that he liked role playing, but the effort she’d put into pleasing him.

Besides the fact that, before Shelby, he wasn’t one to be surprised. It was a development he rather liked…with a woman he was growing attached to. It wasn’t smart, not with everything going on at the firm, but maybe spending some time with her would help keep his sanity. He’d do well not to overthink this. God knew his brain was already stretched to the max with other, less desirable thoughts.

“Where are we going?” she asked once they reached the stairway to the next floor.

He rubbed her back and kept his hand there to guide her up the stairs. “To the private rooms. We each have our own in case we don’t want to drive home for whatever reason.”

“Oh, that’s good. I guess.”

He didn’t miss the shiver that danced along her back as he rubbed her there. She was so fucking responsive. If he wasn’t careful, he could easily lose himself in her.

What do you mean could? You’ve been panting over memories of her all week. Wasn’t that the damn truth. He’d laugh at himself if he could find the real humor in falling for a woman who wasn’t in the lifestyle. Yes, she was submissive, but having those tendencies did not a willing sub make. He’d always known he needed to exert his dominance in the bedroom. He never cared for it outside. Everyone’s needs were different, but his attachment to the life was purely sexual. A full-time sub was more work than he’d ever want to give. But with Shelby, he felt he was learning more about himself, too. With her, anything could be possible. There was so much to domination and submission that even with these four scenes, they wouldn’t scratch the kinky surface.

And if she did go through with them all, then what? Would she walk away? Want more?

Would he?

She opened her mouth as if to ask something else, but shut it with a slight frown. Interesting. Why was she holding back her question? She obviously wondered about something. He hadn’t told her she couldn’t speak unless spoken to. Some Doms got off on that.

Mason didn’t.

No, he rather liked it when a woman was free to express herself. Unless in the bedroom…then all bets were off. He needed total control in that area, couldn’t afford to let that go.

Then why are you letting other Master Doms conduct scenes with your sub?

He knew why…because no matter how much a part of him wanted it—her—he knew she wasn’t his. He was pursuing play, not courting a woman. He just hoped repeating it enough times to himself would drill that point home.

“What is it, pet?” he finally asked when it became apparent she wasn’t going to speak without encouragement.

Her gaze danced around as they came to a stop at his door. “I thought we’d be going back to your place.”

He chuckled when she shrugged delicately. She was trying to play coy, but he could see right through her. He opened the door and motioned for her to enter as he turned on the lights. “I think you’ll like it.”

She gasped and he smiled, though she didn’t see it. She was too busy walking in and turning in circles, looking at the room. “Wow,” she breathed.

Her bag fell to the floor.

He tossed his keys onto the side table. “My partners and I wanted comfortable rooms to stay in. No sleazy motel vibe.”

She looked over her shoulder at him, blushing slightly. “I didn’t mean… Well, I mean it’s lovely,” she said quickly as she turned back around, looking out the picture window to the grounds below.

“It’s hardly a penthouse suite, but it’ll do. There’s a kitchen to your left and a bedroom suite to the right.” They were standing in the living area, which made up the rest of his private room at the club. It was decorated in warm, neutral colors, but the features the space had were top of the line.

“This looks bigger than my apartment,” she mumbled. He didn’t think she was talking to him, so he didn’t respond to her comment.

“Are you hungry?”

She seemed to pull herself out of her reverie when she turned to face him. “No. I might want something to eat later, but for now, I’d like to give you a something special instead.”

Mason’s dick twitched. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this turned on by a woman, but he willed it down. Shelby wanted to treat him to a massage, and he wasn’t going to turn something she did for a living into a kinky game.

But she wore a costume.

He tamped that thought down, too. If Shelby wanted to turn this into something playful, then he was all for it, but he wouldn’t go into this with the expectation. He’d let her define the boundaries because this wasn’t a scene and he didn’t have to control it.

But if she turned it into sex, then he’d master her.

“I didn’t bring a table. We’ll have to do this on your bed.” The sly smile was very cute on her, and it immediately helped him relax the sudden and unfamiliar nerves. This was her show now, and he’d lie back and enjoy it.

“That works for me.” He winked at her. “It’s this way.” He started for the bedroom and had to stop himself from taking her hand. He’d had massages before, so he’d give her the professional courtesy he had any other therapist he’d seen. But that didn’t stop him from grabbing her bag and carrying it for her. After walking into the bedroom, he set the bag on the edge of the bed. Shelby clutched it and opened it.

“Why don’t you tell me if you have pain anywhere specific,” she said as she pulled out various bottles, focused on her task.

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t usually get asked that. Normally, I take off my shirt and they just start rubbing.”

She looked up then with a

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