away from Olivia’s bedside to make room for the nurse. He crossed over to Willis. “Tell me the truth. Are you still working for Blake-Moore?”

Seth hunched his shoulders. “No. I told you, I didn’t want to put my life on the line for them. You were right that they treat us as disposable assets, easily replaced.”

“You came here to assault an innocent woman, all on your own? Blake-Moore didn’t put you up to this?” He was hoping Willis might be able to contact one of the owners to set up a sting, but it didn’t seem likely.

“Yeah, I came on my own. Five million is a lot of cash.” Willis thrust out his jaw toward Olivia. “Why should she get it all?”

“I told you the Feds have the banking information.” He repeated the words slowly, hoping they would sink into Seth’s tiny brain. “The money is evidence of a crime, not to mention motive for hurting Olivia. No one is going to be spending that money, do you understand?”

Seth’s expression turned uncertain. “So this was all for nothing?”

“Exactly. Your greed will land you in jail, you moron.” Ryker turned his back on the guy, unable to stand looking at him. Instead, he listened to what the nurse was saying.

“—doctor. She’ll decide the next steps.”

He edged closer. “What’s going on?”

“Looks like you’ll have to wait awhile to become a daddy,” the nurse told him. “She doesn’t seem to be having any more contractions.”

“But the baby is okay?”

“So far, so good. I’ll talk to the doctor. She may want to keep your wife here longer or send her home. We’ll see what Dr. Regner thinks.”

The nurse left as the local police arrived to take Seth into custody. They wanted a statement from Olivia, who provided her story.

“Listen, I’ll fill you in on the rest,” Ryker said, when they pressed her for more information on the bank accounts. “She doesn’t need additional stress right now. All you need to know right now is that Seth Willis attacked her.”

“We need to understand the motive behind this,” the officer argued.

“Here, call Marc Callahan. He’s with the FBI. He can provide more details.”

The officer reluctantly took Marc’s cell number, then cut the zip ties around Seth’s ankles and hauled him to his feet.

When Ryker was alone with Olivia, he bent down and kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I hope the stress of all of this isn’t going to hurt you or the baby.”

“I was having contractions before Seth came in here.” She grimaced and put a hand on her belly. “I can’t deny feeling worried about how the baby is doing. Hopefully the added stress doesn’t cause any harm.”

Her words hit hard. She was right; the stress she’d suffered not just today but throughout the past few days hadn’t helped one bit.

Ryker almost sank to his knees in despair. If her baby suffered any untoward complications from being born too early, he’d never forgive himself.

The contractions had completely disappeared, and for some reason, that bothered her more than the idea of having the baby arrive early. Olivia was doing her best not to show her panic and fear, but it wasn’t easy.

None of this was Ryker’s fault, but he looked so upset and miserable, she knew he was still blaming himself.

“Will you stay with me?” She reached for his hand. “Whatever the doctor decides to do, I can’t bear the thought of delivering this baby alone.”

“Yes.” His simple statement warmed her heart. “I won’t leave you.”

“Thanks.” Over his shoulder, she was relieved to see Dr. Regner enter the room.

“I hear your contractions have stopped.” Dr. Regner’s voice was cheerful. “I’ve been watching your baby’s heartbeat on the monitor, and everything is looking great. I’d like to continue observing you for a bit longer, just to be sure you don’t unexpectedly go back into labor.”

“I don’t feel great.” Olivia tried not to show her fear. “Are you sure the baby will be okay?”

“Your ultrasound confirms the baby’s at five pounds. That’s plenty far enough along to avoid serious complications. Besides, babies under stress often develop their lungs faster.” Dr. Regner patted her arm. “If the baby decides to come early, you’ll both be just fine. I’d like to do a quick exam, okay?”


Ryker stepped back to provide her some privacy, and she reluctantly let go of his hand. The exam was over in moments.

“You’re still dilated at three centimeters.” Dr. Regner pursed her lips thoughtfully. “No progress there, so it seems like your baby has decided to stay put for a little while longer.”

“Really?” Ryker’s expression brightened with hope. “So no premature baby?”

“Not yet.” Dr. Regner’s tone held a note of caution. “But I’d like to keep Olivia here, maybe until dinnertime. If the contractions don’t start up by then, we’ll consider discharging her.”

Olivia should have been relieved at the news, but she had to

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