Malco hadn’t been ecstatic about her plan but couldn’t fault her intention. By coming here alone, Kasten would inevitably feel he had the upper hand, and with a little luck, he’d let slip something that may help the investigation.
With what was in her ear, Malco would be able to hear everything and intervene if need be. Not that Kasten would be fool enough to try anything so close to his colleagues.
Kasten’s office was on the left, and his door was open. He was inside, sorting through stacks of papers. He almost looked normal, but Frida knew better.
“Detective Kasten. What a surprise to see you so hard at work.”
When the man lifted his face to her, she thought he was about to snarl in disgust. Instead, he looked down at his papers. “I’m busy, Miss Montalvo.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you are, but not for long, I hear. I’ve heard through the grapevine that congratulations are in order on your early retirement. How lucky for you.” He remained silent, so Frida pushed a little. “Before you go, I want to know the status of the investigation concerning the break and enter at my office.”
“I thought you told me not to investigate?”
She heard the snide sneer in his voice as he said the words. “Come now, you wouldn’t have me believe that you listened, would you?”
“There are more important cases in this town than yours. But if it reassures you and makes you leave my office faster I’m passing all my files to Colson. You can annoy her from now on. Get the fuck out of my office, now.”
Instead of leaving, she closed the door behind her. “Are there so many other important cases to solve, or do you just skip those crimes you organize yourself?”
At least that caught his attention enough for him to abandon his papers. “Exactly what are you insinuating?”
He was right, it was an insinuation, and Frida couldn’t come up with a better idea, although it wasn’t that far of a stretch. Especially after all that had happened. Why not push it a little further? “I’m guessing I’ll find some interesting information in those boxes. It’s too bad you didn’t get your hands on them.”
For a moment, she thought he was about to have a seizure, but he only took a single menacing step in her direction. “If you value your life, you’ll leave my office this instant.”
After all her years in LA, such a simple threat wouldn’t make her back off. “Is DA Pool in on this, or did you come up with it all by yourself?”
It was clear that she was pulling the right strings, especially since she could almost see steam coming out of Kasten’s ears.
Immediately, Malco sounded in her ear. “Easy, Frida. Don’t push too hard. He could become dangerous.”
What could happen? In the middle of the station, surrounded by cops, Kasten wouldn’t dare. And if she didn’t grab this opportunity, she wouldn’t get another chance.
“Or maybe you prefer to keep it in the family. Little sister is already part of the Union, after all, it’s not such a big step from taking care of cops to money laundering.”
“You fucking bitch.”
“Frida, get out of there. Now.”
How could she leave when she had confirmed so many things?
“I don’t believe your sudden wish to retire. Especially without your pension.”
“That’s confidential information.”
Despite the fear steadily rising in her chest, she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing it. Instead, she took a firm step toward him, almost putting herself nose to nose with him. “Don’t worry, Kasten, I intent to dig through every single piece of information I can until you’re rotting in a cell for the rest of your life.”
And on that statement, Frida made her exit.
Her heart pounding so hard, she almost stumbled out—the reality of what she’d just done hit her full force.
Skirting the desks, she wanted to leave fast but needed to steady herself first and made a quick detour to the bathroom down the hall.
When she found it occupied, she decided to exit through the back door. Fresh air would be helpful as well as a walk around the building to reach Malco at the front.
When she stepped outside, she found herself surrounded by police cars and stopped for a second to get her bearings. Without warning, she was jerked backward and thrown against the brick wall. She didn’t have time to scream before a hand closed around her throat, cutting off her air. The next second, Kasten’s furious face filled her vision.
“Don’t worry about someone seeing our little chat. There aren’t cameras here, and there’s nobody around after a shift change.”
Frida grabbed his wrist and kicked him as hard as she could to get him to release her, but with his body plastered against hers, she didn’t have any momentum.
“I wanted to make something clear. If I were you, I wouldn’t make assumptions. You’re playing a dangerous game with people who won’t care about harming your pretty face like I do.”
Her vision blurred by the lack of oxygen, her body started to go numb and her arms heavy.
“Here’s a bit of friendly advice. Drop this foolish pursuit, Montalvo, before you lose everything.”
As darkness tried to overtake her, he finally released her, and she dropped hard to the pavement. Coughing, Frida fought hard to force air through her closed throat. Tears flowed from her eyes until she finally filled her lungs. It immediately cleared her vision and dimmed the buzzing in her head, and she heard someone running in her direction.
A sob came out of her burning throat when she recognized Malco’s voice and Frida found herself in his arms, hugging him as tightly as he was hugging her.
Before she could enjoy his strength, he pulled away