up as he pumped into me. He sucked on my earlobe and moaned words meant only for me.

I wrapped my leg around his waist, digging my heel into his ass. He braced himself on one hand and dove deeper, taking long, leisurely strokes in and out. His pace quickened, and my heel dug harder, encouraging him. Sweat lined his brow and gathered in the small of my back.

The room swirled with lust and smelled of passion. Moans cascaded against the walls, and we came. Hard, together, as one, like we had so many times in the past.

It was a while before Aston stilled on top of me, still pulsing inside me. When he tried to slowly pull out, I kept my foot in place, digging a little harder.

“One more second,” I asked of him. “Stay.”

I didn’t know if I’d ever feel this satiated again. Whether Aston wanted to face it or not, he was in trouble. Not to mention, I was sure his father was about to freak the fuck out. If he wasn’t on his way here already, ready to tear us apart. He might do it himself or send someone. Who knew how many people he had watching us?

Aston kissed my lips tenderly and muttered, “Beautiful, let me clean up, grab our clothes, and I’ll be back.” He didn’t take his eyes off of mine as he slid out of me, keeping his hand on the end of the condom.

I watched as he padded off to the adjoining bathroom, only closing my eyes when he was out of sight.

I couldn’t question what I’d done. It was as if a force larger than us drew us together. It had been perfect, special, earth-shattering. I couldn’t allow my overactive mind to ruin it.

I only feared a force was working against us at the exact same moment.


Being with Bexley was more than I expected. Or deserved.

The way she held me—it was if I were the only man she’d ever wanted to hold on to. That did something to me, especially since it had been way too long since I’d been held in a meaningful way. Probably since I was last with Bexley, to be honest.

It made me want to roar and puff out my chest, but there wasn’t time for that. Past shit, ghosts from years ago, haunted us, and we needed to escape them for good.

Her hands, fingers, toes, everything belonged to me. And there was no denying Bexley owned me.

After I tossed the condom in the wastebasket, I grabbed our clothes and two waters, and made my way back to her. She was curled on the bed, her eyes closed, drifting off to sleep. I crawled in on the other side and curled up behind her, pulling her close and whispering, “Beautiful Bexley,” in her ear.

She sighed, and her breathing evened out. She must have been exhausted. I never remembered a round of sex knocking her out. It didn’t matter if she was older . . . she was ragged with emotion and overworked.

I closed my eyes, curled up close behind her, and must have drifted off to sleep myself.

“Aston, wake up.”

I felt someone shaking my shoulder.


My eyes opened, and I found Bexley seated on my side of the bed, her ass next to my dick.

“It’s almost six,” she said. “Your phone’s been buzzing up a storm for the last hour, but I let you sleep. You have to go. The kids get up soon, and I need to get them to school and myself off to work.”

I pulled her down for a kiss, murmuring, “I don’t want to go.”

“You have to. Plus, you have to check your phone. It’s been going nuts.”

She stood and went over to the vanity and combed her hair. It was the type of domestic bliss I was sure she’d always imagined for us, just not under these sneaking-around circumstances.

I rolled out of bed, semi-erect, willing myself to go down. Snagging my pants, I checked my phone. I’d missed three calls from my assistant and one from Doug Pyle. He’d also texted Call me.

I shoved one leg into my pants and then the other, taking my time watching Bexley slip into a pair of flats. She’d already put on sexy-as-fuck pencil skirt and a white button-down.

“Everything okay?” she asked, her words coming out shaky. I didn’t say it wasn’t okay; that I wanted to get back in bed and rip her skirt to shreds, enjoy my morning . . .

“Why are you nervous, Bex?”

“Because the last time I slept with you, you disappeared, and I . . . I ended up having a baby. Alone.”

“And that’s because? You what, didn’t tell me?”

“Forget it, forget I said anything. I was lost back then, feeling dejected. I thought I was doing you a favor. I knew the score. I’m just worried about now.”

She thought she could blow off my questions, and I let her believe it.

“Well, this time I’m not going to disappear. I’m going to be back again and again until I’m with you all the time. You won’t be lost ever again.”

“Aston, I’m a big girl now, a grown-up. I can’t afford to get lost with two kids.”

“I get it, but I’ll be damned if you do anything alone ever again.”

Ignoring my threats, she walked out of the room without asking me to clarify what I meant, which was good. I didn’t know what I was threatening. Or promising.

Stumbling down the stairs, I followed Bexley to the front door.

“I don’t think we should say or do anything radical until you get your life cleared up,” she said as I stood in the threshold.

“More bull. I’m not waiting much longer.”

“We’ve slept together once, Aston. It hardly gives you reason to boss me around.”

“Go have some coffee,” I told her.

“Don’t change the subject.” She tried to look at me defiantly, her eyes squinting, her hair a wild mess all around her face. Instead, she looked ethereal.

“You fell asleep in my arms, Bexley. Felt like you hadn’t slept that

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