but also told you could tell us to stop with the reassurances we would. It was your first scene. You did well with it, so we are moving on to something harder. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Are you ready to begin?” Jedrek asked.

She looked at him and nodded.

“Verbally,” he said, biting.

“Uh, yes, Sir.”

“Master,” he corrected.

“Sir,” Mason retorted.

Jedrek glanced at him. His neck stiffened, but that was the only sign he’d been unhappy with the little rule. “Seems you left more details out.” He looked back at her. “Fine. Sir it is. Remove your dress.”

Shelby trembled at the sound of Jedrek’s voice. The man had an unwavering authority about him, but she still had to force her arms to lift to reach the zipper behind her.

Mason’s gentle hands nudged hers away. “Allow me, pet,” he murmured. She shouldn’t feel safe with him, but she did. Damn it to hell, she did. He was the monster she knew. Not that she knew him well at all, but this Jedrek guy was scary. “Beautiful,” Mason breathed when her dress hit the floor. His hands glided up and down her back before he stepped in front of her and stood by Jedrek. She had to admit her torturer tonight was attractive, but standing next to Mason, he paled in comparison. The cranky man was bald where Mason had beautiful brown hair, his eyes a steely gray to Mason’s warm brown. The goatee added to Jedrek’s hard persona.

“Hands,” Mr. Mean barked.

She offered them without hesitation and watched as he skillfully wrapped her wrists damn near to her elbows. She stared at his work as he stepped to the side and grabbed another length of rope. Her arms felt okay. The binding wasn’t too tight or even abrasive.

But the message was clear.

She felt more helpless now than she had last week when she was mounted to a spanking bench. Then, only cuffs had secured her wrists. This was completely different. Oh God, could she really do this? Her breathing spiked and her eyes darted to Mason.

“Eyes down,” Jedrek ordered, and her gaze flew to the floor.

Mason’s shoes came into view, but she still flinched when his hand rubbed her back again. “Good girl.”

Her muscles relaxed at his praise. Her body liked pleasing him even if her mind struggled with it. She had many good reasons to struggle, but right now, she had to put them all aside. She took a deep breath, fortifying herself to her task. She could do this. When she got through the scene and she and Mason were alone, she’d pry him for information. Right now, she’d submit. Do what was needed.

Make Mason proud.

“Come,” Jedrek said as he grasped her arm and tugged her to the middle of the room. He reached up and pulled down a ring, but realizing she should have her eyes downcast, she immediately dropped her gaze. She wanted to watch what he was doing to prepare herself. Something cool covered her eyes and she gasped.

“It’s just a blindfold, pet.”

Oh God, now she couldn’t see! She swallowed through the need to hyperventilate, forcing the urge away.

“Say your safe word,” Jedrek said calmly.


“Do you want to use it?”


Lips touched her neck, and she flinched. Who was kissing her? She didn’t want Jedrek to touch her like this. “Easy,” Mason breathed against her, and she practically slumped against him. He clutched her waist and continued his glorious assault on her neck.

Shelby barely recognized her arms being lifted over her head.

Mason’s hands trailed up her sides and cupped both of her breasts. Skillful fingers plucked at her greedy nipples, and she moaned as her head fell back onto his shoulder.

More rope found its way around her body—tummy, thighs, she didn’t care. She was too focused on Mason’s ministrations to give her attention to Jedrek’s.

One of Mason’s hands trailed down, and her hips thrust to meet him. He ignored her silent plea, but she felt him squat behind her as his hands reached her thighs, trailing over the rope while he kissed his way down her back. She was suddenly lifted, suspended in the air. Her legs were moved into some position, she wasn’t quite sure what, but the ease of it shocked her.

“Relax,” Mason murmured. He was standing up with her, though she could tell he wasn’t the driving force behind her change in elevation. His hands continued their soothing caresses.

Until he stepped away, and no one touched her.

No one made a sound.

She struggled, swinging slightly with her effort, but she was completely bound. Her hands did not budge, her feet, though moving, were not making any headway.

“Master Mason told you to relax.” Jedrek didn’t sound irritated, just stated it mater-of-factly.

“I’m trying, Sir.” How the hell could someone relax where they were hogtied to the freaking ceiling? If this was supposed to be erotic, Shelby had totally missed the memo.

“No you’re not,” Mason said calmly. “You’re too tense. Just let your body relax.”

“Start with your feet,” Jedrek said. She nodded and forced her legs to stop moving, allowing them to lay limp. “That’s a girl, pet. Now your arms and chest.”

It took her several seconds to ease her body into a calm state, but when she thought she’d finished, Mason was quick to correct her. “You’re head.”

“Huh?” She twisted it to the side as if she could see them.

“That’s not how you address me, Shelby,” Mason said sternly.

“I-I’m not sure what you mean, Master.”

“Shelby,” Jedrek started. “Your head is still up. You need to drop it. Relax completely for me.”

Drop her head? How was she supposed to do that? She was suspended in air! Maybe he’d fashioned some rope-styled pillow for her? Slowly, she let it ease back, but jerked it up when she’d reached the end of her comfort zone and had not met any support. Now her body had tensed up again.

“C’mon, pet. You can do it,” Mason encouraged. “Once you’ve let go, I’ll show you how freeing it is to be so restricted.”

How could she be free and

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