“We just started questioning the mercenary you captured at the motel. He gave us his name, James Corrian, but other than that, he’s not talking. Apparently he’s not willing to give up his bosses. A lawyer just showed up, likely paid for by the Blake-Moore Group.”
He blew out a frustrated breath. “Corrian has to know that he’ll do a significant amount of jail time. Did you offer to cut him a deal if he talked?”
“Yes, but he wasn’t interested. His trust in Blake-Moore is misplaced. Could be he’ll need to spend time behind bars before he realizes it’s better to provide evidence against them and save himself.”
“Unfortunately, we don’t have that kind of time.” Ryker didn’t like where this was going. “We need those guys behind bars now, not in three months.”
“We’ll keep trying,” Marc assured him. “Ludwig is flying in from DC to help provide resources to find Blake and Moore. Don’t forget, we have Willis, too. Maybe we’ll get more from him.”
“I hope so.” But Ryker wasn’t really convinced of that. Seth Willis had come here to get the bank information for his own selfish reasons. It wasn’t as if Blake-Moore had sent him. The fact that he’d worked full-time as a hospital security guard was evidence that Willis had left the Blake-Moore Group. “When will you question Seth?”
“Heading that way now.”
Ryker glanced at Olivia who was clearly listening to his side of the conversation. As much as he wanted to shield her from what was going on, she deserved to know. “Good, keep me posted. Also, it looks like Olivia may be discharged from the hospital in a couple of hours. We’re going to need a safe place to go. Have anything in mind?”
“Good question. I’ll see what we can come up with. Even if we just end up going to a motel, we’ll have an FBI agent assigned to her protection detail.”
Just one? Ryker would have felt better with at least three additional men. Granted, he’d have Duncan’s help, too, so maybe they’d be okay. “I’ll let you know when she’s discharged.”
Ryker disconnected and tucked the phone back into his pocket.
“We’re never going to get anyone to turn on Blake-Moore.” Olivia looked forlorn.
“We will. Just remember at the end of the day, everyone has their own survival instinct. Someone will turn on them.” He crossed over, pulled up a chair and sat down beside her. “You’re the one who told me to have faith in God’s plan, remember?”
A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Yes, I remember. I guess sometimes it’s easier to give advice than to take it.”
“Exactly.” She was so beautiful, he longed to kiss her. To hold her close, reassure her that everything was going to be all right. Anyone trying to hurt her would have to go through him.
He didn’t mind putting his life on the line to protect her.
The nurse returned for another set of vital signs. A few minutes later, the doctor came in. Ryker went to the far corner of the room to give Olivia privacy.
“Still at three centimeters,” Dr. Regner announced. “I’m going to go ahead and discharge you. There’s no point in waiting. You’re not in active labor.”
Ryker squelched a flash of panic. “I thought you wanted to observe her until dinnertime?” It was only three in the afternoon. He’d been hoping to stick around until five or six.
“Relax, Dad. Mom and baby are doing great. You’ll meet your new son or daughter soon enough.” Dr. Regner glanced at her watch. “I have to check on another patient, but I would like to see Olivia back in the clinic next week.”
“Understood.” Ryker hoped the danger would be over by then. “We can do that.”
Olivia raised a brow, no doubt wondering why he’d included himself, but didn’t argue. “Thanks, Dr. Regner. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”
“Of course. Now don’t hesitate to call if the contractions return. I have a feeling this baby isn’t going to stay put until your actual due date.”
“And you’re sure it’s okay for her to be discharged?” Ryker couldn’t help attempting one more time to convince the doctor to change her mind.
“I’m sure. The nurse will be in shortly with your discharge paperwork.” Dr. Regner turned toward the door. “Don’t forget, one week.”
“I won’t forget.” Olivia’s smile didn’t quite reach her eyes and he knew she didn’t want to go.
He didn’t, either.
When they were alone, Olivia said, “I guess this is it.”
“It’s going to be okay.” He kept his tone confident as he pulled out his phone to call Marc. They needed a safe house ASAP. Then he filled Tony Seavers in on the plan.
He wasn’t going to allow any of Kevin Blake and Harper Moore’s men to touch her again.
Olivia knew she needed to stay calm and strong for the baby’s sake. All along, she’d understood stress wasn’t good for her, and this latest bout of labor only reinforced her belief.
Ryker was on the phone again, talking to Marc Callahan about securing a place for them to go. She stopped listening, deciding to talk to her baby instead.
“We’re going to be fine, little lady,” she crooned. “I want you to stay inside where you can grow big and strong for just a little longer, okay?”
The baby kicked, making her smile. She looked forward to the day she would hold her daughter in her arms and tried not to think about how it was unlikely she’d have more children in the future.
Her gaze strayed to Ryker, wondering what he’d do once the danger was over. Would he find another single mother to rescue? How many were out there, needing his skills? She had no idea, but felt certain if there was someone in danger, Ryker would be all over it.
He’d never hesitate to save others because he hadn’t been there to rescue his girlfriend and her daughter. It was disconcerting to realize she