My hair tickled the back of my neck, and I reminded myself for the millionth time to schedule a haircut.
“This new piece of evidence definitely helps. Do you think you can get them to testify?” Aidan asked, still talking in vague terms because it was a delicate situation.
“Yes. I’ll handle that. More importantly, I have a kid. A daughter. I want the prick to give up his rights, and I want visitation. I’ll pay whatever Bex wants.”
Aidan shook his head. “I’m pretty sure Bexley isn’t going to limit visits. I’m not even sure we need to be so formal with all the paperwork, which is odd for me to be saying. Do you need to really poke the bear when it comes to this Seth guy? He could take you for a ride.”
Leaning forward, I squinted. “Give him whatever he wants. Get him out of my daughter’s life.”
“Pardon me for saying this, Aston, but you knew she existed. You could have waded in a long time ago. What’s the big push now?”
“Because she’s mine and the time is right. I had to wait. My life was a mess.”
“And it’s not now?” Aidan stared at me, and this time it was his turn to squint.
“You know I’m working on all that other shit. But I’m free of Cass, and it’s time for me to be with Bexley.”
“You’re a piece of work, Aston.”
“Yep.” I stood and gave him a salute before walking out.
Snatching my phone out of my pocket, I saw a missed call from the star witness in my case. I texted that I would call later, when I had privacy, and made my way to my car.
Aidan knew I’d wrap this up in a bow for him. Christ, look what I’d done with Piper. I had everything wrapped up tight before meeting her.
Speaking of her made me think of her mother, and I swiped my finger across my phone.
“Aston, I’m at work.”
“We’re going to have to work on how you answer the phone, Bex.”
“Unlike you, I don’t have a family business.”
“I might not soon either.” Smiling, I leaned against the driver’s door of my car.
“Not funny.”
I could sense her glaring at me through the phone. That’s how it used to be with Bexley. Easy. She said what she meant with no care for who I was or the differences between us. We were two equals. These days, though, I could see a line that divided us. My dad made me painfully aware of that, but I let him. Now it was my time to erase it for good.
“How’s Piper?” I asked.
“She’s okay, more worried about Tyler than herself. That’s Piper. Also worried she’ll hurt Seth’s feelings.”
“Fuck that shit,” I grumbled into the phone.
“Aston, he raised her. When he didn’t have to, mind you. You have to let her come to terms with this. She’s only thirteen.”
I felt my brow furrowing and ran my palm against my forehead, staving off a headache. “I know. Don’t you think it haunts me?”
“Look, this is all new, and she’s a kid. I know you want to make up for lost time, and I’m sure you will. But you have to let her decide how and when.”
Thinking about what Bexley said, I nodded.
“Are you still there? I have to get back to work, so I can grab the kids. Tyler has karate.”
“Yeah, I’m here. Leaving the lawyers. If it matters, Piper is going to be well taken care of.”
Bexley sighed. “I’m not sure she even knows what that means. She might think it means a limitless budget for makeup. Which I don’t let her wear, for the record, so don’t get any ideas.”
Of course she didn’t, because she was a good mom. The best. I wished my other kids had someone like Bexley, but Cass was still their mom. She’d done her best. Which reminded me . . .
“Oh, my kids are having a visit with Cass later. Denise is going to take them and stick around. Any chance we can get dinner?”
“Um, Tyler has karate. I’d have to see if I can find someone to stay with them. Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m fucking sure, Bexley. If I hadn’t made it clear yet, I want you back. All the way back. I should’ve never lost you, but that’s on me. This time I’m doing shit my way.”
“Okay. I need to text a neighbor to look after the kids.”
“What?” I ran a hand over my face. “I don’t like a random neighbor coming over. Why don’t I have Denise send a friend? Someone she knows.”
“Aston, if you want to have dinner with me, we have to do it my way. I’m not going to bend to your rich ways. My kids have stayed with plenty of neighbors. They’re fine.”
Slipping into my car, I decided to take what I could get, which was a dinner out with Bexley. I’d worry about taking over matters with my kid later.
Kids. Piper and Tyler were a package deal, and I was okay with that.
“Your way, Bex, I’ve got it. But I’m making a reservation somewhere decent. How’s eight?”
“Eight’s fine. I’ll deal with all of this while I’m waiting at karate.”
“Looking forward to it. Be prepared for a good time. You know I don’t disappoint.”
I disconnected before she could respond. Knowing this version of Bexley, she wouldn’t so easily accept a five-star steakhouse, or my paying, or whatever else I decided to do.
Present day
Aston knocked on the door, skipping the doorbell, and Piper ran through the house shouting, “I’ll get it.”
When I’d mentioned my getting together with Aston, an avalanche of questions had spilled from her mouth.
Is it a date?
Are you going to marry my dad?
Do you still love him?
Will we be rich?
I assured Piper it was just a dinner between two friends. I knew Aston didn’t think of it that way, and we’d already had sex, but I wasn’t ready to