“How do Tycen and Pool fit into this?” Frida asked gently.
“JaKheel started getting touchy, saying Bullet was pushing him to recruit more people from the center. We had a fight, and he walked off. That was two months ago. Tycen and I are tight, so he put out some feelers and found out JaKheel was in deep with something. He heard rumbling about Bullet working with Clark Pool. So, I went to try and find out if he knew anything, but he started getting handsy, and I couldn’t go through with it. Luckily, the fire alarm went off, and I just left.”
“How do you know where Tycen is?”
“Because before he disappeared, I told him I was pregnant and wanted my baby to know his father. JaKheel doesn’t know yet.” Danie started to cry softly, and Malco was processing all the information silently without revealing his feelings on this.
“Tycen went to try and talk some sense into JaKheel, and it was that night he disappeared. I think the Blood Razors have him.”
“Why would they hold him?”
JaKheel said Bullet was always making examples out of people who crossed him. He wouldn’t like Tycen trying to disrespect him by talking to JaKheel.”
“Who is JaKheel to Bullet? A foot soldier?”
“He’s his younger brother.” Malco bit out a curse at her words. This was lining up to be a repeat of his own history.
“Don’t cry, Danie. We’ll sort this out,” Malco said, but as he looked Frida, they both knew it was highly possible that neither of those boys would be coming out of this with their lives.
“Have you seen a doctor about the pregnancy?”
Danie looked up, and there was a fire in her eyes. “I won’t get rid of my baby.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Frida smiled kindly. “I meant, have you seen a doctor to make sure you and the baby are healthy and getting everything you need?”
Danie shook her head. “No, nobody knows about it except Tycen and me.”
“How far along are you?”
“Fourteen weeks.”
Frida smiled at the girl. “Then let’s get you checked over and maybe a scan to see if you can hear the heartbeat.”
Danie let out a huge smile and placed her hand protectively over her stomach.
Malco and Frida stood. “Would you like something to eat?” He knew Cleo was still here with Mason, and she always had the fridge in the kitchen stocked with something.
“Yes, please.” Danie looked so young at that moment that Malco felt a deep well of sadness inside him. Young, pregnant, and afraid for her baby’s father. It was an all too familiar culture for young women with men in gangs. He just wished he could eradicate it altogether.
He felt a hand on his arm and looked at Frida as they exited the room together.
“We can only save them one at a time.” Her arms moved around his waist, and her head landed on his chest. The contact was comforting and made him feel like he wasn’t alone in this fight.
Chapter Fourteen
With Malco’s enveloping heat and strength surrounding her, Frida could’ve easily forgotten about the storm brewing around them. Between a pregnant teenager, a young man forced back into a gang, and two clearly corrupt civil servants, and no tangible proof to bring them down, Frida wasn’t sure where to start.
Now the motive for the attempt to steal the files at her office became clearer; they contained evidence of the money transfers from Pool to the Union, aka Kasten and his associates. Even though everyone seemed to be stepping down or retiring, the chase remained nonetheless. Following the money was obvious, but Frida was ready to use any evidence she could find.
“I can hear the wheels turning in your head, Frida, and they’re making a lot of noise.”
It was pure torture pushing away from Malco, but it couldn’t be helped. Frida sighed and reluctantly untangled herself from his arms. “Only noise? I think I can almost smell burning as well. You’re right. There’s much to think about. What will happen to Danie? We can’t let her go back on her own. It’s too dangerous.”
Malco nodded, his eyes darker than usual. “I’ll talk to Shane. I’m sure he knows of a couple of safe houses outside the city where Danie will be safe until we’re certain she can go home.”
It settled Frida’s worry a bit. “She’s not going to want to leave, but if she knows it’s only for a short period, I think we can convince her.”
“Won’t that be a lie? We don’t know what’s going to happen. And JaKheel is deep in the Blood Razors. We’re not talking about collateral damage here, he’s fully in the line of fire.”
How she wished Malco wasn’t right, but they’d both experienced firsthand what being involved with a gang meant. “I know. I just hope it doesn’t turn out like your brother and my sister.”
“It looks like history is repeating itself and in the worst way possible. I wish I had your optimism, but I don’t.”
It tore at her to see Malco’s obvious scars, how his cold façade went up like a shield. She couldn’t fault him for that, more often than not, she donned her own protective armor.
Shaking those gloomy thoughts away, Frida decided that keeping their focus on this mission would be best for both of them.
“I was thinking, how about we make a little visit to Kasten? I just heard from Chief Randall that he’s retiring early.”
“Is that so?”
“And I really think I should go and wish him well for the next phase of his life.”
Malco’s mouth quirked up, a predatory gleam in his eyes. “I like how your mind works. We can’t let such an outstanding officer leave without at least saying goodbye.”
Frida winked and grabbed her bag. “Totally. So, let’s go wish him well, shall we?”
Mid-afternoon meant a shift change took place, which allowed Frida to slip by the reception desk and head directly to the