
Shelby frowned at the man, not understanding.

“Let it go,” Mason murmured to him, but not taking his eyes off her.

“Dude, costumes don’t work with bondage,” the other man said, turning his gaze back to her.

“Go find Jedrek.”

The other man huffed but started for the door. When he reached it, Shelby had to step aside to let him pass. Only he didn’t. He stopped right in front of her. “I like French maids. You show up in that next week, and we’ll pretend I’ve caught you stealing my silver.” She flinched when his finger grazed her arm and trailed down it slowly. “After I’ve done a body cavity search, I’ll whip you good.”


The man chuckled and looked over his shoulder. “Chill out, Mace.” Then, as he walked out the door, he muttered, “I can’t believe you’re letting that uptight douche have all the fun.”

He shut the door at his departure, and Shelby couldn’t hide the shiver that ran through her at the realization she was now alone with Mason—the man who now seemed past his shock and was giving her a slow, sexy smile.

“Interesting clothes, pet.” He started toward her. “I’m not sure if I should ask your reasoning or question you on the bag you’re carrying first.”

She licked her dry lips as she set it beside the door, making sure not to block it. “The answer is the same.” She shrugged as she wrapped her arms around her middle.

“Is it now?” His smile brightened.

“Yes, Master.” Mason’s eyes heated at her address, which gave a little bit of her confidence back. “You said to plan on staying the night. I wanted to be prepared.”

“I would have seen to your needs,” he chided softly.

“I…” She looked down. How was this man able to expose her with just a stare? She took a deep breath and focused on him again. “Thank you, Master. But my intention was to see to your comfort tonight. Should the scene go well, I mean.”

“My comfort?” He seemed genuinely perplexed, and she found it adorable. Adorable? He’s a point of interest. Get it together, Shelby!

“Granted, I don’t wear this on my job, but I thought it’d be fun to be dressed naughty while I gave you a massage.” Why was her throat so dry? She swallowed again and indicated her bag. “I brought some essential oils. For later, of course.”

Now he seemed completely shocked. Her attire had made him temporarily speechless, but at the suggestion of her therapeutic offering, he seemed totally lost. “Why?” he finally breathed.

She lifted a lone shoulder. “You’ve been…” She stopped and shook her head. She was about to say that he’d been so helpful with her and her BDSM exploration, but suddenly, that felt too much like a lie. Even though it held more truth than anybody would understand. Instead, she kept her response simple. “Because I want to.”

That look. Oh God, the look he just gave her would have melted her heart if she’d have let it. It held so much emotion, not the least of which was pride and something else she didn’t understand. He took a step toward her, but the door opened, startling her.

“Sorry. Problem with a bouncer.” The man shucked his jacket as he walked in and tossed it onto the couch. When Shelby looked at Mason again, that warm expression was gone. In its place was cool indifference.

“It’s fine,” he said, darting his gaze at the man before finally walking to Shelby. He took her hands and guided her to the couch. The other man walked to the other side of the room, busying himself with what she could only assume had to do with their scene. “Pet, that’s Jedrek.” He tilted his head toward the other man’s direction. Jedrek turned from what he was doing, gave her a short nod, and then twisted back toward his task.

Mason stared after him a few seconds more, but it was long enough for Shelby to question the type of friendship the two men had. He’d been so lighthearted with the other guy, but now that Jedrek was here, Mason’s mood had instantly changed. She didn’t know him very well, but with Rafe at the spanking scene, Mason had seemed at ease for the most part. Tonight with Emory, he’d been laughing even, but with Jedrek, he almost seemed on edge. Why? She made a mental note to look at his file again. Maybe there was more to this Jedrek man than they’d considered. She and her team knew it was a possibility that information could be garnered here at the club, but they hadn’t considered some direct connection with F and B. From all accounts, the club and Mason’s work with the firm were completely separate. Of course, she could be getting ahead of herself. Maybe the sudden stiffness in the air had nothing to do with her case. Regardless, she’d look into it.

Jedrek turned toward them. “Has he explained what we will be doing tonight?”

“Yes, Sir. I mean. I know you’ll be tying me up.”

“To some, bondage is just a form of restraint.” The foreboding man wrapped a length of rope around his hand as he spoke. “There are some who’d rather use cuffs and be done with it. They don’t understand the beauty, but I do. To me, bondage is an art. Come here.”

The authority in his voice almost had her rising without question, but she glanced at Mason first. He nodded, and she stood, his permission all she needed to obey the other. She felt Mason walking behind her as she proceeded slowly toward Jedrek.

“Give me your hands.”

Shelby trembled as she lifted them to him.

“What’s your safe word?” Mason asked.

“Red,” she whispered. Her insides were trembling and she hoped the shaking hadn’t made its way outside her body.

He gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. “And if you just need a break?”


“Good, girl. Tonight, pet, there are no other words that will stop this scene. Last week, you were given your safe word

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